Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Alcona

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Alcona

PROTECTION PLUS® would like to extend an open invi­ta­tion to the peo­ple of Alcona to take advan­tage of the supe­ri­or res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial alarm sys­tems and secu­ri­ty ser­vices we offer!

Alcona is the largest part of the town of Inn­is­fil, Ontario. It used to be most­ly a cot­tage coun­try but now it is a vibrant com­mu­ni­ty all-year-round. Alcona is known for its beach­es, hik­ing trails and boat­ing dur­ing the sum­mer, and tobog­gan­ing, ice fish­ing and an out­door rink for skat­ing in the win­ter.

The hous­ing mar­ket in Alcona is very hot right now with it being rat­ed one of the top 10 places to buy a house in Toron­to in 2018 accord­ing to MoneySense.ca. New hous­ing and devel­op­ments are on the rise in Alcona as hous­ing clos­er to the city of Toron­to is becom­ing more expen­sive and unaf­ford­able.

PROTECTION PLUS is proud to offer secu­ri­ty solu­tions to the peo­ple of Alcona to pro­tect their homes and busi­ness­es. Use the fol­low­ing links to find out more about how we can make your home or busi­ness safe and secure!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:


  • What does a non-emergency signal indicate on the security system?

    The inter­pre­ta­tion of a non-emer­­gency sig­nal varies depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic sys­tem in use. It’s essen­tial to con­sult your sys­tem’s user guide for pre­cise infor­ma­tion or get in touch with us direct­ly. Non-emer­­gency sig­nals might sig­ni­fy a low back­up bat­tery con­di­tion. If this is the case, our ser­vice depart­ment can pro­vide the nec­es­sary assis­tance.

  • How do door or window sensors function?

    A door or win­dow sen­sor typ­i­cal­ly com­pris­es two mag­net­ic com­po­nents. When your secu­ri­ty sys­tem is armed and a door or win­dow equipped with this sen­sor is opened, the mag­net­ic ele­ments sep­a­rate, trig­ger­ing the alarm.

    If a pro­tect­ed door or win­dow remains open, sys­tem arm­ing is pre­vent­ed until clo­sure or zone bypass. False alarms from these sen­sors might result from inad­e­quate clo­sure or sen­sor dam­age. Fluc­tu­a­tions in door/window size due to weath­er can also lead to false alarms.

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Local Reviews
for Innisfil, ON

Jason F.

Jason F.

Instal­la­tion of a secu­ri­ty sys­tem and a cam­era sys­tem

Near Gil­ford Rd, Inn­is­fil, ON L0L 1
Innisfil, ON - Installation of a security system and a camera system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to replace con­tacts on new doors.

Near Wilkin­son St, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 1
Innisfil, ON - Service call to replace contacts on new doors.
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to look at fur­nace room win­dow con­tact

Near Inn­is­fil, ON
Innisfil, ON - Service call to look at furnace room window contact
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice called to reat­tach door con­tacts on new doors

Near Wilkin­son St, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 1
Innisfil, ON - Service called to reattach door contacts on new doors
Jason F.

Jason F.

Upgrade to lynx touch alarm sys­tem with cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tion and remote access

Near Wilkin­son St, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 1
Innisfil, ON - Upgrade to lynx touch alarm system with cellular communication and remote access
Jason F.

Jason F.

Upgrad­ing exist­ing cus­tomer with cel­lu­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tor

Near Purvis St, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 3
Innisfil, ON - Upgrading existing customer with cellular communicator
Jason F.

Jason F.

Change bat­tery for secu­ri­ty sys­tem

Near Cres­cent Har­bour Rd, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 2
Innisfil, ON - Change battery for security system
Jason F.

Jason F.

Ser­vice call to fix door con­tacts on the alarm sys­tem

Near Cres­cent Har­bour Rd, Inn­is­fil, ON L9S 2
Innisfil, ON - Service call to fix door  contacts on the alarm system
Jason F.

Jason F.

On my way to Whit­by and got stuck on the 400 hwy acci­dent. Hope every­one involved is ok

Near ON-400, Inn­is­fil, ON L0L 1
Innisfil, ON - On my way to Whitby and got stuck on the 400 hwy accident.  Hope everyone involved is ok

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