Home Alarm Systems & Business Security Systems Scarborough

Home Security Systems & Commercial Alarm Systems Scarborough

PROTECTION PLUS® is proud to wel­come the peo­ple of Scar­bor­ough to enjoy the ser­vices of our high­ly trained expert staff.

This for­mer munic­i­pal­i­ty in the east­ern sec­tion of Toron­to grew up from a col­lec­tion of small rur­al and agri­cul­tur­al vil­lages that dot­ted the land­scape in the 18th cen­tu­ry. Named after an Eng­lish town in North York­shire, the Scar­bor­ough Bluffs remind­ed Eliz­a­beth Sim­coe of the white cliffs near her home.

Devel­op­ing rapid­ly dur­ing the Metro Toron­to years, Scar­bor­ough is now home to a pop­u­la­tion of over 625 000 res­i­dents and is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for immi­grants to the region. Now one of the most diverse and mul­ti­cul­tur­al regions in the area, it is home to sev­er­al cul­tur­al and reli­gious groups and a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion is made up of immi­grants and their descen­dants.

As well as a large immi­grant com­mu­ni­ty, Scar­bor­ough is home to many pop­u­lar nat­ur­al land­marks and is green­er than much of Toron­to. Parks include the Scar­bor­ough Bluffs and Rouge Park along the Rouge Val­ley.

Dom­i­nat­ed by two dis­tinct water­sheds, the area is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for eco-tourists in the area. The Toron­to Zoo moved to its cur­rent site along the Rouge Riv­er in 1974 and an abun­dance of golf cours­es dot the land­scape.

Whether you live, play, or work in Scar­bor­ough, secu­ri­ty is an impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion. To ensure your prop­er­ties are well-pro­tect­ed, come vis­it us today.

Security Systems (Home & Business)

Other security solutions available at our affiliate, Protection Plus:

How Can Secu­ri­ty Cam­eras Ben­e­fit You?

Secu­ri­ty cam­eras play a piv­otal role in var­i­ous aspects of busi­ness secu­ri­ty. They effec­tive­ly mit­i­gate risks such as safe­ty haz­ards, theft, van­dal­ism, asset loss, and prop­er­ty dis­putes. Regard­less of busi­ness size, a well-imple­­men­t­ed secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem offers valu­able advan­tages. By seam­less­ly inte­grat­ing out­door and indoor cam­eras, we cre­ate a com­pre­hen­sive Busi­ness Secu­ri­ty Sys­tem that extends beyond sur­veil­lance to include fea­tures like card access con­trol and mon­i­tored alarm sys­tems. This inte­grat­ed approach ensures full peace of mind for your busi­ness oper­a­tions.

What is the Opti­mal Secu­ri­ty Cam­era Sys­tem for Busi­ness?

The ide­al secu­ri­ty sys­tem for your busi­ness hinges on your spe­cif­ic require­ments and desired fea­tures. Here are sev­er­al fac­tors to con­tem­plate:

The most effec­tive secu­ri­ty cam­eras for busi­ness­es offer real-time alerts, sur­pass­ing mere motion-trig­gered record­ing.
A supe­ri­or busi­ness secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem proac­tive­ly deliv­ers real-time data, retains infor­ma­tion for post-event review and evi­den­tial pur­pos­es. It can also aid oper­a­tional insights, such as iden­ti­fy­ing bot­tle­necks or queues in retail or man­u­fac­tur­ing set­tings.

The finest video sur­veil­lance sys­tem fur­nish­es high-qual­i­­ty evi­dence, facil­i­tat­ing informed deci­­sion-mak­ing.
An opti­mal video sur­veil­lance sys­tem is cost-effec­­tive and fur­nish­es evi­dence that reduces risks to employ­ees, min­i­mizes inter­nal and exter­nal theft, and mit­i­gates fraud­u­lent insur­ance claims. It goes beyond being a mere expense by enhanc­ing secu­ri­ty and oper­a­tional effi­cien­cies.
Ulti­mate­ly, select­ing the best secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem for your busi­ness involves align­ing with your dis­tinct needs and bud­get.

