Business Rekeying Door Locks
What is Lock RekeyÂing? By rekeyÂing your lock, our proÂfesÂsionÂal lockÂsmith will leave all preÂviÂous keys that were issued non-funcÂtionÂal. In many casÂes, the cost assoÂciÂatÂed with rekeyÂing locks can be less than replacÂing old ones with new ones.
Let the team at PROTECTION PLUS® help you with your secuÂriÂty.
Do you ever wonÂder how many peoÂple have keys to your buildÂing? Could it be the real estate agent, the landÂlord, the superÂinÂtenÂdent, or preÂviÂous employÂees? Are you tired of wrestling with mulÂtiÂple keys to open the front door, back door, garage, and servÂer room?
As you move into your new busiÂness locaÂtion, one of the easÂiÂest and fastest ways to draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly increase your secuÂriÂty is to limÂit who has keys. It may be imposÂsiÂble to track all the preÂviÂous key holdÂers, and you may not want to go to the expense of replacÂing existÂing high-qualÂiÂty locks. Our LockÂsmith serÂvices in ToronÂto can help you decide which locks can and inexÂpenÂsiveÂly be rekeyed. In the event of a broÂken or weak lock, a replaceÂment cylinÂder may be anothÂer soluÂtion.
While at it, ask about our MasÂter key proÂgram and Key ConÂtrol options.