Old man winÂter is finalÂly here, leavÂing it’s mark with freezÂing temÂperÂaÂtures and treachÂerÂous driÂving conÂdiÂtions. We’ve already witÂnessed the below zero temÂperÂaÂtures and the ice and snow mix in and around the city. We can also see that just recentÂly, the U.S was hit with a masÂsive ice storm, devÂasÂtatÂing 16 states. Time to think of winÂter safeÂty.
As the winÂter seaÂson swings into full gear, it’s time to preÂpare your car for the winÂter seaÂson ahead. One way to so is by conÂsidÂerÂing getÂting snow tires installed on your car. If you’ve used snow tires in the past, then you know how much safer and effecÂtive they are when it comes to driÂving in winÂter conÂdiÂtions. HowÂevÂer, if you’ve nevÂer used winÂter tires before, there are a few reaÂsons to conÂsidÂer their use this seaÂson. The mateÂrÂiÂal used in winÂter tires are a more flexÂiÂble comÂpound that is designed to work at a lowÂer temÂperÂaÂture and preÂvent snow from buildÂing up in the tire grooves unlike all-seaÂson tires where the rubÂber quickÂly stiffÂens upon cold temÂperÂaÂtures, failÂing to delivÂer optiÂmal perÂforÂmance in some driÂving conÂdiÂtions. FurÂtherÂmore, the grooves on snow tires are much largÂer and deepÂer unlike those on all-seaÂson tires, preÂventÂing a build-up of snow and allowÂing for the tires to mainÂtain their grip on the road.
As we know, CanaÂdiÂan winÂters are known for their harsh cliÂmates, as temÂperÂaÂtures can drop in a couÂple of days to quick changes in the weathÂer patÂterns. That’s why this winÂter rememÂber to bunÂdle up. AnyÂtime you go out, whether it’s to school, work, shopÂping or visÂitÂing famÂiÂly, rememÂber to put on those scarves, hats, jackÂets and gloves to proÂtect yourÂself from the harsh winÂter winds and from the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of getÂting frostÂbite. Try not to take small chilÂdren, babies or the elderÂly outÂside durÂing freezÂing temÂperÂaÂtures as you wouldÂn’t want them to catch a cold. If it’s just too cold outÂside, stay at home. There’s no betÂter way to beat the cold than avoidÂing the expoÂsure to it.
LastÂly, don’t forÂget to preÂpare your house for the winÂter seaÂson. Clean out all rain gutÂters, makÂing sure that any meltÂed snow or water can drain through easÂiÂly. Seal up all cracks in any doors and winÂdows to stop cold air or snow from leakÂing into the house and sweep the chimÂney, makes sure nothÂing is blockÂing its air flow before using the fireÂplace. In addiÂtion, since the holÂiÂday seaÂson will mean that peoÂple will be in and out of their house a lot, make sure that your alarm sysÂtem is armed and active. Change the batÂterÂies in your alarm sysÂtem to allow for optiÂmal perÂforÂmance and examÂine all exterÂnal secuÂriÂty camÂeras, checkÂing for any damÂages. RememÂber, it only takes minÂutes for a burÂglar to break into your home, so proÂtect you and your home this holÂiÂday seaÂson. If you don’t have an alarm sysÂtem, call us, PROTECTION PLUS ®, and see how easy and affordÂable Smart Home SerÂvices, an Alarm MonÂiÂtorÂing Plan and Video SurÂveilÂlance can be to proÂtect your famÂiÂly this holÂiÂday.
As winÂter conÂtinÂues to make its presÂence felt, it’s imporÂtant to be preÂpared for just about anyÂthing. Stay safe this winÂter seaÂson and if you’re not a fan of winÂter, then let the countÂdown to sumÂmer begin.
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