Toron­to is home to near­ly 3 mil­lion Cana­di­ans, which is approx­i­mate­ly 7.6% of the entire pop­u­la­tion of Cana­da. There­fore, it’s no sur­prise that find­ing a trust­wor­thy lock­smith ser­vice in Toron­to is an essen­tial part of your home secu­ri­ty plan. 

Pro­tec­tion Plus is a local secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny serv­ing busi­ness­es and home­own­ers across Ontario since 1994. With our head office in Toron­to, we know the risks of liv­ing in the GTA, as well as the most com­mon lock­smith ser­vices request­ed by res­i­dents. 

If you’re seek­ing a lock­smith ser­vice in Toron­to, there are a few things to con­sid­er. Here are some tips on find­ing a high-end lock­smith that meets your needs. 

A Full Security Company

As you begin your search for a rep­utable lock­smith ser­vice, con­sid­er a full secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny as a step­ping stone. Many secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies offer lock­smith ser­vices, but at Pro­tec­tion Plus, we spe­cial­ize in secu­ri­ty. 

This is a cru­cial fac­tor because the locks on your home and busi­ness are meant to keep you, your loved ones, and your prop­er­ty safe, as well as keep intrud­ers out. 

A secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny under­stands the points where your home and busi­ness are most vul­ner­a­ble and can offer advice on the best method of defence in terms of locks and bar­ri­ers. Along with lock­smith ser­vices, Pro­tec­tion Plus spe­cial­izes in:

  • Home secu­ri­ty alarms
  • Secu­ri­ty cam­eras
  • Video door­bells
  • Door and win­dow rein­force­ments
  • Secu­ri­ty win­dow bars
  • Win­dow films
  • Home secu­ri­ty audits
  • CCTV
  • Access con­trol sys­tems
  • Auto­mat­ic door open­ers
  • Entry sys­tems and inter­coms
  • Busi­ness secu­ri­ty audits

Our team of expe­ri­enced secu­ri­ty experts can pro­vide you with a home or busi­ness secu­ri­ty audit to ver­i­fy your cur­rent lock­smith needs.

Secure Payment Options

It’s not just your prop­er­ty that should be secure when deal­ing with a lock­smith ser­vice in Toron­to. Look for a com­pa­ny that offers a secure pay­ment method. The “cash only” lock­smith may seem appeal­ing at first, but elim­i­nat­ing a paper trail elim­i­nates lia­bil­i­ty in cas­es of dam­age or faulty prod­ucts.

Work­ing with a rep­utable, high-qual­i­ty lock­smith ser­vice means hav­ing access to a vari­ety of secure pay­ment options. While cash might be one of the options offered, it should come with appro­pri­ate provin­cial and Cana­di­an tax­a­tion and an offi­cial receipt. 

Referrals and Reviews

Online reviews offer a lot of insight when you’re look­ing to find the best local lock­smith ser­vices in Toron­to. While you should take some reviews with a grain of salt, you can gen­er­al­ly gain a sense of what a lock­smith com­pa­ny is like by skim­ming reviews or check­ing an aver­age rat­ing. Your lock­smith or secu­ri­ty ser­vice may also pro­vide you with ref­er­ences from past clients. 

Anoth­er way to find a local lock­smith is to get refer­rals from friends and fam­i­ly. You may also want to ask busi­ness­es or oth­er home­own­ers in your area who they call on for lock­smith ser­vices.

Final­ly, don’t for­get to check with rat­ing agen­cies like the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau and Home­S­tars. These agen­cies thor­ough­ly vet com­pa­nies and pro­vide gen­uine rat­ings that you can trust. 

A Brick and Mortar Location

Believe it or not, some lock­smith ser­vices in Toron­to oper­ate online or out of a vehi­cle. This means there is no brick-and-mor­tar shop to check in with. The prob­lem with hav­ing no phys­i­cal address is it becomes dif­fi­cult to hold the com­pa­ny account­able if some­thing goes wrong. 

It also becomes hard to track down your lock­smith if you have ques­tions regard­ing your recent ser­vice or prod­uct pur­chase. 

Pro­tec­tion Plus is based in Toron­to at 11–1540 Lodestar Road. You can find us with ease, whether you’re enter­ing our loca­tion on Google Maps, mail­ing us cor­re­spon­dence, or just look­ing to con­firm that we’re a legit­i­mate busi­ness. 

An Assortment of Locksmith Services

There are many rea­sons to call a lock­smith. While some Toron­to­ni­ans have nev­er need­ed any­thing above hav­ing a spare key made or chang­ing a lock, lock­smith ser­vices can impact the secu­ri­ty of your home.

At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we offer an assort­ment of lock­smith ser­vices, includ­ing:

  • Mul­ti-T-Lock High-Secu­ri­ty Locks
  • Mede­co High-Secu­ri­ty Locks
  • Rekey­ing
  • Elec­tric Strikes
  • Exit Hard­ware
  • Locks
  • Door Clo­sures

Whether for your home or your busi­ness, Pro­tec­tion Plus has the hard­ware and expe­ri­ence to install secure locks and secu­ri­ty fea­tures to enhance the safe­ty of your prop­er­ty. 

Choos­ing a lock­smith with mul­ti­ple ser­vices isn’t just ide­al for the sake of con­ve­nience. It also means that your lock­smith is famil­iar with the most com­mon tools and prod­ucts and is knowl­edge­able in many areas of their field. 

A Gut Feeling

There’s some­thing to be said about trust­ing your gut when it comes to your home’s secu­ri­ty. Before decid­ing to take on a lock­smithing ser­vice, do a lit­tle research on your own, and con­tact the ser­vice by phone or in per­son. Get a feel for who they are, how they oper­ate, and what they stand for. 

At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we may serve thou­sands of cus­tomers across Toron­to, but deep down we’re a local busi­ness serv­ing our friends and neigh­bours. We want to make sure that the peo­ple in our com­mu­ni­ty are safe when they lock their doors at night. 

Your lock­smith should give you a feel­ing of secu­ri­ty, but more impor­tant­ly, a sense of trust.

Final Comments

Toron­to is a big city, and there are plen­ty of busi­ness­es cater­ing to the same ser­vices and needs. Just as your home and fam­i­ly are unique, each secu­ri­ty and lock­smith com­pa­ny is also unique.

As you choose the com­pa­ny you want work­ing on your locks, don’t think about your prop­er­ty as a one-size-fits-all project. You may want to order your lock­smithing ser­vices a la carte, pick­ing and choos­ing the best prod­ucts for your home or busi­ness. 

A good lock­smith has the best inter­est of the client at heart. While we are a com­pa­ny earn­ing our liv­ing through our prod­ucts and ser­vices, we want to know our lock­smith ser­vices are suc­cess­ful and that clients are feel­ing good about their choic­es.

Contact Protection Plus for More Information

Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about locks, door closers, rekey­ing, and our oth­er lock­smithing ser­vices in Toron­to? We invite you to reach out to Pro­tec­tion Plus today. Call us at 1–844-365‑7587 or con­tact us online.

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Brandon Baum
Brandon Baum has been at Protection Plus since he was born in 1998. Since Graduating from Ryerson in 2020, he has been at the company full-time. Currently, his title is Chief Security Officer.