Has it been years since you’ve replaced your house locks? Not quite sure if your front door is secure enough to keep intrudÂers out? Don’t worÂry, we’re here to help. MakÂing sure that your front door is strong and secure is a great way to preÂvent intrudÂers from comÂing into your home. One way to do that is by selectÂing the right lock for you and your lifestyle. As a homeÂownÂer, you have many facÂtors to conÂsidÂer such as:
- Which one will proÂtect my home or busiÂness the best?
- Which has a longer lifesÂpan?
- Should I go with a digÂiÂtal passÂword or the traÂdiÂtionÂal key?
- Will it be strong enough to keep intrudÂers out?
With so many facÂtors to conÂsidÂer, choosÂing the right type of lock for your home or busiÂness is one of the most imporÂtant deciÂsions you’ll make when choosÂing how to proÂtect your propÂerÂty from intrudÂers. Here are some ways to help you find what you’re lookÂing for.
Look at the lock through an intrudÂers perÂspecÂtive
Most burÂglarÂies occur through the front door as burÂglars find this as an easy and quick way to enter and leave the home in minÂiÂmal time. So in order to stop an intrudÂer right at the front door, start by choosÂing a strong and durable look. A good, secure and strong lock can be easÂiÂly cause the burÂglar to walk away from your home right from the start. A burÂglar does not want to spend a lot of time tryÂing to break into a home so if they see a lock that they canÂnot break, they’ll simÂply walk away. For examÂple, a deadÂbolt lock on the front door is known to deter a burÂglar away from the home upon seeÂing it as they are much stronger and hardÂer to break than othÂer locks.
Install a deadÂbolt lock
As was said, a deadÂbolt lock is a stronger and hardÂer lock to break than othÂers. Unlike a spring-loaded or beveled lock that can be retractÂed simÂply by turnÂing a door knob, a deadÂbolt lock is retractÂed and extendÂed manÂuÂalÂly through the use of a key or a thumb turn. RecÂtanÂguÂlar in shape, a the deadÂbolt lock extends furÂther into its plate than latch bolts do, makÂing it much largÂer in length. The fact that it extends furÂther into its plate makes it much hardÂer for a burÂglar to pick it or break it, proÂvidÂing added proÂtecÂtion to the home. ManÂuÂalÂly operÂatÂed locks may take more time and effort to use but they proÂvide much betÂter proÂtecÂtion. Also if you do install a deadÂbolt lock, make sure to install the secuÂriÂty strike plate on the side panÂel of the door to aid in the added proÂtecÂtion of the home.
Install more than one lock on the door
Since the front door is the most conÂveÂnient and accesÂsiÂble way for a burÂglar to enter your home, it’s best to secure that entry way the best way posÂsiÂble. One way to do so is by installing more than one lock on the front door. By installing two or more locks on the door, it proÂvides anothÂer barÂriÂer for the burÂglar, as they must now try to get through more than one lock in order to enter your home. It can also deter a burÂglar away from tryÂing to break into a home because when they see two locks, they may not want to put in the effort to try. If you do install more than one lock, pay attenÂtion to their placeÂment on the door. From inside the house, you want to make sure that at least one lock is out of reach from small chilÂdren. If the lock is reachÂable by small chilÂdren, they may by acciÂdentÂly open the lock unknowÂingÂly.
Keep digÂiÂtal passÂwords safe
If you install a lock that requires a digÂiÂtal passÂword, make sure that you keep that passÂword safe. A burÂglar can easÂiÂly pick a lock but if they know your digÂiÂtal passÂword as well, then they can enter your house a lot faster. Make sure no one susÂpiÂcious is lookÂing when you enter in your passÂword and make sure to covÂer it when you enter it in. Also, rememÂber to change the passÂword on a regÂuÂlar basis (if you can) so that if someÂone does have the code, they won’t get in.
Best of Both Worlds
With so many types and styles of locks to choose from, you can choose to install both a digÂiÂtal and manÂuÂal lock. A manÂuÂal lock, such as a deadÂbolt lock, will proÂvide secuÂriÂty if the digÂiÂtal passÂword is cracked by a burÂglar, while a digÂiÂtal passÂword can stump an intrudÂer right at the front door. Also, for those who conÂstantÂly lose their keys, a digÂiÂtal passÂword lock is a great choice as it proÂvides the option of either using a key or a numÂber code to enter the home.
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