Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Mississauga

PROTECTION PLUS® is pleased to bring the best in home and office secu­ri­ty to the res­i­dents of Mis­sis­sauga.

Lying on the shores of Lake Ontario with­in the region­al munic­i­pal­i­ty of Peel, Mis­sis­sauga is the sixth most heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed city in Cana­da, with a pop­u­la­tion of over 713 000.

Fast-grow­ing and high­ly mul­ti­cul­tur­al, this city is larg­er than Detroit, Mil­wau­kee, or Cleve­land, mak­ing it the third-largest city in the Great Lakes region.

With over half of the pop­u­la­tion speak­ing a lan­guage oth­er than Eng­lish or being mem­bers of a vis­i­ble minor­i­ty, it is an extreme­ly diverse sec­tion of the Greater Toron­to Area. It is also a strong eco­nom­ic hub with over 60 com­pa­nies list­ed in the For­tune 500 bas­ing either their glob­al or Cana­di­an oper­a­tions out of this city. This includes com­pa­nies from all indus­tries such as elec­tron­ics, com­put­ers, trans­porta­tion parts, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, and finance.

Caras­sauga, the local cul­tur­al fes­ti­val held in mid-May of each year, fea­tures over 4000 per­for­mance dis­plays depict­ing the many cul­tures of the world rep­re­sent­ed by the peo­ple of Mis­sis­sauga, and is the sec­ond-largest fes­ti­val of its kind in the coun­try!

With so much going on in Mis­sis­sauga, res­i­dents are start­ing to take secu­ri­ty con­cerns seri­ous­ly. If you want to improve the secu­ri­ty of your prop­er­ties, con­tact us today!

Security Systems (Home & Business)

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Local Reviews
for Mississauga, ON

PROTECTION PLUS Rat­ed 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 13 cus­tomer reviews

Map of Mississauga, ON L5C 3C3

Excellent service


Mis­sis­saugaONL5C 3C3 43.56-79.6275

Map of Mississauga, ON L4W 4C6

Very professional technical installation


Secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem has been installed. Cia­ran arrived prompt­ly, explained process to be under­tak­en and work­man­ship was very pro­fes­sion­al.

Mis­sis­saugaONL4W 4C6 43.62-79.61

Map of Mississauga, ON L5H 3S4

Quality home security at a reasonable price


Quick and easy instal­la­tion pro­vid­ed by an expe­ri­enced installer.

Mis­sis­saugaONL5H 3S4 43.545-79.6225

Map of Mississauga, ON L5H 2R4

Wonderful Experience


Very, very hap­py with Joe and Kier­an. They worked hard for hours in ter­ri­ble out­door con­di­tions but still were very pro­fes­sion­al and polite. Couldn’t have asked for bet­ter ser­vice.

Mis­sis­saugaONL5H 2R4 43.55-79.61

Map of Mississauga, ON L5G 1T3



Mis­sis­saugaONL5G 1T3 43.5675-79.575

Map of Mississauga, ON L4Z 2W1

Great Service


I called their num­ber this morn­ing and the tech­ni­cian was sent in the after­noon to fix the prob­lem with the alarm bat­tery.

Mis­sis­saugaONL4Z 2W1 43.615-79.6425

Map of Mississauga, ON L5N 5R4

Great service


Jason was fan­tas­tic. He did the job quick­ly and trained us how to use the new sys­tem. All of this was done with­in a few hours.

Mis­sis­saugaONL5N 5R4 43.6-79.7675

Map of Mississauga, ON L5J 3J3

Great Service


It was fast and easy

Mis­sis­saugaONL5J 3J3 43.5175-79.6325

Map of Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1

True Professional Service


John has pro­vid­ed prompt and cour­te­ous ser­vice installing our com­pa­ny alarm sys­tem. He was very help­ful and explained what the job entailed and how the sys­tem works. I have 100% con­fi­dence in him and the com­pa­ny

Mis­sis­saugaONL5T 2N1 43.6525-79.6925

Map of Mississauga, ON L5G 3J9

Professional and Knowledgeable


The ser­vice I received from Pro­tec­tion Plus has been excel­lent so far. The sales per­son knew his prod­ucts well and was able to rec­om­mend what would be best for my home. The instal­la­tion went smooth­ly and the sys­tem was explained to me. I am hap­py with the range of secu­ri­ty prod­ucts offered and the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of every­one.

Mis­sis­saugaONL5G 3J9 43.5575-79.58

John McCauley


Great expe­ri­ence, quick and no issues

Mis­sis­saugaONL5T 2C3 43.6575-79.675

Excellent Service — Protection Plus


I was very impressed with the cus­tomer ser­vice and instal­la­tion expe­ri­ence pro­vid­ed by Pro­tec­tion Plus. I would high­ly rec­om­mend them to all my friends and fam­i­ly.

