Old man win­ter is final­ly here, leav­ing it’s mark with freez­ing tem­per­a­tures and treach­er­ous dri­ving con­di­tions.  We’ve already wit­nessed the below zero tem­per­a­tures and the ice and snow mix in and around the city.  We can also see that just recent­ly, the U.S was hit with a mas­sive ice storm, dev­as­tat­ing 16 states. Time to think of win­ter safe­ty.

As the win­ter sea­son swings into full gear, it’s time to pre­pare your car for the win­ter sea­son ahead.  One way to so is by con­sid­er­ing get­ting snow tires installed on your car.  If you’ve used snow tires in the past, then you know how much safer and effec­tive they are when it comes to dri­ving in win­ter con­di­tions.  How­ev­er, if you’ve nev­er used win­ter tires before, there are a few rea­sons to con­sid­er their use this sea­son.  The mate­r­i­al used in win­ter tires are a more flex­i­ble com­pound that is designed to work at a low­er tem­per­a­ture and pre­vent snow from build­ing up in the tire grooves unlike all-sea­son tires where the rub­ber quick­ly stiff­ens upon cold tem­per­a­tures, fail­ing to deliv­er opti­mal per­for­mance in some dri­ving con­di­tions.  Fur­ther­more, the grooves on snow tires are much larg­er and deep­er unlike those on all-sea­son tires, pre­vent­ing a build-up of snow and allow­ing for the tires to main­tain their grip on the road.

As we know, Cana­di­an win­ters are known for their harsh cli­mates, as tem­per­a­tures can drop in a cou­ple of days to quick changes in the weath­er pat­terns.  That’s why this win­ter remem­ber to bun­dle up.  Any­time you go out, whether it’s to school, work, shop­ping or vis­it­ing fam­i­ly, remem­ber to put on those scarves, hats, jack­ets and gloves to pro­tect your­self from the harsh win­ter winds and from the pos­si­bil­i­ty of get­ting frost­bite.  Try not to take small chil­dren, babies or the elder­ly out­side dur­ing freez­ing tem­per­a­tures as you would­n’t want them to catch a cold.  If it’s just too cold out­side, stay at home.  There’s no bet­ter way to beat the cold than avoid­ing the expo­sure to it.

Last­ly, don’t for­get to pre­pare your house for the win­ter sea­son.  Clean out all rain gut­ters, mak­ing sure that any melt­ed snow or water can drain through eas­i­ly.  Seal up all cracks in any doors and win­dows to stop cold air or snow from leak­ing into the house and sweep the chim­ney, makes sure noth­ing is block­ing its air flow before using the fire­place.  In addi­tion, since the hol­i­day sea­son will mean that peo­ple will be in and out of their house a lot, make sure that your alarm sys­tem is armed and active.  Change the bat­ter­ies in your alarm sys­tem to allow for opti­mal per­for­mance and exam­ine all exter­nal secu­ri­ty cam­eras, check­ing for any dam­ages.  Remem­ber, it only takes min­utes for a bur­glar to break into your home, so pro­tect you and your home this hol­i­day sea­son.  If you don’t have an alarm sys­tem, call us, PROTECTION PLUS ®, and see how easy and afford­able Smart Home Ser­vices, an Alarm Mon­i­tor­ing Plan and Video Sur­veil­lance can be to pro­tect your fam­i­ly this hol­i­day.

As win­ter con­tin­ues to make its pres­ence felt, it’s impor­tant to be pre­pared for just about any­thing.  Stay safe this win­ter sea­son and if you’re not a fan of win­ter, then let the count­down to sum­mer begin.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.