Business Door Locks
Is it time to purÂchase new Locks? Big box stores have entire aisles filled with varÂiÂous secuÂriÂty door locks. How does the conÂsumer know what a good valÂue lock with good secuÂriÂty feaÂtures is?
- You can deterÂmine qualÂiÂty levÂels by learnÂing some priÂmaÂry lanÂguage of the lock indusÂtry.
- Lock qualÂiÂty is assessed by “Grade”. Grade One is the highÂest qualÂiÂty. The highÂer the “grade” numÂber, the lowÂer the qualÂiÂty. TypÂiÂcalÂly, Grade One locks are sold by LockÂsmiths and secuÂriÂty comÂpaÂnies. Most big box stores sell Grade 3 door locks, knob sets and deadÂbolts. These are mass-proÂduced locks made with low stanÂdards and cheapÂer interÂnal comÂpoÂnents, includÂing plasÂtic and nylon. They have minÂiÂmal proÂtecÂtion from abuse, heat, or comÂmon burÂglary tricks like lock pickÂing, key bumpÂing, or drilling. In many casÂes, they also canÂnot be repaired or upgradÂed; they are sealed units and are more or less disÂposÂable. These are the typÂiÂcal “builder” installed locks, low cost with minÂiÂmal secuÂriÂty feaÂtures.
- The lack of key SecuÂriÂty is anothÂer major weakÂness in many lowÂer-grade locks comÂmonÂly sold in Big Box stores. The cheapÂest locks can be, in essence, rekeyed by insertÂing a blank key and tapÂping the cylinÂder; the tumÂblers inside will align with the new key. This allows a quick burÂglar entry with no sign of forced entry. High-SecuÂriÂty Grade One locks use difÂferÂent techÂnolÂoÂgy, such as side pins or ball bearÂings, to preÂvent this tamÂperÂing.
- Key ConÂtrol takes SecuÂriÂty to anothÂer levÂel. The abilÂiÂty to conÂtrol who can dupliÂcate a key is an imporÂtant step forÂward in SecuÂriÂty. SomeÂtimes we all lend out keys, perÂhaps to a neighÂbour or conÂtracÂtor. With key conÂtrol, only an authoÂrized perÂson with I.D. can dupliÂcate the key from an authoÂrized dealÂer, not the corÂner store. Key ConÂtrol can stop at simÂply limÂitÂing dupliÂcaÂtion, or it can be expandÂed to creÂatÂing a masÂter key sysÂtem allowÂing you to have a MasÂter Key that can open all locks while restrictÂing access to othÂers door by door, lock by lock. This is an excelÂlent soluÂtion for homes where perÂhaps a cleanÂing serÂvice gets access to a side door but not the home office. And busiÂnessÂes where a manÂagÂer has a MasÂter key with full access, but employÂees are limÂitÂed to speÂcifÂic doors and locks.
- Check your local fire code for restricÂtions. We get plenÂty of requests for deadÂbolts that are keyed on both sides. In many jurisÂdicÂtions, this is not perÂmitÂted. In the event of a fire, do you want to make it difÂfiÂcult to exit? This is an examÂple of what is not allowed in some jurisÂdicÂtions; our LockÂsmith and conÂsulÂtants can assist you in ensurÂing you adhere to local bylaws and safeÂty regÂuÂlaÂtions.
The Cronus proÂvides a lowÂer-cost alterÂnaÂtive with a good qualÂiÂty Grade 2 lock, also comÂpatÂiÂble with Mul-T-Lock’s key conÂtrol feaÂtures. Mix and match the Cronus and HerÂcuÂlar as needÂed, and still use the same key to open them. Ask our conÂsulÂtant about the best fit for your appliÂcaÂtion and budÂget.
Door Locks and CylinÂders: Mul-T-Lock’s door lock famÂiÂly includes MorÂtise Locks, Knob & Lever CylinÂdriÂcal Locks, and JimÂmy-Proof Locks. These have Mul-T-Lock’s patentÂed cylinÂder and are designed to offer a comÂplete high-secuÂriÂty packÂage.
DeadÂbolts: Mul-T-Lock’s line of high-secuÂriÂty door locks has been spearÂheadÂed by the unique HerÂcuÂlar® DeadÂbolt. UtiÂlizÂing supeÂriÂor strength and ease of instalÂlaÂtion, the HerÂcuÂlar® DeadÂbolt lock has set new stanÂdards in high-secuÂriÂty lockÂing. ConÂstructÂed of solÂid brass and hardÂened steel, the HerÂcuÂlar® deadÂbolt lock is recÂogÂnized by many as the best deadÂbolt on the marÂket today.
The Cronus proÂvides a lowÂer-cost alterÂnaÂtive with a good qualÂiÂty Grade 2 lock, also comÂpatÂiÂble with Mul-T-Lock’s key conÂtrol feaÂtures. Mix and match the Cronus and HerÂcuÂlar as needÂed, and still use the same key to open them. Ask our conÂsulÂtant about the best fit for your appliÂcaÂtion and budÂget.
CylinÂders: Already have good qualÂiÂty door locks or padÂlocks? Have you just moved into a new buildÂing with good-qualÂiÂty locks, but you need to ensure there are no unauÂthoÂrized keys? Ask us about increasÂing your SecuÂriÂty by installing new High-SecuÂriÂty Mul-T-Lock CylinÂders that are drill, bump and pick resisÂtant, and offer essenÂtial ConÂtrol. MorÂtise, Rim, and Key in Knob CylinÂders headÂline Mul-T-Lock’s comÂpreÂhenÂsive line of retroÂfit soluÂtions. AvailÂable for a wide range of ResÂiÂdenÂtial, ComÂmerÂcial, IndusÂtriÂal, and InterÂnaÂtionÂal lockÂsets, each is designed to offer an affordÂable upgrade to pick, drill and bump resisÂtance, as well as patentÂed, restrictÂed essenÂtial ConÂtrol to almost any existÂing lockÂset. Also, Mul-T-Lock carÂries Large ForÂmat InterÂchangeÂable Cores, Mogul CylinÂders, and a variÂety of ProÂfile CylinÂders to fit mulÂtiÂple appliÂcaÂtions.
PasÂsage sets: LookÂing for more secure soluÂtions for inteÂriÂor door locks in your home or office? Do you need to switch to Lever sets to meet upcomÂing AccesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty regÂuÂlaÂtions? LookÂing to expand your key ConÂtrol to inteÂriÂor doors? We can help!
PadÂlocks An often overÂlooked secuÂriÂty weakÂness is the use of PadÂlocks. PadÂlocks usuÂalÂly proÂtect and conÂtrol access to valuÂable items rangÂing from Bar fridges to equipÂment rooms and tool sheds. Yet often are purÂchased with litÂtle thought to SecuÂriÂty from the local departÂment store. Mul-T-Lock’s varÂiÂous padÂlock lines are world-renowned and recÂogÂnized by many instiÂtuÂtions. Whether it’s the weathÂer resisÂtance of the G‑Series Line, the familÂiarÂiÂty of our T‑Series Line, the verÂsaÂtilÂiÂty of the C‑Series Line, or the brute strength of our robust E‑Series Line, Mul-T-Lock carÂries the best soluÂtion for almost any padÂlock appliÂcaÂtion.