Security Solutions Support Center
The SupÂport CenÂter at PROTECTION PLUS® in ToronÂto proÂvides you with imporÂtant inforÂmaÂtion, varÂiÂous helpÂful tips on safeÂty, inforÂmaÂtion on imporÂtant secuÂriÂty relatÂed matÂters and more about PROTECTION PLUS.
Please feel free to navÂiÂgate the tabs below for perÂtiÂnent inforÂmaÂtion. If for any reaÂson, you canÂnot find what you were lookÂing for, please feel free to conÂtact us.
Security System User Manuals
Honeywell / Resideo
General Electric
Security Alarm Permits & Response Forms
Security Alarm Permits Toronto And GTA
South Simcoe
Metro Toronto
Prevent False Alarms
In an ongoÂing effort to reduce the numÂber of false alarms expeÂriÂenced in our comÂmuÂniÂties, we have comÂpiled a list of preÂvenÂtaÂtive meaÂsures to aid in elimÂiÂnatÂing false alarms.
Why are false alarms a problem?
- False alarms divert Police, Fire and MedÂical authorÂiÂties away from real emerÂgenÂcies and othÂer life-threatÂenÂing sitÂuÂaÂtions.
- False alarms are costÂly. Almost all jurisÂdicÂtions assess costÂly fines for excesÂsive false alarms.
- False alarms may make you relucÂtant to arm your sysÂtem, exposÂing your home and/or busiÂness to undeÂtectÂed threats.
- False alarms can be audiÂble and are a nuiÂsance to you and your neighÂbours.
What causes false alarms?
- Keep your alarm owner’s manÂuÂal and the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter phone numÂber and PROTECTION PLUS Pass Card handy. Study it from time to time.
- DeterÂmine if there is realÂly a fire or actuÂal break in. If it is an actuÂal break in, rememÂber to use the panÂic feaÂture on the alarm sysÂtem so the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter can deterÂmine that it is an actuÂal alarm.
- Don’t panÂic – If the alarm was acciÂdenÂtal, disÂarm your sysÂtem by careÂfulÂly pressÂing each numÂber of your keyÂpad code. Keep in pracÂtice so you know your code when you need to disÂarm the sysÂtem.
- After you have reset the alarm sysÂtem, call the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter to report the acciÂdenÂtal actiÂvaÂtion of your alarm. They will then attempt to canÂcel any requestÂed disÂpatchÂes by the authorÂiÂties. In many casÂes if you disÂarm the alarm with 30–45 secÂonds the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter will autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly receive an abort code and not respond. In any event you should call the CenÂter to conÂfirm. RememÂber, your alarm sysÂtem is designed to take over your phone sysÂtem, so when the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter tries to call, they may encounter a busy sigÂnal.
- CanÂcel all alarms that don’t need emerÂgency response. Don’t leave the premise until you have spoÂken with someÂone at the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter and you have givÂen them your propÂer authoÂrizaÂtion pass code.
Before you enter into an alarm system contract
- Make sure your alarm comÂpaÂny is repÂutable. How long have they been in busiÂness. Are they memÂbers of CANASA? Do they have a minÂiÂmum of $5million of liaÂbilÂiÂty insurÂance?
- Find out if you will own your sysÂtem or whether it is an ongoÂing, nevÂer endÂing rental or lease.
- CheapÂer is not always betÂter. Cheap equipÂment and basic alarm packÂages do not proÂvide enough secuÂriÂty in most sitÂuÂaÂtions. A motion detecÂtor and a door conÂtact are inadÂeÂquate proÂtecÂtion for most homes and busiÂnessÂes. Look at supÂpleÂmentÂing your secuÂriÂty with upgradÂed locks, winÂdow film, camÂera sysÂtems and othÂer secuÂriÂty soluÂtions.
Before activating your system
- Secure and lock all proÂtectÂed doors and winÂdows.
- Make sure everyÂone with a key to your home or busiÂness knows how to turn the alarm sysÂtem off using the keyÂpad code and how to reset the alarm. They should be familÂiar with how the alarm sysÂtem works and the authoÂrizaÂtion pass code. This includes kids, neighÂbours, relÂaÂtives, temÂpoÂrary and perÂmaÂnent employÂees. (You can assign temÂpoÂrary passÂwords for temÂpoÂrary users.)
