Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing for Home Secu­ri­ty

Safe­ty and peace of mind are essen­tial for every home­own­er. With Pro­tec­tion Plus™ and our ded­i­cat­ed Video­Guard™ divi­sion, your home can be pro­tect­ed 24/7 with Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing. From your dri­ve­way to your back­yard, our advanced secu­ri­ty solu­tions pro­vide real-time sur­veil­lance and imme­di­ate response, giv­ing you the con­fi­dence that your prop­er­ty is always secure.

What is Proactive Video Monitoring?

Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing is a cut­ting-edge, real-time secu­ri­ty solu­tion that lever­ages advanced video ana­lyt­ics, smart cam­eras, and live mon­i­tor­ing by trained pro­fes­sion­als to pre­vent inci­dents before they hap­pen. Unlike tra­di­tion­al secu­ri­ty sys­tems that only alert you after a break-in, Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing is designed to deter threats and detect sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty as it unfolds, safe­guard­ing your home and fam­i­ly.

Proactive Video Monitoring for Home Security

How Proactive Video Monitoring Protects Your Home

Our Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice cov­ers the crit­i­cal areas around your home to keep intrud­ers at bay and ensure prompt action if unusu­al activ­i­ty is detect­ed. Once you turn your sys­tem on, our expert team will mon­i­tor every cor­ner of your prop­er­ty, includ­ing your dri­ve­way, back­yard, and side door.

Driveway Monitoring

Detect and deter unau­tho­rized access to your dri­ve­way, whether sus­pi­cious loi­ter­ing, unfa­mil­iar indi­vid­u­als, or unex­pect­ed activ­i­ty near your garage. Our smart cam­eras have motion detec­tion and AI tech­nol­o­gy that can rec­og­nize and alert our team to poten­tial threats. Our secu­ri­ty experts can respond imme­di­ate­ly by issu­ing ver­bal warn­ings through two-way audio or dis­patch­ing emer­gency ser­vices.

Driveway Monitoring

Backyard Surveillance

Pro­tect the most pri­vate areas of your home. Back­yard mon­i­tor­ing helps detect move­ment near doors, win­dows, and fences, iden­ti­fy­ing poten­tial intrud­ers before they reach your home. With night vision capa­bil­i­ties and wide-angle views, our cam­eras ensure con­stant vis­i­bil­i­ty of your back­yard. Upon detect­ing sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty, our team can acti­vate lights or audi­ble alarms to deter intrud­ers.

Backyard Surveillance

Side Door and Entryway Protection

Intrud­ers often tar­get side doors and oth­er less vis­i­ble entry points. With Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing, these entry points are con­stant­ly mon­i­tored. Our advanced cam­eras are trained to detect unusu­al move­ments or attempt­ed entries, and our secu­ri­ty experts can respond with audio warn­ings, alarm acti­va­tion, or direct com­mu­ni­ca­tion with author­i­ties.

Side Door and Entryway Protection

How Proactive Video Monitoring Works

Strategic Camera Placement

High-res­o­lu­tion cam­eras with advanced fea­tures like night vision, motion detec­tion, secu­ri­ty light­ing, and talk-down speak­ers are strate­gi­cal­ly placed around your prop­er­ty to mon­i­tor crit­i­cal areas. We can inte­grate new and exist­ing cam­eras, ensur­ing opti­mal cov­er­age and pro­tec­tion.

Strategic Camera Placement

Real-Time Monitoring by Experts

Our mon­i­tor­ing pro­fes­sion­als watch live video feeds and are trained to detect sus­pi­cious behav­iour. When unusu­al activ­i­ty occurs, an alert is sent to our oper­a­tors, who assess the sit­u­a­tion and act instant­ly, as well as to the client’s mobile app.

Real-Time Monitoring by Experts

Immediate Threat Response

Upon detect­ing a threat, our mon­i­tor­ing team can issue warn­ings through two-way audio, acti­vate sirens or flood­lights, or con­tact local law enforce­ment. These mea­sures deter crim­i­nals and keep your home safe.

Immediate Threat Response

Incident Recording and Review

All footage is record­ed and secure­ly stored, pro­vid­ing valu­able evi­dence in case of an inci­dent. This record is also help­ful for review­ing the effec­tive­ness of the secu­ri­ty mea­sures in place and mak­ing adjust­ments if nec­es­sary.

Incident Recording and Review

Why Choose Protection Plus’ Proactive Video Monitoring for Your Home?

24/7 Security and Immediate Action

With on-demand mon­i­tor­ing, your home is always pro­tect­ed. Our team is ready to respond any­time, stop­ping inci­dents before they esca­late.

Proactive Threat Detection

Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing is designed to catch threats before they become seri­ous inci­dents, mak­ing it far more effec­tive than tra­di­tion­al alarm sys­tems.

Cost-Effective Solution

Proac­tive mon­i­tor­ing pro­vides enhanced secu­ri­ty with­out need­ing on-site guards, mak­ing it a cost-effec­tive choice for home­own­ers.

Remote Access and Cloud Storage

You can access live video feeds from your devices and enjoy the con­ve­nience of cloud stor­age, which gives you peace of mind and easy access to impor­tant footage.

Proactive Threat Detection

Protect Every Corner of Your Home with Protection Plus

Pro­tec­tion Plus’ Proac­tive Video Mon­i­tor­ing cov­ers every entry point, keep­ing your home safe day and night, whether it’s your dri­ve­way, back­yard, or side door. With our ded­i­cat­ed team of experts, AI-enhanced cam­eras, and fast response times, you’ll have the peace of mind that your home and fam­i­ly are secure.

Choose Pro­tec­tion Plus and Video­Guard for proac­tive home secu­ri­ty that pro­tects what mat­ters most. Con­tact us today for a cus­tomized secu­ri­ty plan that fits your home’s needs.