It’s impos­si­ble to pre­dict when some­one will break into your home. With the aid of win­dow secu­ri­ty film, you can make a burglar’s plans to break in much more dif­fi­cult. Secu­ri­ty film pro­tects the inside and out­side of your house. When some­one attempts to break in through the win­dow, win­dow film affixed with Hi-Impact caulk­ing will hold the bro­ken glass in place.

Not only is win­dow film capa­ble of deter­ring crim­i­nals from enter­ing your home, but it can also stop tree limbs and oth­er fly­ing debris from crash­ing through your win­dows dur­ing storms. The film also makes your home much safer for chil­dren. If your child should acci­den­tal­ly runs into the win­dow, caus­ing it to break, win­dow film will save them from falling out.

Why Should Home Own­ers Con­sid­er Win­dow Film?

There are numer­ous rea­sons to con­sid­er this pro­tec­tion for your home. Not only is it capa­ble of pre­vent­ing bur­glar­ies, pro­tect­ing reck­less chil­dren and stop­ping fly­ing objects, but it will also pro­tect your prop­er­ty from U.V. rays. Car­pet­ing and fur­ni­ture will fade over the years from expo­sure to U.V. rays, but win­dow lam­i­nate helps to fil­ter them.

If you are look­ing to save some extra cash, win­dow lam­i­nate film can also help with that. Dur­ing the sum­mer months, win­dow film will pre­vent the cool air from seep­ing out, while dur­ing the win­ter, win­dow film will keep the heat inside of your home.

How Win­dow Film Works

Win­dow lam­i­nate adheres to the inside of glass sur­faces and can be used on homes, auto­mo­biles and busi­ness build­ings. Essen­tial­ly, the pro­tec­tive film acts as a sun­screen. Not only will it detect when radi­a­tion touch­es it, but it will also reg­u­late the heat pass­ing through the win­dow.

How to Clean your Win­dow

Once win­dow film has been applied, you may notice tiny pock­ets of water. It might also seem some­what hazy after instal­la­tion. This is all a part of the cur­ing process, which can take up to one month to com­plete. If you install a heavy secu­ri­ty lam­i­nate, it will take longer for the water to evap­o­rate through the film.

After the cur­ing process, the best way to clean your win­dow is to use water with a lit­tle soap. When you wipe down your win­dow, use over­lap­ping strokes as you would if you were clean­ing your car win­dows. You can also use glass clean­ing solu­tions but avoid indus­tri­al glass clean­ers.

How long does it take to Install? What is the cost?

In most cas­es, depen­dent on the area cov­ered, it only takes a few hours to install the pro­tec­tive film. The cost to sup­ply win­dow lam­i­nate film, affix and secure with Hi-Impact caulk­ing can range from$ 8.99 to $16.99 per square foot. Win­dow lam­i­nate comes in var­i­ous thick­ness­es, trans­lat­ing to var­i­ous price points.

film for win­dows has quick­ly become a one-solu­tion-cures-all for var­i­ous fac­tors! Whether you have a fam­i­ly to pro­tect or want to add secu­ri­ty while liv­ing alone, the pro­tec­tive film can help increase your defence against bur­glars.


Find out how secu­ri­ty win­dow film can pro­tect your home with a no-oblig­a­tion Home Secu­ri­ty Audit

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.