If you are still using the same mobile flip phone that was cool in 1998, you don’t need to read this post. Every­body else should take note! Alarm mon­i­tor­ing by a pro­fes­sion­al mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion has nev­er been more impor­tant with our incred­i­bly busy lifestyles. But now that expe­ri­ence can be enhanced and made even more effec­tive. Intro­duc­ing Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing using your mobile phone! Here are 5 rea­sons you should con­sid­er it.


1. Con­ve­nience is king! Nev­er have to turn the car around to go back to the office or home to check if the alarm is on. Just pick up your phone and hit the App…, and a vir­tu­al key­pad is at your fin­ger­tips. you can also access many smart home and automa­tion fea­tures on your app.

2. Instant noti­fi­ca­tions. You no longer have to won­der if the dog walk­er or clean­ing ser­vice showed up…or if the kids are skip­ping school. Get instant noti­fi­ca­tions direct­ly to your device every time spe­cif­ic codes are used.

3. Event noti­fi­ca­tions. Nev­er wor­ry about missed phone calls from the Mon­i­tor­ing Sta­tion; you will get alarm noti­fi­ca­tions direct­ly to your device.

4. Land­lines not required. When switch­ing to Smart Mon­i­tor­ing, you change to an I.P. or cel­lu­lar plat­form. So if you have been main­tain­ing that cost­ly land­line for the sake of the alarm, you can now “cut the cord” and save mon­ey while main­tain­ing your mon­i­tor­ing.

5. Automa­tion plat­form. With Smart Home Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tems in Toron­to from PROTECTION PLUS ®,  you gain a plat­form for home automa­tion. If you want to inte­grate a ther­mo­stat, light switch, or appli­ance into the same App, we can help! You can even add a cam­era.

PROTECTION PLUS ® makes all this easy, con­tact us, and we’ll help!

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Brandon Baum
Brandon Baum has been at Protection Plus since he was born in 1998. Since Graduating from Ryerson in 2020, he has been at the company full-time. Currently, his title is Chief Security Officer.