Business Exit Door Hardware Solutions

Why should you be inter­est­ed in exit hard­ware? In a busi­ness set­ting, reg­u­la­tions vary depend­ing on the size of the build­ing, the num­ber of employ­ees, and the juris­dic­tion. Using prop­er­ly func­tion­ing door exit hard­ware can make you legal­ly com­pli­ant with insur­ance, fire and build­ing codes. It can also increase the secu­ri­ty of your build­ing and your employ­ees. Inven­to­ry shrink­age can often be attrib­uted to a lack of con­trols on doors. If a back­door is left propped open, and nobody knows, any­body can come in and help them­selves. PROTECTION PLUS® staff are licensed, cer­ti­fied and expe­ri­enced in Exit Hard­ware instal­la­tions. 

Com­mer­cial exit or “pan­ic” bars will help your busi­ness com­ply with fire reg­u­la­tions. You may be required to have avail­able exits from your com­pa­ny. Ask us about how to meet the code while keep­ing your premis­es secure. Ask about our assort­ment of exit or “pan­ic” bars for your busi­ness. (with or with­out an alarm) Exit bars can work with var­i­ous entry options, from always locked to elec­tron­ic access or essen­tial con­trol.

Business Exit Door Hardware Solutions
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Door open­ing and Door Prop Alarms

Doors can only offer secu­ri­ty if they are closed. If your facil­i­ty has doors prone to being propped open or used as unau­tho­rized exit/ entry points, you may have a secu­ri­ty prob­lem. Ask us about installing door alarms that alert you if a door opens or remains open.

Door opening and Door Prop Alarms 1
Door opening and Door Prop Alarms 2