Local Reviews
for Scarborough, ON

PROTECTION PLUS Rat­ed 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 13 cus­tomer reviews

Map of Scarborough, ON M1W 1S2

Superb Service


We were so impressed with the qual­i­ty of ser­vice and the excep­tion­al pro­fes­sion­al­ism of our high­ly expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cian, Joe Sildiryan. Joe demon­strat­ed excep­tion­al prod­uct knowl­edge and pro­vid­ed us with clear expla­na­tions regard­ing our ser­vice options. He arrived on time and worked effi­cient­ly to com­plete the ser­vice in a man­ner that was focused on cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. We will use Pro­tec­tion Plus for all of our home secu­ri­ty needs. Thanks so much.

Scar­bor­oughONM1W 1S2 43.7875-79.315

Map of Scarborough, ON M1C 5J6

Very helpful both times


John has installed my sys­tem in 2 dif­fer­ent hous­es, and both times did an excep­tion­al job. Very hap­py.

Scar­bor­oughONM1C 5J6 43.7925-79.145

Map of Scarborough, ON M1C 5J6



Excel­lent job, quick, effi­cient and explained every­thing. Very hap­py.

Scar­bor­oughONM1C 5J6 43.7925-79.1425

Map of Scarborough, ON M1S 4H1

Good and quick service call


Joe arrived on time and com­plet­ed the job quick­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. Thank you.

Scar­bor­oughONM1S 4H1 43.8075-79.2575

Map of Scarborough, ON M1P 2R7

great Service


Scar­bor­oughONM1P 2R7 43.7525-79.2675

Map of Scarborough, ON M1C 3C9

Awesome survice!


John is just the best and very pro­fes­sion­al!!

Scar­bor­oughONM1C 3C9 43.785-79.1525

Map of Scarborough, ON M1W 2K2

Great Service!


Ser­vice was fan­tas­tic from start to fin­ish, my pre­vi­ous alarm com­pa­ny went out of busi­ness and I was back up and run­ning with­in a cou­ple of days from my orig­i­nal call. Thanks again!

Scar­bor­oughONM1W 2K2 43.7925-79.325

Map of Scarborough, ON M1W 1R7

Great to deal with. Very professional installation.


Was pleased with Pro­tec­tion­Plus from start to fin­ish. Sales rep, Bri­an Gold, was knowl­edge­able, flex­i­ble and deliv­ered the sys­tem I need­ed at a great price. The instal­la­tion team could not have been bet­ter. Every­thing was talked through, reviewed and explained. Work was clean and the instal­la­tion was impres­sive.

Scar­bor­oughONM1W 1R7 43.7875-79.315

Map of Scarborough, ON M1N 1R3

Always a pleasure! Great Service.


Ser­vice is always prompt and prob­lem solved.

Scar­bor­oughONM1N 1R3 43.6875-79.2725

Map of Scarborough, ON M1S 3X6

Good job .


Very pro­fes­sion­al , very effi­cient , orga­nized and clean .

Scar­bor­oughONM1S 3X6 43.7825-79.265

Excellent Service by John and Protection Plus


Scar­bor­oughONM1T 2A1 43.775-79.2975

Great service and good customer service


Since I get the quote and all infor­ma­tion they pro­vide their excel­lent ser­vice and good cus­tomer care.very quick response from them. Expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cian and excel­lent team work.My best wish­es to pro­tec­tion plus to con­tin­ue their best ser­vice.

Scar­bor­oughONM1X 0A6 43.8375-79.25

Great service.


Scar­bor­oughONM1E 2A1 43.7525-79.1825

Mike W.

Mike W.

Com­mer­cial alarm assess­ment in Scar­bor­ough.

