Entry Sys­tems & Busi­ness Inter­coms Toron­to
Entry Systems & Business Intercoms Toronto

Entry Systems

Are you look­ing to pro­vide added secu­ri­ty to your build­ing with mul­ti­ple units or ten­ants? Or is it time to upgrade an old, out­dat­ed sys­tem?.

PROTECTION PLUS® offers inter­com solu­tions for mul­ti-unit build­ings. If your build­ing shares an entrance with oth­er busi­ness­es, door sta­tions with mul­ti­ple call but­tons and inter­coms are avail­able..

Pro­vid­ing an effi­cient and mod­ern door access sys­tem impacts the lives of your ten­ants and guests every day. Con­se­quent­ly, it’s essen­tial to have reli­able and user-friend­ly solu­tions that work for you day in and day out. At PROTECTION PLUS, we can pro­vide var­i­ous solu­tions, includ­ing inter­coms with dialers to call ten­ants for per­mis­sion to enter. Add Secu­ri­ty cam­eras, and you now have Visu­al Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion. When your ten­ants feel safer, ten­ant turnover is reduced, and prop­er­ty val­ues increase.

Aiphone IXG
Business Intercom

Aiphone inter­com sys­tems are the most inno­v­a­tive and ver­sa­tile solu­tion for today’s video-entry phone sys­tems. With Aiphone, you will receive the right solu­tion that fits your needs. Aiphone inter­com sys­tems can range from a small busi­ness sys­tem to a cam­pus-wide sys­tem to serve a vir­tu­al­ly unlim­it­ed num­ber of users con­duct­ing simul­ta­ne­ous con­ver­sa­tions with­out being lim­it­ed to spe­cif­ic dis­tances. Aiphone inter­coms have the option to allow users to effec­tive­ly man­age and access their sys­tems via smart­phone, tablet, PC/Mac, LAN, or with their smart­phone. The Aiphone App allows users to answer calls wher­ev­er they are, view and man­age remote cam­eras, place inter­com calls via the direc­to­ry, call to oth­er app-enabled devices, and man­age gate/door open­ing. Whether the user is in the gar­den, by the pool, in anoth­er build­ing or even over­seas, the sys­tem is acces­si­ble.

The Aiphone Inter­com App is avail­able (for free) for iOS and Android. Depend­ing on band­width lim­i­ta­tions, the sys­tem can serve mul­ti­ple devices.

Using the Aiphone expan­sion tech­nol­o­gy, all users can com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er using their inter­nal sta­tions. When a user is unavail­able, video inter­com calls can be divert­ed direct­ly to a mobile phone. The name direc­to­ry can also be insert­ed and updat­ed remote­ly.

Ask us about an on-site con­sul­ta­tion to deter­mine the best way to pro­vide a work­able solu­tion.

Aiphone app

Commercial Intercoms

Work­place safe­ty and secu­ri­ty is a grow­ing con­cern for many busi­ness own­ers. With a high­ly com­pet­i­tive cli­mate and slim prof­it mar­gins, busi­ness­es must look at every avenue to pro­tect assets, employ­ees and inven­to­ry. Van­dal­ism is also an expen­sive recur­ring prob­lem for busi­ness­es and land­lords.

If you cur­rent­ly oper­ate an open-door pol­i­cy, any­one can walk into your build­ing with­out the author­i­ty to do so. There are two main risks of unau­tho­rized peo­ple enter­ing your place of busi­ness. They might be unaware of secu­ri­ty or safe­ty pro­ce­dures, and there­fore could be at risk in an emer­gency, or they might pose a direct threat to your place of work or employ­ees. If you’re unaware of who is in your build­ing at any time, then it can in no way be con­sid­ered secure.

Commercial Intercoms

To busi­ness­es pre­vent unau­tho­rized entry by choos­ing to add door secu­ri­ty hard­ware. An inter­com sys­tem you will allow you to give access to any vis­i­tors, and be aware who has come into the build­ing. An added fea­ture is an elec­tric door release, allow­ing you to buzz peo­ple in after iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. This also reduces the need for a recep­tion­ist to be at the front of the build­ing at all times. Once inside, the vis­i­tor can be greet­ed and shown around.

Some inter­com sys­tems rely pure­ly on audio, while oth­ers also incor­po­rate video. Both types are use­ful, and if the cost is a sig­nif­i­cant fac­tor, then an audio sys­tem might be bet­ter for you. Video can be ben­e­fi­cial as it can be record­ed and used in con­junc­tion with CCTV footage to iden­ti­fy vis­i­tors, and most impor­tant­ly, any­one who should and shouldn’t be in the build­ing.

The inter­com can be a sim­ple one door one inte­ri­or sta­tion solu­tion for small offices or store­fronts. Oth­er options for more com­plex appli­ca­tions are avail­able.

PROTECTION PLUS in Toron­to can pro­vide you with the scale of the Inter­com sys­tem that meets your needs and bud­get.

At PROTECTION PLUS, we can pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive solu­tions using qual­i­ty brands like Mir­com, Aiphone, Comelit, Optex and more.