Secu­ri­ty was top of mind when design­ing Verka­da. That’s why Verka­da redesigned video secu­ri­ty infra­struc­ture and built a secure sys­tem from the ground up.

They are bring­ing video secu­ri­ty, access con­trol, and sen­sor under a sin­gle pane of glass to reduce over­head and enable own­ers to man­age and mon­i­tor their busi­ness from a sin­gle dash­board. With point-and-click sim­plic­i­ty, it’s every­thing you need to pro­tect at scale.

Security systems for mid-market & enterprise businesses

With Verka­da, on-premis­es solu­tions such as NVRs and servers to man­age secu­ri­ty are not need­ed as opposed to tra­di­tion­al video secu­ri­ty solu­tions. Cen­tral­ized device man­age­ment across all facil­i­ties is avail­able as a cloud-man­aged plat­form.

Security systems for businesses in Toronto

Unlim­it­ed cloud archiv­ing makes stor­ing and organ­is­ing crit­i­cal footage and secu­ri­ty events sim­ple and easy. End-to-end encryp­tion allows only autho­rized, inbound cre­den­tials to access footage and logs.

Cloud managed intrusion detection

With Verka­da, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty isn’t a last-minute addi­tion. Built on secu­ri­ty, our devices are secure form the very first step, start­ing from the hard­ware design to the sys­tems that store data on the devices.

Role-based Access allows admin­is­tra­tors to con­fig­ure user per­mis­sions lev­els based on senior­i­ty lev­els. At the same time, audit logs pro­vide vis­i­bil­i­ty into the usage of sys­tems for com­pli­ance and inter­nal con­trol.

Aggre­gate data across devices with­in a cen­tral­ized plat­form elim­i­nates com­plex­i­ty with­in Verkada’s Com­mand user inter­face and intel­li­gent automa­tion plat­forms.

Verkada’s Com­mand plat­form allows for con­nec­tion to exist­ing sys­tems through API, web­hooks, and RTSP streams to auto­mate your secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions with exist­ing devices and pro­to­cols.

Business Security Systems in Toronto

Verkada Access Control

Verka­da Access Con­trol offers easy-to-deploy, cloud-based solu­tions for every build­ing, door and user. Seam­less inte­gra­tion with video secu­ri­ty allows teams to see what’s hap­pen­ing across all sites.

Verka­da Access Con­trol com­bines enterprise–grade access con­trol with a pow­er­ful, cloud-based man­age­ment plat­form for a solu­tion that’s always sim­ple, secure and ready for scale.

Start­ing with Verkada’s Access Con­troller, users can bring plug–and–play sim­plic­i­ty to man­ag­ing doors and Access across their orga­ni­za­tion. Access Con­trollers work with your building’s exist­ing door hard­ware and read­ers.

Integrated Security for Mid-market & Enterprise Businesses

Once con­nect­ed, doors can be man­aged from any device via Verka­da Com­mand. The Verka­da Com­mand plat­form allows you to man­age build­ing access, sched­ules and users eas­i­ly. Inte­gra­tion to active direc­to­ry plat­forms ensures that employ­ees are auto­mat­i­cal­ly con­fig­ured, onboard­ed and off­board­ed.

Through Verka­da Com­mand, access con­trol and cam­eras are con­nect­ed seam­less­ly to deliv­er real–time video ana­lyt­ics on access events. Using Verkada’s lead­ing edge–based video pro­cess­ing, users can see what is hap­pen­ing at their points of entry and proac­tive­ly take action for mean­ing­ful events.

Com­mand, Verkada’s cloud–based man­age­ment soft­ware, is designed to deliv­er sim­ple Access and man­age­ment for all doors, periph­er­als, cam­eras and users across all sites from vir­tu­al­ly any­where in the world.

