As busiÂnessÂes increasÂingÂly pivÂot towards digÂiÂtal operÂaÂtions, robust access conÂtrol meaÂsures are cruÂcial. Access conÂtrol techÂnolÂoÂgy is evolvÂing and improvÂing to influÂence how orgaÂniÂzaÂtions manÂage access to their facilÂiÂties and digÂiÂtal assets. Here are six access conÂtrol trends to watch out for this year.
Cloud-Based Management Systems
Cloud-based access conÂtrol sysÂtems have gained tracÂtion and influÂence how many orgaÂniÂzaÂtions manÂage and monÂiÂtor access. Cloud-based access conÂtrol manÂageÂment offers flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty, scalÂaÂbilÂiÂty and accesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty that traÂdiÂtionÂal on-site soluÂtions simÂply canÂnot match.
From remote manÂageÂment and cenÂtralÂized conÂtrol to seamÂless updates, cloud-based secuÂriÂty platÂforms allow orgaÂniÂzaÂtions to streamÂline their secuÂriÂty and scale resources as needÂed.
HowÂevÂer, a cloud-based secuÂriÂty manÂageÂment sysÂtem is not always the right fit. Some busiÂnessÂes require on-site servers for more strinÂgent secuÂriÂty or find overÂhaulÂing their existÂing infraÂstrucÂture too costÂly. In these casÂes, switchÂing to a hybrid cloud sysÂtem where existÂing devices conÂnect to cloud-conÂnectÂed softÂware may be benÂeÂfiÂcial.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
MulÂtiÂfacÂtor authenÂtiÂcaÂtion, or MFA, is an increasÂingÂly popÂuÂlar modÂern access conÂtrol stratÂeÂgy. It requires users to authenÂtiÂcate their idenÂtiÂty through mulÂtiÂple facÂtors, such as passÂwords, bioÂmetÂrics, or mobile tokens.
By doing so, MFA sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly increasÂes secuÂriÂty, adding layÂers of verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion before allowÂing access and makÂing it more difÂfiÂcult for unauÂthoÂrized users to access buildÂings or netÂworks.
Touchless Entry and Access Technology
There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 panÂdemÂic accelÂerÂatÂed the adopÂtion of touchÂless entry and access techÂnolÂoÂgy across indusÂtries. From conÂtactÂless key cards to bioÂmetÂrics authenÂtiÂcaÂtion methÂods such as facial recogÂniÂtion and iris scanÂning, orgaÂniÂzaÂtions are embracÂing soluÂtions that minÂiÂmize physÂiÂcal conÂtact while mainÂtainÂing strinÂgent secuÂriÂty proÂtoÂcols.
In 2024, we will likeÂly see an increased adopÂtion in the two areas:
Enhanced Physical Signal Configuration and Motion Sensing Technology
RefineÂments in physÂiÂcal sigÂnal conÂfigÂuÂraÂtion lowÂer the risk of acciÂdenÂtal unlocks. For examÂple, users may need to comÂplete a speÂcifÂic action at a cerÂtain disÂtance, such as wavÂing a hand in front of a readÂer, to unlock access to a cerÂtain area.
Elevated Mobile Experience
The tranÂsiÂtion towards mobile creÂdenÂtials is gainÂing momenÂtum as comÂpaÂnies want streamÂlined access soluÂtions. Instead of disÂtribÂutÂing traÂdiÂtionÂal key cards and fobs, orgaÂniÂzaÂtions are beginÂning to embrace mobile-cenÂtric approachÂes.
Users can seamÂlessÂly unlock nearÂby doors using mobile devices by leverÂagÂing smartÂphone appliÂcaÂtions and proxÂimÂiÂty techÂnolÂoÂgy.
Remote Management
Remote secuÂriÂty and access manÂageÂment have revÂoÂluÂtionÂized many busiÂnessÂes’ secuÂriÂty capaÂbilÂiÂties. This trend will become a promiÂnent trend in 2024.
