With the ris­ing preva­lence of secu­ri­ty issues in busi­ness­es today, being unpre­pared can be cost­ly. Many busi­ness own­ers fail to rec­og­nize that dan­ger may come from out­side, such as bur­glary or hack­ing and from with­in. That includes employ­ee theft, com­pli­ance issues at the work­place, and lia­bil­i­ty claims.

With these con­cerns in mind, secu­ri­ty cam­eras on busi­ness premis­es pro­gressed from an option to a must-have. There­fore, remem­ber these tips as you plan and imple­ment your secu­ri­ty set­up.

1. Assess and Optimize Camera Placement

Coverage is Key

You must posi­tion cam­eras prop­er­ly for opti­mal secu­ri­ty. Ensure each device cov­ers a wide scope and place them in suit­able areas of your busi­ness con­tain­ing valu­able and sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion or essen­tial resources/inventory.

When in doubt, con­sid­er apply­ing for a pro­fes­sion­al secu­ri­ty assess­ment to pin­point hid­den areas and weak points through­out your site.

Height Matters

Mount cam­eras at a height that dis­cour­ages tam­per­ing yet still deliv­er clear, rec­og­niz­able images. In open spaces, posi­tion cam­eras from above for an unhin­dered, com­pre­hen­sive view obscured by peo­ple or objects.

2. Choose the Right Type of Camera

Indoor vs. Outdoor Models

Dif­fer­ent cam­eras work best in var­i­ous envi­ron­ments. Out­door cam­eras are durable enough to with­stand exter­nal weath­er con­di­tions such as rain, wind, and extreme heat or cold. They also usu­al­ly come equipped with night vision.

Indoor cam­eras are still reli­able but aren’t strong enough to weath­er the ele­ments like their out­door coun­ter­parts.

IP or Analog

Choos­ing between IP (Inter­net Pro­to­col) cam­eras or old-school ana­log can be daunt­ing if you don’t know the dif­fer­ence. IP cam­eras offer sharp images and advanced fea­tures like spot­ting move­ment. While they might require more mon­ey for their ini­tial set­up and upkeep, they’re typ­i­cal­ly worth every pen­ny for the secu­ri­ty, sta­bil­i­ty, and peace of mind.

3. Don’t Skimp on Lighting

Lighting for Clarity

Bright lights are need­ed for clear video shots, espe­cial­ly when the sun is not up. Busi­ness cams often have infrared light for record­ing at night, but you may require more. To improve the qual­i­ty of your footage, you can install more lights or use cam­eras with good night vision.

Lights that Spot Movement

For bet­ter safe­ty and effi­cien­cy, con­sid­er motion-acti­vat­ed lights. They help your cam­eras record bet­ter and, when they sud­den­ly bright­en after sens­ing motion, may scare off intrud­ers.

4. Maintain Your Camera System Regularly

Scheduled Maintenance

Like many oth­er gad­gets, sur­veil­lance cam­eras need rou­tine care. Cre­ate an upkeep sched­ule that includes lens clean­ing, wire inspec­tions, and check­ing the record­ing tools work prop­er­ly.

Update the Software

For dig­i­tal IP cam­eras, updat­ing the system’s soft­ware is cru­cial. These updates often come with impor­tant secu­ri­ty fix­es and patch­es pro­vid­ing bet­ter per­for­mance. If you skip these soft­ware updates, you might open the door to hackers–compromising your tech­nol­o­gy and business’s secu­ri­ty.

5. Make Your Network Safe

Protect Against Cyber Threats

Since busi­ness secu­ri­ty cam­eras con­nect to the web, you can’t over­look the impor­tance of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. Ensure the net­work your cam­era runs on is safe, using fire­wall pro­tec­tions and robust pass­words are updat­ed often (we rec­om­mend every six months).

Encrypted Signals

If your cam­era sys­tems are wire­less, con­firm with your provider that they use a cod­ed out­put sig­nal. Intrud­ers can inter­cept encod­ed wire­less sig­nals, let­ting unau­tho­rized out­siders see your video feeds.

Top-end secu­ri­ty cam­eras typ­i­cal­ly include built-in cod­ing to pre­vent such occur­rences from occur­ring.

6. Consider Video Analytics and Smart Tech Integration

Advanced Detection and Reporting

Today’s secu­ri­ty cam­eras may have video ana­lyt­ics fea­tures that turn sim­ple record­ings into action­able insights. They can fol­low the move­ment, count the num­ber of peo­ple in a room, iden­ti­fy license plates, and spot loi­ter­ing.

By cre­at­ing alerts for these actions, you can watch them in real-time and pre­vent sit­u­a­tions before they hap­pen.

Linking with Other Systems

Inte­grat­ing your busi­ness secu­ri­ty cam­eras with oth­er cor­po­rate sys­tems can vast­ly boost your over­sight and con­trol. Linked sys­tems could include entry con­trol, fire alarms, and ener­gy man­age­ment sys­tems, result­ing in a smoother mon­i­tor­ing expe­ri­ence that improves secu­ri­ty.

7. Know Your Legal Requirements and Privacy Regulations

Staying Within the Law

You must fol­low local, provin­cial, and fed­er­al laws when installing secu­ri­ty cam­eras. This may include dis­play­ing signs, restrict­ing audio record­ing, and inform­ing staff and clients about sur­veil­lance.

Not com­ply­ing with these reg­u­la­tions can earn you severe legal and finan­cial penal­ties.

Respecting Boundaries

Pri­va­cy is essen­tial. As a busi­ness own­er, you must hold this in high regard, bal­anc­ing between secu­ri­ty and an individual’s right to pri­va­cy. Place your cam­eras only in areas that are con­sid­ered pub­lic. Keep pri­vate areas like restrooms or change rooms cam­era-free unless they com­ply with legal guide­lines.

Recapping Your Security Needs

For your busi­ness, secu­ri­ty cam­eras are cru­cial. They pro­tect your prop­er­ty and staff, dis­cour­age crime, and offer insights into your day-to-day oper­a­tions. How­ev­er, they must also be well-placed, use the right tech, require prop­er light­ing and upkeep, have secure net­work­ing and incor­po­ra­tion capa­bil­i­ties, and be legal­ly sound for the best over­all results.

If you’re unsure what you need, con­tact Pro­tec­tion Plus for a com­pli­men­ta­ry audit. We would be hap­py to assist you in find­ing suit­able cam­eras for your busi­ness needs.

Protection Plus—Safeguard Your Business with Confidence

At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we under­stand the impor­tance of secu­ri­ty cam­eras for your busi­ness. That’s why we’re com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing the right equip­ment and deliv­er­ing you the peace of mind that comes with it.

With many tai­lored options and cus­tomized setups avail­able, our team excels at find­ing the per­fect busi­ness solu­tion. We’ll nev­er sell you more than you need and will always work with­in your bud­get to pro­vide the best sys­tem for your dol­lar.

Con­tact us today to expe­ri­ence the Pro­tec­tion Plus dif­fer­ence and to ele­vate your busi­ness secu­ri­ty strat­e­gy.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.