- Be sure they also know the phone numÂber to the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter staÂtion and their authoÂrizaÂtion pass code, so that we can canÂcel any disÂpatch if necÂesÂsary.
How to prevent false alarms
- RegÂuÂlarÂly test your alarm sysÂtem, at least on a monthÂly basis, to make sure that it’s funcÂtionÂing propÂerÂly and you are armÂing it corÂrectÂly. Do not forÂget to conÂtact the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter first so they may put your sysÂtem in a test mode.
- Have all users and key-holdÂers pracÂtice canÂcelling an acciÂdenÂtal alarm. Call ahead to the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter to have the sysÂtem put into a test mode. This will ensure the police are not sent durÂing testÂing.
- Do not try to beat the sysÂtem. If you need to re-enter after armÂing your sysÂtem, disÂarm and rearm the sysÂtem again. Do not rely on the entry or exit delay time to give you enough time to get in and out. Call our serÂvice office to adjust the entry or exit delay time if you do not have enough time when enterÂing or leavÂing the premise.
- Call our head office if you hire help (i.e. cleanÂing serÂvice, conÂtracÂtor). On most sysÂtems, we can easÂiÂly add a speÂcial keyÂpad code for that perÂson to use.
- Keep motion detecÂtors clear of insects and spiÂder webs.
- Check for drafts that can move plants, curÂtains, signs, holÂiÂday decÂoÂraÂtions, heliÂum balÂloons, and othÂer things in motion senÂsor areas. Fans, heaters, air conÂdiÂtionÂers, and ceilÂing fans can cause drafts.
- Change batÂterÂies promptÂly on wireÂless devices when notiÂfied.
- SuperÂvise and conÂfine pets to areas withÂout motion senÂsors. If you are a pet ownÂer, ask about pet senÂsiÂtive motion detecÂtors or glass break detecÂtors when designÂing your sysÂtem.
- Check to make sure proÂtectÂed doors fit and latch secureÂly. Loose fitÂting doors can cause alarms when there are high wind conÂdiÂtions. When you leave, make sure the door is tightÂly closed.
- Call the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter if you are planÂning any renÂoÂvaÂtion projects, changÂing phone sysÂtems, phone numÂbers or carÂriÂers, installing skyÂlights, ceilÂing fans, or if you are spray paintÂing, weldÂing or fumiÂgatÂing.
- CovÂer or de-actiÂvate all smoke/CO detecÂtors when dust or fumes are prevaÂlent such as durÂing renÂoÂvaÂtions or paintÂing.
- Keep your notiÂfiÂcaÂtion list curÂrent and include homeowner’s cell phones. Upgrade aging or outÂdatÂed equipÂment. OldÂer sysÂtems are more prone to false alarms. Alarm wiring should also be checked to see if it needs to be replaced.
- Make sure to change your cenÂtral back up batÂtery in your conÂtrol panÂel every 4–5 years.
- Affix your PROTECTION PLUS® decals to doors and winÂdows. Make sure your lawn sign is visÂiÂble in the front of your yard. These are imporÂtant meaÂsures in order to decrease the likeÂliÂhood of break-ins.
What if my alarm accidentally activates?
- Keep your alarm owner’s manÂuÂal and the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter phone numÂber and PROTECTION PLUS Pass Card handy. Study it from time to time.
- DeterÂmine if there is realÂly a fire or actuÂal break in. If it is an actuÂal break in, rememÂber to use the panÂic feaÂture on the alarm sysÂtem so the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter can deterÂmine that it is an actuÂal alarm.
- Don’t panÂic – If the alarm was acciÂdenÂtal, disÂarm your sysÂtem by careÂfulÂly pressÂing each numÂber of your keyÂpad code. Keep in pracÂtice so you know your code when you need to disÂarm the sysÂtem.