Security systems for businesses in Toronto

Door and periph­er­al man­age­ment

  • Instant­ly see events, includ­ing live and his­tor­i­cal footage
  • Fil­ter by events such as unlocks, the door opens, and Access grant­ed or denied
  • Cre­ate cus­tom sched­ules for any day of the week. Video inte­gra­tion
  • Asso­ciate exist­ing Verka­da Cam­eras with doors for increased vis­i­bil­i­ty
  • Add mul­ti­ple cam­eras to see events from var­i­ous angles
  • Quick­ly export video evi­dence for inves­ti­ga­tions

User man­age­ment and per­mis­sions

  • Import users, inte­grate with the active direc­to­ry, or add new users man­u­al­ly
  • Con­trol door access by user groups
  • Assign mul­ti-for­mat access, includ­ing cards, pins and mobile access Site man­age­ment.
  • Man­age a lim­it­less num­ber of doors across any num­ber of sites in your orga­ni­za­tion.
  • Access all your doors and cam­eras from Verkada’s cen­tral­ized Com­mand plat­form.

The Verka­da Pass app makes it easy to unlock doors using your phone. By either tap­ping from inside the app or through Touch­less Access, made pos­si­ble with Blue­tooth, it has nev­er been an eas­i­er, more con­ve­nient way to access build­ings. The Verka­da Pass app is avail­able on iOS and Android.

Avigilon Alta

Avigilon Alta devices

Secu­ri­ty isn’t one-size-fits-all. We give you the free­dom to choose the phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty solu­tions that work best for your needs

With a range of cam­eras, video soft­ware, access con­trol options and mobile solu­tions, Avig­ilon offers end-to-end pro­tec­tion for any size deploy­ment, with­out ever sac­ri­fic­ing con­ve­nience, vis­i­bil­i­ty or secu­ri­ty.

Our video, cloud and access con­trol solu­tions seam­less­ly inte­grate across your entire video secu­ri­ty sys­tem to pro­vide you with the right infor­ma­tion at the right time — so you can take deci­sive action.

Pow­ered by advanced AI and video ana­lyt­ics we keep our tech­nol­o­gy sim­ple and easy to use, let­ting you focus on what mat­ters most.

Open, scal­able, secure, and easy to use, Avig­ilon Alta’s is a pow­er­ful cloud-based AI video and access con­trol man­age­ment sys­tem equipped with inte­grat­ed machine learn­ing capa­bil­i­ties. Suit­able for both large, dis­trib­uted enter­prise instal­la­tions and small deploy­ments, Alta ana­lyzes all the video and access con­trol feeds from all your Avig­ilon and third-par­ty devices all the time and in real-time. It iden­ti­fies objects and events, send­ing instant alarms based on rules and unusu­al activ­i­ty detec­tion. With Alta, you can also quick­ly search by event, object, and sim­i­lar­i­ty to find a spe­cif­ic per­son, vehi­cle, or event of inter­est through count­less hours of video and access con­trol events with­in sec­onds or min­utes.

Avigilon Alta access control system
Avigilon Alta security camera

Lever­age Avig­ilon Alta’s open API and con­nect it to your exist­ing sen­sors, access con­trol sys­tems, dash­boards, exter­nal view­ers, or com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems to get a 360-degree overview of your envi­ron­ment. What’s more, Alta helps you man­age all your devices and secu­ri­ty across sites with a sim­ple web-based inter­face and Android and iOS apps acces­si­ble from any­where with­out addi­tion­al plu­g­ins or con­fig­u­ra­tions.

Imple­ment every­where, man­age from any­where. Avig­ilon Alta’s agile mobile access con­trol solu­tion with remote man­age­ment capa­bil­i­ties enhances safe­ty at every lev­el, with­out sac­ri­fic­ing con­ve­nience.

Avigilon Alta remote control with laptop
Avigilon Alta access control system

The Avigilon Alta difference

Mobile access reimag­ined. Strength­en secu­ri­ty pos­tur­ing, reduce cost, and improve build­ing expe­ri­ences with Avig­ilon Alta.

  • Fastest, most reli­able mobile access. Sub-sec­ond unlocks with patent­ed Triple Unlock tech­nol­o­gy, even through Inter­net and ser­vice out­ages.
  • Remote sys­tem man­age­ment. Man­age your entire data­base from any web brows­er, on any device, wher­ev­er you are.
  • Inte­grat­ed video and access. Pow­er­ful visu­al ver­i­fi­ca­tion with mobile mon­i­tor­ing, remote unlock, and two-way audio.
  • Smart secu­ri­ty for every door. Com­plete access con­trol with video, voice acti­va­tion, turn­stile and ele­va­tor solu­tions, plus Schlage® wire­less lock inte­gra­tions.
Avigilon Alta mobile access control solution