Keep­ing bur­glars away from your home is no small feat. There are ways to pro­tect your home at all times and make it look unap­peal­ing to thieves.

    1. Lock it up

Make sure your doors are locked even when you’re home. If you live in one of those friend­ly com­mu­ni­ties where every­one is trust­ing and nobody locks their doors, you are a tar­get for bur­glars. Career thieves make a point of find­ing these neigh­bor­hoods because they offer an eas­i­ly acces­si­ble home to rob. Do not leave your doors or win­dows unlocked at any time.

    1. Eyes are Nec­es­sary

To keep bur­glars out, you will need a vis­i­ble alarm sys­tem with a cam­era. Home secu­ri­ty sys­tems are major deter­rents for bur­glars. When thieves see a cam­era they gen­er­al­ly flee with­out tak­ing any­thing even if they’re wear­ing a mask. Bur­glars do not like their every move record­ed because it will inevitably lead to their cap­ture. Keep­ing eyes on the inside and out­side of your home ensures that bur­glars stay away. How­ev­er, you need to make sure the cam­eras are vis­i­ble on your premis­es. If the assailants can’t see the cam­eras, they won’t be deterred and will break into your home.

    1. Hide-a-Keys are a Big No-No

One of the biggest ways to get robbed is to leave your key under a rock or mat on your front porch or yard. Bur­glars know all the tricks in the book when it comes to your keys. Leav­ing a key hid­den under a wel­come mat, under a plant or rock acts as an invi­ta­tion to rob­bers. You’re basi­cal­ly giv­ing thieves the go-ahead to enter your home. If you are some­one that is con­stant­ly los­ing your house key, try keep­ing a spare with a neigh­bor or some­one you trust instead.

    1. Do Not Share

A com­mon mis­take that peo­ple make is to post their adven­tures on social media. If you’re going away on vaca­tion do not upload pic­tures or indi­cate that you have left. Many bur­glars peruse Face­book and oth­er social media sites to find out when peo­ple are going away. Do not check-in at the air­port. Do not post pic­tures of you loung­ing on the beach while you’re on vaca­tion. Wait until you return home from your trip to upload pho­tos.

    1. Keep Your Grass Green

An unkempt lawn is a sure-fire way to get robbed. Bur­glars are on the prowl, look­ing for homes with over­grown grass and untrimmed hedges. If you don’t have time to do the upkeep your­self, hire a gar­den­er, espe­cial­ly if you’re going away. Homes with unsight­ly front yards can appear aban­doned, mak­ing them easy tar­gets for thieves. They see a poten­tial­ly aban­doned home and think of it is a big score. Remem­ber that valu­ables can range from every­thing to jew­els and mon­ey to cop­per pip­ing and floor pan­els. Thieves aren’t picky and will take any­thing they can get their hands on.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.