Mis­sis­saugaONL4T 2N6 43.7175-79.6475

Awesome work


Fan­tas­tic work. Effi­cient and very pro­fes­sion­al. Was in time and such a plea­sure to work with

Mis­sis­saugaONL4W 5K1 43.64-79.6225

Mike W.

Mike W.

Res­i­den­tial secu­ri­ty cam­era assess­ment in Mis­sis­sauga.

Near Bar­well Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5L 3
Mississauga, ON - Residential security camera assessment in Mississauga.
Mike W.

Mike W.

Alarm and cam­era res­i­den­tial assess­ment

Near Longspur Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5N 6
Mississauga, ON - Alarm and camera residential assessment
Mike W.

Mike W.

NDAA COMPLIANT cam­era assess­ment in Streetsville

Near Maid­en Ln, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5M 1
Mississauga, ON - NDAA COMPLIANT camera assessment in Streetsville
Mike W.

Mike W.

Near Seag­ull Dr, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5J 3
Mike W.

Mike W.

A sun­ny day in Mis­sis­sauga to quote elec­tron­ic door release sys­tems.

Near Vipond Dr, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5T 1
Mississauga, ON - A sunny day in Mississauga to quote electronic door release systems.
Mike W.

Mike W.

Alarm site assess­ment Mis­sis­sauga

Near Roy­al Gala Cir, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4Y 0
Mississauga, ON - Alarm site assessment Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

Always good to be at the #ADI­Ex­po. Meet­ing old friends, great ven­dors, and a lit­tle train­ing refresh­er.

Near Air­port Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4V 1
Mississauga, ON - Always good to be at the #ADIExpo. Meeting old friends, great vendors, and a little training refresher.
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Mede­co rekeys

Near Tor­bram Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4T 3
Mississauga, ON - Medeco rekeys
Mike W.

Mike W.

Cel­e­brat­ing the grand open­ing of a clien­t’s new loca­tion in Mis­sis­sauga.

Near Cawthra Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5A 2
Mississauga, ON - Celebrating the grand opening of a client's new location in Mississauga.
John M.

John M.

Dsc neo repair

Near Shaw­son Dr, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4W 3
Deion D.

Deion D.

Dahua Cam­era

Near Bri­ar­crook Cres­cent, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4X 1
Mississauga, ON - Dahua Camera
Deion D.

Deion D.

Dahua Cam­era Install

Near Bri­ar­crook Cres­cent, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4X 1
Mississauga, ON - Dahua Camera Install
Mike W.

Mike W.

Alarm and cam­era assess­ment Mis­sis­sauga.

Near Sher­way Dr, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4X 1
Mississauga, ON - Alarm and camera assessment Mississauga.
Mike W.

Mike W.

Schlage high secu­ri­ty lock ser­vice call Mis­sis­sauga

Near Fal­con­er Dr, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5N 0
Mississauga, ON - Schlage high security lock service call Mississauga
John M.

John M.

Verka­da Course

Near Sky­mark Ave, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4W 5
Mike W.

Mike W.

Cam­era site assess­ment for a day­care in Mis­sis­sauga

Near Kiti­mat Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5N 2
Mississauga, ON - Camera site assessment for a daycare in Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

Con­sult with the tech­ni­cian for major secu­ri­ty instal­la­tion.

Near Cawthra Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5A 2
Mississauga, ON - Consult with the technician for major security installation.
Mike W.

Mike W.

Res­i­den­tial alarm sys­tem assess­ment in Mis­sis­sauga

Near N Mill Ct, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5V 1
Mississauga, ON - Residential alarm system assessment in Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

Res­i­den­tial alarm sys­tem assess­ment in Mis­sis­sauga

Near N Mill Ct, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5V 1
Mississauga, ON - Residential alarm system assessment in Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

New home for an equip­ment rental busi­ness. Cam­eras, alarm, access con­trol. Mis­sis­sauga

Near Cawthra Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5A 2
Mississauga, ON - New home for an equipment  rental business. Cameras, alarm, access control. Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

Meet­ing an exist­ing client to dis­cuss adding more doors to access con­trol sys­tem. Mis­sis­sauga

Near Annagem Blvd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5T 3
Mississauga, ON - Meeting an existing client to discuss adding more doors to access control system. Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

Vis­it­ing an exist­ing cus­tomer in Streetsville Mis­sis­sauga to talk secu­ri­ty cam­eras.

Near Kiti­mat Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5N 3
Mississauga, ON - Visiting an existing customer in Streetsville Mississauga to talk security cameras.
Mike W.

Mike W.

Res­i­den­tial cam­era sys­tem esti­mate. Mis­sis­sauga

Near York­shire Ave, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4Z 4
Mississauga, ON - Residential camera system estimate. Mississauga
Mike W.