- After you have reset the alarm sysÂtem, call the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter to report the acciÂdenÂtal actiÂvaÂtion of your alarm. They will then attempt to canÂcel any requestÂed disÂpatchÂes by the authorÂiÂties. In many casÂes if you disÂarm the alarm with 30–45 secÂonds the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter will autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly receive an abort code and not respond. In any event you should call the CenÂter to conÂfirm. RememÂber, your alarm sysÂtem is designed to take over your phone sysÂtem, so when the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter tries to call, they may encounter a busy sigÂnal.
- CanÂcel all alarms that don’t need emerÂgency response. Don’t leave the premise until you have spoÂken with someÂone at the EmerÂgency Response CenÂter and you have givÂen them your propÂer authoÂrizaÂtion pass code.
e‑Transfer Payment
PayÂment can be made for your outÂstandÂing bills by e‑transfer from your bank account.
Please make e‑transfer payÂment to PAYMENTS@PROTECTIONPLUS.CA
Thank you
First of all, we would like to extend our thoughts and best wishÂes to all who have been affectÂed by the COVID-19 criÂsis. If you are sick, or carÂing for a sick famÂiÂly memÂber, or sepÂaÂratÂed from loved ones, our thoughts are with you. EspeÂcialÂly recÂogÂnized are those in the healthÂcare comÂmuÂniÂty, whose sacÂriÂfice and dedÂiÂcaÂtion have been genÂuineÂly inspirÂing.
For over 25 years, ProÂtecÂtion Plus has always been preÂpared to proÂtect the safeÂty, secuÂriÂty and health of our cusÂtomers. EmerÂgency preÂparedÂness has always been cenÂtral to how we run our busiÂness, and how we serve you, our cusÂtomers. We have long preÂpared for all sceÂnarÂios, includÂing what we are all now facÂing. We want to reasÂsure you that we are focused on ensurÂing our conÂtiÂnuÂity in proÂvidÂing all the serÂvices our cusÂtomers expect. Your safeÂty & secuÂriÂty is our top priÂorÂiÂty.
For our Alarm MonÂiÂtorÂing CusÂtomers: GivÂen the life-safeÂty nature of our busiÂness, we have received speÂcial desÂigÂnaÂtion from all approÂpriÂate authorÂiÂties that our monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion employÂees have been desÂigÂnatÂed as “essenÂtial employÂees.” ConÂseÂquentÂly, our monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion employÂees are exempt from any potenÂtial govÂernÂment action that would preÂvent them from workÂing. TechÂnolÂoÂgy has also allowed us to safeÂly and secureÂly have 50% of monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion employÂees work from home if necÂesÂsary, to proÂtect the integriÂty of the response sysÂtem. To ensure prompt emerÂgency responsÂes, please direct any billing, or serÂvice issues to our adminÂisÂtraÂtion office, not the monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion.
For our CusÂtomers RequirÂing TeleÂphone supÂport: Our teleÂphones and office hours remain unchanged, and we are takÂing extra meaÂsures to keep our staff healthy. Our sales staff are equipped to work safeÂly and secureÂly from home offices. We have engaged in addiÂtionÂal cleanÂing and disÂinÂfectÂing, and we are pracÂtisÂing the approÂpriÂate social disÂtancÂing and hygiene meaÂsures.
For our CusÂtomers RequirÂing On-Site Sales and SerÂvice: Our teleÂphones and office hours remain unchanged. We have an excelÂlent comÂpleÂment of techÂniÂcians availÂable to do repairs, trainÂing and instalÂlaÂtions. Our TechÂniÂcians and Sales staff wear FACEMASKS and/or GLOVES where approÂpriÂate. Our staff are also trained to pracÂtice all approÂpriÂate social disÂtancÂing and hygiene proÂceÂdures at this time. Please note all payÂments must be elecÂtronÂic our techÂniÂcians will not be acceptÂing cash.
For New SerÂvices, Upgrades and InstalÂlaÂtions: At this time, our Sales RepÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives and InstalÂlaÂtion techÂniÂcians remain availÂable to proÂvide assessÂments, inforÂmaÂtion, quoÂtaÂtions and instalÂlaÂtions. PendÂing any changes introÂduced by the PubÂlic Health AuthorÂiÂties.
