Residential Locksmith Services Toronto

The com­pa­ny name PROTECTION PLUS® is about always striv­ing to offer our clients more and inno­v­a­tive secu­ri­ty ser­vices. Lock­smith ser­vices Toron­to are an essen­tial ele­ment in our efforts to pro­vide our Toron­to cus­tomers with a com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty solu­tion. The locks on your doors are on the front line of defense for your valu­ables and prop­er­ty. While an alarm sys­tem will noti­fy of a break-in, atten­tion to your locks may pre­vent a bur­glary or forced entry. Con­se­quent­ly PROTECTION PLUS is pro­vid­ing Lock­smith Ser­vices through­out the Greater Toron­to Area.

Home Security & Business Security Wireless Security Systems Toronto

Protection Plus is your Best Option for Reliable Locksmith Services.

Find­ing a reli­able lock­smith ser­vice is not as easy as you might think. It’s most­ly an unreg­u­lat­ed indus­try in Ontario. It’s essen­tial to choose a rep­utable provider of Lock Ser­vices. You will be pro­vid­ing this per­son with your address, allow­ing them entry into your home, and trust­ing them to change and or ser­vice your locks, and keys, with integri­ty. To be sure you are deal­ing with pro­fes­sion­als instead of con artists, you can fol­low gen­er­al tips.

  • Don’t rely sim­ply on Google and what looks like a legit­i­mate web­site. Plen­ty of dis­rep­utable peo­ple can cre­ate impres­sive web­sites or land­ing pages that give the per­cep­tion they are local com­pa­nies when, in fact, they are work­ing out of their vehi­cle with no actu­al busi­ness address.
  • Look for a busi­ness with a phys­i­cal address; those work­ing out of a vehi­cle will be very dif­fi­cult to track down should a prob­lem arise. You will have no recourse if you can’t find the Lock­smith.
  • A busi­ness that spe­cial­izes in Secu­ri­ty Ser­vices, above and beyond Lock­smith ser­vices will under­stand the risks and will have done back­ground checks on its’ tech­ni­cians. Rep­utable com­pa­nies can­not jeop­ar­dize busi­ness with shady tech­ni­cians. 
  • Our ser­vices range form rekey­ing, high secu­ri­ty lock and dead­bolt instal­la­tion, door rein­force­ment, hard­ware sup­ply and install, and so much more.
  • Call PROTECTION PLUS Today for expe­ri­enced, trained, bond­ed and insured Lock­smiths Toron­to with thou­sands of sat­is­fied cus­tomers and reviews.
  • Unmarked vehi­cles can also be sus­pi­cious; why does the tech­ni­cian want to hide his iden­ti­ty and pro­fes­sion?
  • Avoid a Lock­smith that demands “cash only” pay­ments. The request for cash should be a red flag to you as a con­sumer. Legit­i­mate com­pa­nies offer mul­ti­ple secure pay­ment options and pre­fer NOT to accept cash as they don’t want tech­ni­cians to be vul­ner­a­ble to theft while car­ry­ing cash in their vehi­cles.
  • Lock­smiths that avoid telling you their busi­ness name, instead refer to them­selves by first name or a gener­ic “Lock­smith ser­vices” are like­ly not pro­fes­sion­al lock­smiths. They are either part-time oper­a­tors try­ing to make extra cash or con artists. It’s best to avoid this sce­nario.
  • To find legit­i­mate com­pa­nies, you can look online for refer­ral and rat­ing agen­cies like Home­S­tars, or the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau. These agen­cies have a vet­ting process for com­pa­nies, and you can go back to them should you have a bad expe­ri­ence. Avoid “Buy and Sell” sites like Craiglist that have no con­trols over who posts ads.
  • Strong­ly con­sid­er using a full-ser­vice Secu­ri­ty Com­pa­ny. A com­pa­ny that offers mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices would not risk los­ing your oth­er busi­ness or dam­age their hard-earned rep­u­ta­tion by pro­vid­ing you poor or over­ly expen­sive lock­smith ser­vices. They can also help you decide the best way to secure your premis­es. Locks are essen­tial but not the only line of defence.
  • Ask for a price first. Do not allow the tech­ni­cian to start work­ing until you have been pro­vid­ed with a full descrip­tion of the work and the price. A legit­i­mate lock­smith would not have it any oth­er way.
  • There is no licence require­ment in Ontario, but you can look for affil­i­a­tions with legit­i­mate agen­cies and accred­i­ta­tion from The Asso­ci­a­tion of Ontario Lock­smiths

Ask our con­sul­tants about the PROTECTION PLUS Lock­smith Ser­vices Toron­to in the GTA.