The 2014 Sochi Olympics games are in full swing, with CanaÂdiÂan athÂletes purÂsuÂing vicÂtoÂry. The Olympics were creÂatÂed to proÂmote peaceÂful comÂpeÂtiÂtion amongst nations through sport while bringÂing peoÂple from difÂferÂent nations togethÂer to share in the celÂeÂbraÂtion. As CanaÂdiÂans across the counÂtry take in the Olympics, many of them too enjoy the thrill, exciteÂment and joy that sport can bring. HowÂevÂer, as much fun as it may be, sport can be danÂgerÂous. So, in celÂeÂbraÂtion of the 2014 Sochi Olympics, here are some ways you can enjoy your favourite sport while keepÂing safe. It is also a time to think of Sports SafeÂty. Wear the right gear MakÂing sure you have the right equipÂment and gear on is key to preÂventÂing sports injuries. This includes everyÂthing from helÂmets to elbow and knee pads. Even simÂple gear like wrist and ankle braces can make the slightÂest difÂferÂence. RememÂber that each sport requires difÂferÂent gear to be worn and it’s imporÂtant to adhere to those guideÂlines to preÂvent injuries. Warm up and stretch first Before takÂing part in any sport activÂiÂty, even if it is going out for a quick run, rememÂber to stretch and warm up first. StretchÂing allows for your musÂcles to warm up, gets your heart going and the blood flowÂing and helps to preÂvent injuries and sprains from occurÂring. Start by creÂatÂing a warm up rouÂtine, 10–15 minÂutes longs, that stretchÂes your musÂcles and gets the blood flowÂing. Drink lots of water DrinkÂing lots of water durÂing physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty helps preÂvent dehyÂdraÂtion from occurÂring. KeepÂing hydratÂed fuels your body and keeps you going. You can also keep hydratÂed through juice or sports drinks but water is your best bet. Tend to your injuries If you expeÂriÂence an injury durÂing any physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty, attend to it immeÂdiÂateÂly. DelayÂing treatÂment can cause the injury to worsÂen over time. Allow for injuries to heal comÂpleteÂly before takÂing part in any strenÂuÂous physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty. Use ice packs to relieve swelling and use supÂport bands for extra supÂport. Avoid putting any presÂsure on the injured area and make sure to get a lot of rest. It’s also a good thing to get injuries examÂined by a docÂtor to get a full diagÂnoÂsis. Learn the skills first Before getÂting into any physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty, it’s imporÂtant to learn the skills first. When playÂing any sport, there are cerÂtain skills that must be learned and masÂtered before that sport can be carÂried out. If not, you put yourÂself at a greater risk of getÂting a sports injury. Just like learnÂing how to walk, swim or driÂve a car, it’s imporÂtant to know the skills first in order to attain sucÂcess. Get some R&R – Rest and relaxÂation TakÂing part in sports or any physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty is good for your health and can make you feel enerÂgized. HowÂevÂer, when parÂtakÂing in any physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty, it’s always good to rememÂber to get some rest and relax. TakÂing the time out to get some rest and relaxÂation gives your body the time to recovÂer from the strenÂuÂous physÂiÂcal activÂiÂty. You don’t want to put a lot of strain on the body causÂing sigÂnifÂiÂcant strain on your musÂcles and putting you at a highÂer risk for injuries. The time off will also give you a chance to betÂter your game and tend to any injuries. From all of us here, wishÂing the CanaÂdiÂan athÂletes the best of luck.
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