At ProÂtecÂtion Plus, the health and safeÂty of our cusÂtomers and our employÂees is always our top priÂorÂiÂty. Rest assured that you can focus on your busiÂness and famÂiÂly, while we conÂtinÂue to take care of your secuÂriÂty needs.
Please note: For the proÂtecÂtion of our staff, please notiÂfy us before we enter your home or busiÂness should you be in self-isoÂlaÂtion, quarÂanÂtine or expeÂriÂencÂing any of the sympÂtoms assoÂciÂatÂed with COVID19. We will conÂtinÂue to adhere to any requireÂments and sugÂgesÂtions proÂvidÂed by Health CanaÂda and local PubÂlic Health AuthorÂiÂties.
If you have any quesÂtions or need to make changes to your account, please conÂtact our adminÂisÂtraÂtion office by teleÂphone, email, or LiveChat via our webÂsite. You can also folÂlow us on social media sites includÂing InstaÂgram, FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, Youtube and LinkedIn for timeÂly secuÂriÂty inforÂmaÂtion and tips and any breakÂing news affectÂing serÂvices.
On behalf of the ProÂtecÂtion Plus Team, I wish you conÂtinÂued health & secuÂriÂty.
Be Safe!
All the best,
Allan Baum
ProÂtecÂtion Plus Inc.
ProÂtecÂtion Plus Inc: 416–444-4663 1–844-422‑7587
Security Solutions Jobs Toronto
Security Solutions Employment
PROTECTION PLUS® is a full serÂvice secuÂriÂty comÂpaÂny with a wide rangÂing product/service offerÂing for both resÂiÂdenÂtial and comÂmerÂcial cusÂtomers. Our main serÂvice area is South CenÂtral Ontario. If you are an ambiÂtious, creÂative team playÂer that has expeÂriÂence in cusÂtomer serÂvice excelÂlence, than we want to hear from you. Please check back regÂuÂlarÂly for new job postÂings. Our curÂrent openÂings include:
Outside Sales Representative
The canÂdiÂdate will be a “hunter” and “self-starter” by nature. RequireÂments include: A reliÂable car, abilÂiÂty to work with minÂiÂmal superÂviÂsion, promptÂly and proÂfesÂsionÂalÂly respondÂing to comÂpaÂny proÂvidÂed leads as well as perÂsonÂal lead develÂopÂment, ComÂputÂer proÂfiÂcienÂcy with Microsoft Office, OutÂlook, Word, etc., abilÂiÂty and disÂciÂpline to folÂlow up + strong closÂing skills. ExpeÂriÂence in the SecuÂriÂty IndusÂtry is preÂferred but not required. ComÂpenÂsaÂtion plans will be comÂmenÂsuÂrate with expeÂriÂence but will include, base salary, car allowance, genÂerÂous comÂmisÂsion / bonus strucÂture plus ongoÂing prodÂuct trainÂing.
Installer / Service technician
The canÂdiÂdate will be “cusÂtomer serÂvice” oriÂentÂed by nature and be detail oriÂentÂed as well. ExpeÂriÂence in the alarm indusÂtry with trainÂing and expeÂriÂence in HonÂeyÂwell and DSC alarm sysÂtems are required. ExpeÂriÂence with CCTV, Access ConÂtrol, plus I.P. and netÂwork appliÂcaÂtions are an asset. ComÂpenÂsaÂtion plans will be comÂmenÂsuÂrate with expeÂriÂence but will include, base salary, benÂeÂfit plan, genÂerÂous comÂmisÂsion / bonus strucÂture plus ongoÂing prodÂuct trainÂing.
Locksmith / Service Technician
The canÂdiÂdate will be “cusÂtomer serÂvice” oriÂentÂed by nature and be detail oriÂentÂed. ExpeÂriÂence in the lockÂsmith indusÂtry with trainÂing cerÂtifiÂcates required. ExpeÂriÂence with major brands includÂing Mul-T-Lock, Schlage, and Access ConÂtrol are required. ExpeÂriÂence in the alarm indusÂtry is an asset but not required.