This trend iniÂtialÂly gained momenÂtum by helpÂing busiÂness ownÂers safeÂguard their premisÂes even while absent, layÂing the groundÂwork for busiÂnessÂes to keep their comÂmerÂcial offices open while supÂportÂing a hybrid work enviÂronÂment.
One of the main advanÂtages of remote secuÂriÂty and access conÂtrol is that it allows orgaÂniÂzaÂtions to stay flexÂiÂble no matÂter their team’s locaÂtion. Remote door access is useÂful for allowÂing clients and employÂees access withÂout the need to be physÂiÂcalÂly on-site.
HowÂevÂer, ensurÂing that remote unlocks only perÂform for verÂiÂfied indiÂvidÂuÂals can be a sigÂnifÂiÂcant chalÂlenge, and conÂvergÂing video surÂveilÂlance and access conÂtrol, anothÂer likeÂly trend for 2024, is a viable soluÂtion to mitÂiÂgate this vulÂnerÂaÂbilÂiÂty.
Security System Unification
The conÂverÂgence of physÂiÂcal and digÂiÂtal secuÂriÂty sysÂtems is a growÂing trend in access conÂtrol. By inteÂgratÂing access conÂtrol sysÂtems with video surÂveilÂlance, intruÂsion detecÂtion and idenÂtiÂty manÂageÂment, orgaÂniÂzaÂtions can creÂate a uniÂfied secuÂriÂty sysÂtem that offers 360-degree proÂtecÂtion against diverse threats.
Zero-Trust Security Model
The zero-trust secuÂriÂty modÂel is gainÂing popÂuÂlarÂiÂty as orgaÂniÂzaÂtions acknowlÂedge the limÂiÂtaÂtions of perimeÂter-based secuÂriÂty, which assumes trust withÂin the netÂwork. The zero trust modÂel assumes zero trust inside and outÂside the netÂwork perimeÂter.
It means every access request is comÂpleteÂly authenÂtiÂcatÂed, authoÂrized and encryptÂed, regardÂless of the user’s idenÂtiÂty, locaÂtion or device. OrgaÂniÂzaÂtions can minÂiÂmize the risk of insidÂer threats, data breachÂes and unauÂthoÂrized access attempts by adoptÂing a zero-trust approach.
Access conÂtrol trends are conÂtinÂuÂousÂly evolvÂing to meet the needs and chalÂlenges of today’s secuÂriÂty enviÂronÂments. Today, orgaÂniÂzaÂtions have sevÂerÂal options to enhance access conÂtrol sysÂtems, from touchÂless entry and remote manÂageÂment to zero-trust secuÂriÂty.
By embracÂing these trends and leverÂagÂing the latÂest secuÂriÂty techÂnoloÂgies, busiÂnessÂes can safeÂguard their assets and proÂtect their perÂsonÂnel from ever-changÂing secuÂriÂty threats.
Safeguard Your Business with Confidence Today
LookÂing for an access conÂtrol sysÂtem that you can rely on? ProÂtecÂtion Plus is here to help. As the top secuÂriÂty sysÂtem provider for busiÂnessÂes and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions in ToronÂto and the GTA, we speÂcialÂize in delivÂerÂing taiÂlored soluÂtions for your unique secuÂriÂty requireÂments.
Whether you operÂate a comÂmerÂcial office, a manÂuÂfacÂturÂing facilÂiÂty or a retail storeÂfront, our team works with you to thorÂoughÂly assess your needs. With cusÂtomizÂable options and perÂsonÂalÂized setups availÂable, you can trust us to help you find the perÂfect access conÂtrol soluÂtion for your busiÂness needs.
For more inforÂmaÂtion about our access conÂtrol techÂnolÂoÂgy or to schedÂule a comÂpliÂmenÂtaÂry conÂsulÂtaÂtion, get in touch online or call us at 1–844–365‑7587.
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