Home Alarm Monitoring Services Toronto

Home Alarm Monitoring Services Toronto

What is Home Alarm Monitoring?

Most alarm sys­tems are designed to per­form two things when they are acti­vat­ed.

  • Is to acti­vate a siren if the alarm is tripped to alert occu­pants, neigh­bours and an intrud­er.
  • Is to con­tact an out­side pro­fes­sion­al secu­ri­ty call cen­tre that can respond to an alarm on your behalf.

The Cen­tral Mon­i­tor­ing Sta­tion pro­vides home alarm mon­i­tor­ing 24/7 with staff pro­fes­sion­al­ly trained to respond to emer­gen­cies. In the event, a home­own­er is unable to respond to a mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion oper­a­tor can noti­fy emer­gency con­tacts of an event, and most impor­tant­ly dis­patch author­i­ties to assist.

Benefits of Home Alarm Monitoring?

The instal­la­tion of an alarm sys­tem does pro­vide some ben­e­fit by pro­vid­ing a local alert. How­ev­er, to tru­ly max­i­mize the pur­pose of the alarm, pro­fes­sion­al mon­i­tor­ing is essen­tial. Even with mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy and the seem­ing­ly con­stant con­nec­tiv­i­ty of smart­phones, home secu­ri­ty is seri­ous busi­ness. Response to an alarm sig­nal can­not wait until after a busi­ness meet­ing or until you get off an air­plane, or out of a dead cel­lu­lar zone.

Alarm sys­tems today can be about much more than bur­glary detec­tion. Floods can have sev­er­al caus­es, most com­mon­ly a frozen pipe that bursts or a wash­ing machine mal­func­tion. With cli­mate change, there have been many more inci­dents of flood­ing due to extreme tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions and flash rain storms over­whelm­ing sew­er sys­tems. Insur­ance rates and deductibles for flood-relat­ed dam­age have sky­rock­et­ed. A Flood detec­tor can detect leak­ing water BEFORE it caus­es sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to your home.

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Life Safety

Add smoke detec­tors, Car­bon Monox­ide detec­tors, and an emer­gency pen­dant. But there is lit­tle ben­e­fit to detec­tion with­out MONITORING. You or an emer­gency con­tact must receive time­ly noti­fi­ca­tion of an event.

Have Peace of Mind. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, emer­gen­cies hap­pen to every­one. Know­ing your alarm com­pa­ny is mon­i­tor­ing your home when you can’t, will allow you to focus on the tasks at hand. Mon­i­tor­ing is bet­ter than a good neigh­bour; we are on duty 24/7 365 days a year.

What to look for when choosing a home alarm monitoring provider

Not all alarm mon­i­tor­ing is cre­at­ed equal­ly. Look for a well- estab­lished com­pa­ny with Cana­di­an sta­tions. Redun­dan­cy is essen­tial. Some com­pa­nies may offer low mon­i­tor­ing rates but only pro­vide one Mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion, leav­ing you vul­ner­a­ble in the event the sta­tion expe­ri­ences high call vol­ume, a pow­er fail­ure or equip­ment prob­lems. Pro­fes­sion­al cer­ti­fi­ca­tions should be avail­able upon request.

The PROTECTION PLUS® Mon­i­tor­ing Sta­tions are pro­fes­sion­al­ly trained and cer­ti­fied by Under­writ­ers Lab­o­ra­to­ries of Cana­da (ULC) to pro­vide a con­sis­tent and respon­si­ble response to all alarms. Mul­ti­ple sta­tions across Cana­da pro­vide excep­tion­al redun­dan­cy. Insur­ance com­pa­nies look for the ULC sym­bol on mon­i­tor­ing con­tracts. With­out ULC mon­i­tor­ing, you will not receive any Insur­ance rate reduc­tions. If your Insur­ance com­pa­ny requires your home to have an alarm sys­tem, IT MUST BE MONITORED. And remem­ber to test your sys­tem at least every month. PROTECTION PLUS will pro­vide a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of mon­i­tor­ing for Insur­ance com­pli­ance.


  • Is the monthly monitoring rate guaranteed?

    Yes, the month­ly mon­i­tor­ing rate is guar­an­teed for a min­i­mum of 3 years from the start of the con­tract.

    We accept most major cred­it cards, pre-autho­rized check­ing from your bank account and e‑transfer pay­ments.

  • How do I know if I am currently under a monitoring contract?

    For lia­bil­i­ty pur­pos­es, you are always under con­tract until the ser­vice is ter­mi­nat­ed. What you need to know is how much notice is required to can­cel your exist­ing mon­i­tor­ing agree­ment. If you have been with the com­pa­ny for longer than your ini­tial con­tract term, a min­i­mum of 30–90 days writ­ten notice is required to can­cel ser­vice. For your spe­cif­ic noti­fi­ca­tion peri­od, read the terms and con­di­tions on the back of your con­tract or con­tact your exist­ing mon­i­tor­ing provider.

  • Do you only offer monitoring for burglary and fire?

    In addi­tion to bur­glary and fire, we also mon­i­tor for med­ical and pan­ic emer­gen­cies. Mon­i­tor­ing is also avail­able for events such as low tem­per­a­ture, floods, car­bon monox­ide leaks, etc.

  • Do you require an alarm permit to have a monitored alarm system?

    Please refer to the Alarm Per­mits sec­tion for more infor­ma­tion.

  • Can I use an alarm system if I have pets?

    Yes! Pets need pro­tec­tion from intrud­ers and fire as well. Sys­tems can be con­fig­ured to work around pets by bypass­ing zones or upgrad­ing to pet-friend­­ly devices. Our Secu­ri­ty Expert will be glad to advise you.

  • What happens if I already have an alarm system? Is it easy to switch to PROTECTION PLUS?

    Yes. In most cas­es, alarm equip­ment can be repro­grammed by our trained tech­ni­cians to com­mu­ni­cate with our Emer­gency Response Cen­ter. Ask one of our Secu­ri­ty Experts for details.

  • Who responds to an alarm?

    The Emer­gency Response Cen­ter (mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter) will call the premis­es for ver­i­fi­ca­tion that the alarm is real, and not a false alarm. If they can­not reach an autho­rized user, a dis­patch will be ordered. Clients can choose which type of response is appro­pri­ate. For a bur­glary sig­nal, it is usu­al­ly police or guard response. For a fire sig­nal, the fire depart­ment will be dis­patched, or the key­hold­er list noti­fied, depend­ing on cir­cum­stance. There are vary­ing charges asso­ci­at­ed with each type of respon­der.

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