Mike W.

An ear­ly start for a com­mer­cial build­ing get­ting cam­eras, alarm, and inter­com. Mis­sis­sauga

Near Cawthra Rd, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L5A 2
Mississauga, ON - An early start for a commercial building getting cameras, alarm, and intercom. Mississauga
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions Instal­la­tion Proa7 Hon­ey­well

Near Dun­das St E, Mis­sis­sauga, ON L4Y 2

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head south­east on Duke of York Blvd toward City Cen­tre Dr
  2. Turn left onto Burn­hamthor­pe Road West
  3. Turn left onto Hurontario St
  4. Slight right to merge onto ON-403 E toward Toron­to
  5. Merge onto ON-403 E
  6. Fol­low ON-403 E until it turns slight­ly right and becomes ON-401 E
  7. Keep right at the fork to stay on ON-401 E fol­low­ing signs for Isling­ton Avenue/Weston Road/Black Creek Dri­ve
  8. Take exit 357 for West­on Road
  9. Turn left onto West­on Rd fol­low­ing signs for West­on Road N
  10. Turn right onto Shep­pard Ave W
  11. Turn left onto Chess­wood­Dr
  12. Turn right onto Steep­rock­Dr
  13. Turn left onto Lodestar Rd
  14. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Road


  • What constitutes a smart home security system?

    Craft­ing a robust smart home secu­ri­ty sys­tem involves the inte­gra­tion of four essen­tial hard­ware com­po­nents:

    Cam­eras: These sophis­ti­cat­ed devices pro­vide vig­i­lant sur­veil­lance both with­in and around your res­i­dence. High-qual­i­­ty video feeds empow­er you to keep a watch­ful eye on any activ­i­ty or poten­tial threats.

    Sen­sors: Instan­ta­neous alerts are the cor­ner­stone of effec­tive secu­ri­ty. Sen­sors detect unau­tho­rized entries, unex­pect­ed floods, or even fire haz­ards, ensur­ing you receive time­ly noti­fi­ca­tions to take action.

    Smart Locks: Rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing access con­trol, smart locks offer seam­less key­less entry via a ded­i­cat­ed app. Grant­i­ng remote access to trust­ed indi­vid­u­als and mon­i­tor­ing entry logs enhances secu­ri­ty and con­ve­nience.

    Con­trol Pan­el: Serv­ing as the sys­tem’s nerve cen­ter, the con­trol pan­el allows effort­less acti­va­tion and deac­ti­va­tion of mon­i­tor­ing fea­tures. This cen­tral hub empow­ers you to man­age and cus­tomize your secu­ri­ty set­tings accord­ing to your needs.

  • How is the equipment powered?

    Wire­less Equip­ment: Pow­ered by bat­ter­ies, wire­less devices offer flex­i­bil­i­ty in place­ment and instal­la­tion. This elim­i­nates the need for wiring and allows for easy relo­ca­tion.

    Wired Equip­ment: These com­po­nents either con­nect to a stan­dard wall out­let or are direct­ly inte­grat­ed into your home­’s elec­tri­cal sys­tem. This ensures a con­stant pow­er sup­ply and min­i­mizes main­te­nance.

  • Is home security monitoring a valuable investment?

    The val­ue of home secu­ri­ty mon­i­tor­ing lies in its diverse range of plans tai­lored to your needs. While com­par­ing plans, con­sid­er fac­tors such as fea­tures and costs. Typ­i­cal­ly, prici­er plans offer enhanced fea­tures like smart devices and cam­eras. Com­par­ing across com­pa­nies, high­er costs often cor­re­late with supe­ri­or war­ranties and equip­ment. At its core, every pro­fes­sion­al mon­i­tor­ing plan offers 24/7 vig­i­lance for your home. The choice of brand, device, or fea­ture depends on per­son­al pref­er­ences and bud­get con­sid­er­a­tions. Learn more about opti­miz­ing secu­ri­ty solu­tions in Mis­sis­sauga at

  • Is it possible to manage my home security using my smartphone?

    Absolute­ly, the major­i­ty of con­tem­po­rary home secu­ri­ty sys­tems can be con­ve­nient­ly con­trolled via a smart­phone appli­ca­tion. These sys­tems, termed as smart home secu­ri­ty solu­tions, offer app com­pat­i­bil­i­ty.

    How­ev­er, it’s essen­tial not to con­flate a sys­tem’s smart func­tion­al­i­ties with its method of pro­fes­sion­al mon­i­tor­ing, as these aspects dif­fer. It’s entire­ly fea­si­ble to pos­sess a smart secu­ri­ty sys­tem while still ben­e­fit­ing from pro­fes­sion­al cel­lu­lar alarm mon­i­tor­ing ser­vices.