Near Pro­duc­tion Dr, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1H 2
Scarborough, ON - Commercial alarm assessment in Scarborough.
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions upgrades

Near Fea­gan Dr, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 3
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

LSDA Dead­bolt and lever install

Near Scotswood Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1R 3
Scarborough, ON - LSDA Deadbolt and lever install
Deion D.

Deion D.


Near Glo­ry Cres­cent, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1E 2
Scarborough, ON - IQ4 IN SCARBOROUGH 

Deion D.

Deion D.


Near Glo­ry Cres­cent, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1E 2
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Install cus­tomer sup­plied smart lock

Near Cen­ten­ni­al Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 1
Scarborough, ON - Install customer supplied smart lock
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Mul-T-Lock Cronus Dead­bolt and LSDA levers

Near Paulan­der Ave, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 1
Scarborough, ON - Mul-T-Lock Cronus Deadbolt and LSDA levers
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Mede­co M4 Max­um dead­bolt install

Near Scar­bor­ough, ON M1W 3
Scarborough, ON - Medeco M4 Maxum deadbolt install
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

New Emtek gripset install with Mul-T-Lock cylin­der

Near Bob­mar Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 1
Scarborough, ON - New Emtek gripset install with Mul-T-Lock cylinder
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Greipset rekey

Near Bob­mar Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 1
Scarborough, ON - Greipset rekey
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Mul-T-Lock high secu­ri­ty dead­bolts and strike plates

Near Bob­mar Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 1
Scarborough, ON - Mul-T-Lock high security deadbolts and strike plates
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Med­ley Cres­cent, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1J 1
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Twee­drock Cres­cent, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1E 4
Scarborough, ON - Security Repairs
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Med­ley Cres­cent, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1J 1
Scarborough, ON - Security Repairs
John M.

John M.


Near McLevin Ave, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1B 4
Scarborough, ON - Resupply
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Secu­ri­ty gate instal­la­tion

Near Cor­po­rate Dr, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1H 3
Scarborough, ON - Security gate installation
Jason F.

Jason F.

Takeover upgrade of an exist­ing alarm sys­tem.

Near Bor­ough Dr, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1P 4
Scarborough, ON - Takeover upgrade of an existing alarm system.
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Mid­west Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1P 3
Ciaran S.

Ciaran S.

Cam­era instal­la­tion Scar­bor­ough

Near Mid­west Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1P 3
Scarborough, ON - Camera installation Scarborough
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Repairs

Near Mid­west Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1P 3
Scarborough, ON - Security Repairs
Jason F.

Jason F.

Instal­la­tion of new alarm sys­tem

Near Markham Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1H 2
Scarborough, ON - Installation of new alarm system
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions

Near Rock­port Dr, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1C 5
Scarborough, ON - Security Solutions
Brandon B.

Brandon B.

Equip­ment pick­up from ware­house

Near McLevin Ave, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1B 4
Scarborough, ON - Equipment pickup from warehouse
John M.

John M.

Secu­ri­ty Survey/customer reten­tion

Near How­ell Square, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1B 1
Scarborough, ON - Security Survey/customer retention
Ciaran S.

Ciaran S.

Instal­la­tion of CDVI inte­grat­ed to auto­mat­ic door open­er

Near Com­stock Rd, Scar­bor­ough, ON M1L 2
Scarborough, ON - Installation of CDVI integrated to automatic door opener

To come visit us in person, follow these driving directions:

  1. Head north on Markham Rd toward Tuxe­do Ct
  2. Take the ramp and merge onto ON-401 W
  3. Exit left to Ontario 401
  4. Merge onto Ontario 401 Express
  5. Take exit 365 for Allen Road/Yorkdale Road
  6. Keep right at the fork fol­low­ing signs for Allen Road N
  7. Merge onto Allen Rd N
  8. Con­tin­ue onto Duf­ferin St
  9. Turn left onto Steep­rock­Dr
  10. Turn right onto Lodestar Rd
  11. Your des­ti­na­tion is 1540 Lodestar Road