Business Exit Door Hardware Solutions
Why should you be interÂestÂed in exit hardÂware? In a busiÂness setÂting, regÂuÂlaÂtions vary dependÂing on the size of the buildÂing, the numÂber of employÂees, and the jurisÂdicÂtion. Using propÂerÂly funcÂtionÂing door exit hardÂware can make you legalÂly comÂpliÂant with insurÂance, fire and buildÂing codes. It can also increase the secuÂriÂty of your buildÂing and your employÂees. InvenÂtoÂry shrinkÂage can often be attribÂuted to a lack of conÂtrols on doors. If a backÂdoor is left propped open, and nobody knows, anyÂbody can come in and help themÂselves. PROTECTION PLUS® staff are licensed, cerÂtiÂfied and expeÂriÂenced in Exit HardÂware instalÂlaÂtions.
ComÂmerÂcial exit or “panÂic” bars will help your busiÂness comÂply with fire regÂuÂlaÂtions. You may be required to have availÂable exits from your comÂpaÂny. Ask us about how to meet the code while keepÂing your premisÂes secure. Ask about our assortÂment of exit or “panÂic” bars for your busiÂness. (with or withÂout an alarm) Exit bars can work with varÂiÂous entry options, from always locked to elecÂtronÂic access or essenÂtial conÂtrol.
Door openÂing and Door Prop Alarms
Doors can only offer secuÂriÂty if they are closed. If your facilÂiÂty has doors prone to being propped open or used as unauÂthoÂrized exit/ entry points, you may have a secuÂriÂty probÂlem. Ask us about installing door alarms that alert you if a door opens or remains open.