Smart Home Monitoring & Security Systems

Resideo and systems

If your home could talk to you, what would it say? Whether a door has been opened, a valu­able has been moved, or a flood has been detect­ed, our Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect and remote ser­vices can tell you! Sim­ply use your smart­phone, tablet or com­put­er to stay in the know and stay in con­trol. Add a few cam­eras and enjoy real-time video look-in or have video clips pushed to your smart­phone. Keep up with your kids, check up on the babysit­ter or check in on your grand­par­ents. You can incor­po­rate remote ener­gy and light­ing man­age­ment as well. 

Yes, now you can man­age your home secu­ri­ty, light­ing, tem­per­a­ture, locks, garage door, and video cam­eras from your smart­phone, tablet or com­put­er. When com­bined with your secu­ri­ty system’s full range of con­trols and sen­sors, Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect and Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing lets you take advan­tage of the industry’s only end-to-end solu­tions and cre­ate a tru­ly con­nect­ed home.

What is Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing? In gen­er­al, Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing Toron­to is adding tech­nol­o­gy to many devices so you can be alert­ed and con­trol of mechan­i­cal and secu­ri­ty devices in your home with your smart­phone or tablet. You have a con­nec­tion with your home like nev­er before, if you are at home, in a dif­fer­ent coun­try, or any­where in between. Add a cam­era and have live real-time video.

Smart Home Monitoring For Security

Smart Home Monitoring For Security
  • Remote­ly arm and dis­arm your secu­ri­ty sys­tem
  • 24/7/365 real-time mon­i­tor­ing with live oper­a­tors and emer­gency noti­fi­ca­tion and dis­patch
  • Back­up sys­tem data and sig­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, via GSM (Cellular)transmission
  • Bur­glary and life safe­ty pro­tec­tion, fire, flood and car­bon monox­ide noti­fi­ca­tion go direct­ly to your smart­phone
  • Check-in on kids, babysit­ters, elder­ly par­ents, and ser­vice peo­ple
  • Add inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or cam­era cam­eras to view or “look in” to your home in real-time with live stream­ing on your smart­phone or com­put­er on demand.
  • Enable your account to send video clips when motion is detect­ed. See what is going on any­time from any­where.
  • Screen vis­i­tors at door­ways
  • Mon­i­tor vul­ner­a­ble areas such as entrances, dri­ve­ways, and pools
  • Use it for your invest­ment prop­er­ty, lake home, or vaca­tion home

Smart Home Monitoring For Connectivity

Free Apps are avail­able to make your smart­phone, tablet or com­put­er a vir­tu­al key­pad, and now you con­trol your sys­tem from any­where. Receive instant video or email alerts of activ­i­ty and alarm sit­u­a­tions in your home.
Get noti­fi­ca­tions;

  • When your secu­ri­ty sys­tem has been armed or dis­armed
  • When a flood, tem­per­a­ture change or pow­er fail­ure has been detect­ed
  • Noti­fi­ca­tions when an alarm code is used to arm or dis­arm
  • Know when the clean­er or dog walk­er comes and goes
  • When a door to a safe, cab­i­net, or room has is opened
  • If motion is sensed in a pro­tect­ed area indoors or out­doors
  • When your child has arrived home from school
  • If a pro­tect­ed asset has been tam­pered with or moved
Smart home monitoring for security

Smart Home Monitoring For Home Automation

Smart Home Monitoring For Home Automation
  • Envi­ron­men­tal con­trols at your fin­ger­tip
  • Set your ther­mo­stat remote­ly to save on ener­gy cost
  • Have your A/C or Heat adjust when you acti­vate your sys­tem. Com­fort and con­ve­nience all in one.
  • Sched­ule to turn indoor and out­door lights or small appli­ances on and off remote­ly
  • Have your lights come on when you come home!
  • Add smart locks to con­trol from your App! Open the door for your neigh­bour or dog walk­er remote­ly.

Choose the best in home safe­ty, con­nec­tiv­i­ty and automa­tion. Choose PROTECTION PLUS® to make life safer and eas­i­er for you.

Get the most out of your secu­ri­ty sys­tem by upgrad­ing to Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing and remote/virtual ser­vices with Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect and
It is sim­ply amaz­ing!

How does it work?

PROTECTION PLUS can pro­vide you with a lit­tle or a lot of con­trol of your home. Sim­ply down­load the free iOS or Android Apps on your smart phone or tablets.

Your PROTECTION PLUS tech­ni­cian will install the pro­tec­tion you ordered, such as the new front door lock, or pro­vide you with the light mod­ule and now you have remote home automa­tion at the touch of your phone. Order some cam­eras, and you can have video ver­i­fi­ca­tion or live video stream­ing.

PROTECTION PLUS believes that Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing is dif­fer­ent from Home Automa­tion. Don’t be fooled by some providers that sell you a home automa­tion pack­age and call it smart home mon­i­tor­ing. It’s not a mon­i­tored solu­tion if it only works through your smart phone.

Live Demo

What Smart Mon­i­tor­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices are avail­able?

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The most pop­u­lar Smart Mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice is the remote access to your alarm sys­tem fea­ture. If your house sit­ter or if your con­trac­tor has for­got­ten their alarm code, you can dis­arm the alarm for them from your phone.

With hec­tic lifestyles and plans that change quick­ly, the abil­i­ty to con­trol your alarm remote­ly is of great con­ve­nience. Get push, email noti­fi­ca­tions, text and video alerts to what hap­pens in real-time. You can see exact­ly when your child gets home from school when a door gate or win­dow is opened. You can also cus­tomize noti­fi­ca­tions by time, day or motion detec­tion. For exam­ple, if you only want to mon­i­tor your back yard gate Mon­day to Fri­day 9–5, you can cus­tomize the alert to your lik­ing.

Remote Access
Smart Lighting Control Systems


For more Home Automa­tion, add a Z‑wave equipped light mod­ule or appli­ance mod­ule and con­trol lights and appli­ances from your smart­phone.

Nev­er walk up to your home in the dark again, sim­ply use your phone, log in and turn on a light before you get out of your car.

Smart Lighting Control Systems


Would you rather not trust your kids or the dog walk­er with a key, talk to us about key­less entry with Z‑Wave enabled smart locks!

Unlock Your Home’s Poten­tial. Did your kids for­get their keys again? Have a neigh­bour stop­ping by to drop off a pack­age? Unlock the door from the com­fort of your office—right from your smart­phone, tablet, or com­put­er. You can also have the doors lock that unlocks auto­mat­i­cal­ly when­ev­er you arm or dis­arm your secu­ri­ty sys­tem, set scenes and sched­ules for added safe­ty and con­ve­nience. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less!

Keyless entry