Your child’s safe­ty is essen­tial. With wide­spread tech­nol­o­gy, many fam­i­lies use it to safe­guard their homes and fam­i­lies. Home secu­ri­ty sys­tems pro­tect our loved ones and offer peace of mind whether you’re at home or away from it. Below, we’ll walk you through how to use your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem.

Get to Know Your Home Security System

Under­stand­ing your sys­tem is the first step before mak­ing spe­cif­ic plans for your kids. A typ­i­cal mod­ern sys­tem includes indoor and out­door cam­eras, motion detec­tors, win­dow and door sen­sors, and smart locks. You can con­trol it from your phone or anoth­er smart device.

Take your time to explore each part of the sys­tem and learn how to use it. That includes fig­ur­ing out how to inter­act with the system’s spe­cif­ic soft­ware. It also means mak­ing sure that all fam­i­ly mem­bers who are old enough know how to turn the sys­tem on and off.

Putting Cameras and Sensors in the Right Places

Where to Place Inside and Outside Cameras

For secu­ri­ty, cam­eras are essen­tial; think of them as your system’s eyes and ears. Put indoor cams in shared spaces like liv­ing rooms and hall­ways. Yet, remem­ber, areas like bed­rooms and bath­rooms need pri­va­cy.

Out­door cam­eras should cov­er all entry points, like front and back doors and bot­tom-floor win­dows. Ensure the camera’s place­ment is high on the wall to pre­vent peo­ple from tam­per­ing with them.

Door and Window Sensors

These are your first line of defence. Place sen­sors on exter­nal doors and win­dows— par­tic­u­lar­ly those hid­den from street view—since intrud­ers tar­get these spots. Sen­sor alerts will noti­fy you when any­one opens these entry points, help­ing to mon­i­tor the safe­ty of your chil­dren both day and night.

Educating Your Kids About Home Security

Safety Drills and System Awareness

It’s vital to edu­cate your kids about your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem. How­ev­er, you must tai­lor it to their age and under­stand­ing. They should know what the sys­tem does and why it’s essen­tial for their safe­ty.

Run­ning through safe­ty drills can pre­pare them for emer­gen­cies, like show­ing them how to arm the sys­tem, what to do if the alarm sounds, and how to con­tact emer­gency ser­vices if nec­es­sary.

Secure Smart Locks and Codes

If your sys­tem includes smart locks, assign unique entry codes for each fam­i­ly mem­ber. Teach your chil­dren to keep their codes pri­vate and stress the impor­tance of lock­ing the door behind them. With remote mon­i­tor­ing, you can receive alerts when your chil­dren come and go, ensur­ing they’ve arrived home safe­ly and that your home is secure.

Utilizing Alerts and Notifications

Real-time alerts and noti­fi­ca­tions inform you of any activ­i­ty with­in or around your home. You can con­fig­ure your sys­tem to noti­fy you of spe­cif­ic events, such as when the alarm is dis­armed with your child’s code, sig­nalling their safe return from school.

Set up instant alerts for unex­pect­ed motion detect­ed by sen­sors or cam­eras dur­ing hours when no one should be home or in restrict­ed areas.

Using Apps and Remote Access for Surveillance

Most con­tem­po­rary home secu­ri­ty sys­tems sup­port smart­phone con­nec­tiv­i­ty. This per­mits remote mon­i­tor­ing of your home. These apps give you access to live video feeds, updates to the system’s sta­tus, and con­trol over sys­tem arm­ing or dis­arm­ing.

Such apps also allow you to mon­i­tor your chil­dren when they return from school or play dates, ensur­ing they are safe and behav­ing well.

Creating a Safe Home Space

Integration with Smart Homes

Many home secu­ri­ty sys­tems can con­nect with smart home tools. These tools offer improved secu­ri­ty and man­age­able con­trol over your home. Smart lights, for instance, can mim­ic some­one being home, ward­ing off poten­tial bur­glars. Auto­mat­ed smoke and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors can alert you instan­ta­neous­ly about a fire or gas leak, ensur­ing your children’s safe­ty.

Controlling the Environment

Your system’s envi­ron­men­tal con­trol fea­ture will keep your space safe and cozy for your kids. For exam­ple, smart ther­mostats can reg­u­late home tem­per­a­ture, and water sen­sors can warn about pos­si­ble leaks or flood­ing, reduc­ing risks for your chil­dren.

High-End Features and Child Protection

Your sys­tem may include advanced fea­tures like geo-fenc­ing. It uses your phone’s loca­tion to auto­mate your secu­ri­ty, such as trig­ger­ing cam­eras or send­ing reminders to acti­vate your alarm sys­tem.

It may even have voice recog­ni­tion, grant­i­ng old­er kids the abil­i­ty to use the sys­tem hands-free, adding anoth­er lay­er of secu­ri­ty and con­ve­nience.

Upkeep and Updates

Your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem will be most effi­cient and effec­tive if updat­ed reg­u­lar­ly. The soft­ware will con­tin­u­al­ly need updat­ing. There­fore, it is best to test your sys­tem often to ensure it’s in good form. You’ll also want to replace bat­ter­ies in sen­sors and cam­eras when need­ed.

In addi­tion to this, make sure all your devices linked to your secu­ri­ty sys­tem work well. It will help pre­vent issues that may oth­er­wise leave your chil­dren at risk.

Educate Kids About Online Security

In today’s world, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty is as essen­tial as safe­guard­ing your phys­i­cal being. Teach your kids the risk of post­ing pri­vate details to ensure the secu­ri­ty of your home net­work. Make sure they under­stand that pass­words are pri­vate and not to be shared—even with their close friends.

Strong pass­words and updat­ed soft­ware for your secu­ri­ty sys­tem also help pro­tect you and your fam­i­ly against vir­tu­al threats.

Get the Right Security System for Your Family

Your home secu­ri­ty device is a proac­tive guard for your fam­i­ly. Famil­iar­ize your­self with its func­tions, include your kids in the plan­ning, and uti­lize remote super­vi­sion and reg­u­lar upkeep.

If you want a depend­able home secu­ri­ty sys­tem or wish to upgrade, Pro­tec­tion Plus pro­vides a wide range of safe­ty solu­tions to safe­guard your home and your kids.

Keep Your Kids Safe with Protection Plus

Pro­tec­tion Plus gets it—nothing is more impor­tant than your kids’ safe­ty. Our top-notch home secu­ri­ty sys­tems have got you cov­ered. Keep an eye on your home space and make sure it’s locked up tight when you need it to be. Whether on the go or at work, you can feel secure know­ing your kids and house are safe.

If you’re ready to invest in a safer future for your loved ones, check out our web­site or call us to speak to a Pro­tec­tion Plus expert. We’re here to get you a set­up that’s per­fect for your needs and keeps what’s important—your kids—secure.

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Brandon Baum
Brandon Baum has been at Protection Plus since he was born in 1998. Since Graduating from Ryerson in 2020, he has been at the company full-time. Currently, his title is Chief Security Officer.