From home secuÂriÂty camÂeras to smart alarm sysÂtems to video doorÂbell camÂeras, conÂnect with PROTECTION PLUS to take conÂtrol and shield your home from inside and outÂside threats.
Smart home secuÂriÂty means smarter home automaÂtion. With conÂtinÂuÂous inforÂmaÂtion from the secuÂriÂty senÂsors and assoÂciÂatÂed devices around your home, your secuÂriÂty sysÂtem can record your activÂiÂty patÂterns and take smarter actions on your behalf than indeÂpenÂdent devices can.
Adjust lights and therÂmostats from home or while you’re away, with comÂplete conÂtrol through your smartÂphone, tablet or any comÂputÂer.
Home automation integration into an alarm system offers numerous benefits. Here are some reasons why it’s advantageous:
ConÂveÂnience: InteÂgratÂing home automaÂtion feaÂtures with your alarm sysÂtem allows you to remoteÂly conÂtrol varÂiÂous aspects of your home. You can arm/disarm the alarm, adjust therÂmoÂstat setÂtings, turn lights on/off, and even lock/unlock doors, all from a sinÂgle app on your smartÂphone or tablet.
Enhanced SecuÂriÂty: Home automaÂtion lets you incorÂpoÂrate addiÂtionÂal secuÂriÂty meaÂsures into your alarm sysÂtem, such as smart locks and secuÂriÂty camÂeras. You can receive real-time alerts and view live camÂera feeds to monÂiÂtor your homeÂ’s secuÂriÂty staÂtus, proÂvidÂing peace of mind whether at home or away.
EnerÂgy EffiÂcienÂcy: By inteÂgratÂing smart therÂmostats and lightÂing conÂtrols into your alarm sysÂtem, you can optiÂmize enerÂgy usage based on your schedÂule and prefÂerÂences. This can lead to cost savÂings on enerÂgy bills while reducÂing your carÂbon footÂprint.
CusÂtomizaÂtion: Home automaÂtion allows you to cusÂtomize and autoÂmate rouÂtines based on your lifestyle and needs. For examÂple, you can set light schedÂules to mimÂic occuÂpanÂcy when you’re away or proÂgram the therÂmoÂstat to adjust temÂperÂaÂtures autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly when you arm/disarm the alarm.
SafeÂty and ConÂveÂnience: InteÂgratÂing smoke detecÂtors, carÂbon monoxÂide detecÂtors, and water leak senÂsors into your alarm sysÂtem proÂvides added safeÂty meaÂsures for your home. You’ll receive instant notiÂfiÂcaÂtions in an emerÂgency and can take approÂpriÂate action, even if you’re not at home.
Remote MonÂiÂtorÂing and ConÂtrol: With home automaÂtion inteÂgraÂtion, you can monÂiÂtor and conÂtrol your home from anyÂwhere with an interÂnet conÂnecÂtion. Whether at work, travÂelÂling, or simÂply away from home, you can stay conÂnectÂed and mainÂtain conÂtrol over your secuÂriÂty and home enviÂronÂment.
ExpandÂable EcosysÂtem: Home automaÂtion platÂforms often supÂport a wide range of comÂpatÂiÂble devices and inteÂgraÂtions, allowÂing you to expand and enhance your smart home ecosysÂtem over time. You can add new devices and feaÂtures as techÂnolÂoÂgy evolves and your needs change, ensurÂing your home remains up-to-date and secure.
Increased PropÂerÂty ValÂue: A home equipped with inteÂgratÂed automaÂtion and secuÂriÂty sysÂtems can appeal to potenÂtial buyÂers and may increase the overÂall valÂue of your propÂerÂty. It demonÂstrates moderÂniÂty, conÂveÂnience, and a comÂmitÂment to secuÂriÂty, makÂing your home more attracÂtive in the real estate marÂket.
PerÂsonÂalÂized ExpeÂriÂence: Home automaÂtion inteÂgraÂtion allows you to creÂate cusÂtomized expeÂriÂences taiÂlored to your prefÂerÂences. Whether adjustÂing lightÂing scenes, setÂting up cusÂtom alerts, or creÂatÂing automaÂtion rouÂtines, you can cusÂtomize your smart home enviÂronÂment accordÂing to your unique lifestyle.
Future-ProofÂing: InvestÂing in a home automaÂtion-inteÂgratÂed alarm sysÂtem preÂpares your home for the future of techÂnolÂoÂgy. As smart home techÂnolÂoÂgy advances, your inteÂgratÂed sysÂtem can quickÂly adapt and inteÂgrate with new devices and serÂvices, ensurÂing your home remains conÂnectÂed, secure, and effiÂcient for years to come.
Geo-SerÂvices knows when you’re comÂing and going. It can autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly trigÂger your sysÂtem to send you an armÂing reminder, turn your outÂside lights on or off, or even cool your house to the perÂfect temÂperÂaÂture before you get home.
ConÂtrol your lights and temÂperÂaÂture setÂtings with smart scene schedÂules. CreÂate simÂple rules to have an addiÂtionÂal layÂer of smart automaÂtion based on sysÂtem activÂiÂty.
Have your therÂmoÂstat autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly set back when the sysÂtem is armed away or pause if smoke or carÂbon monoxÂide is detectÂed to limÂit the cirÂcuÂlaÂtion of toxÂic gasses.
Video Doorbells
See who’s at the front door with a video doorÂbell camÂera. Two-way voice through your cellÂphone app allows you to speak to visÂiÂtors at the door, from anyÂwhere at any time.
You can see who’s at the door instantÂly by openÂing your doorbell’s live video feed. Its HD vision, HDR and night vision techÂnolÂoÂgy ensure you’ll have a clear view while you talk to your visÂiÂtor over two-way audio.