If you fre­quent­ly open your house’s win­dows to let in some fresh air or for extend­ed peri­ods, you may want to recon­sid­er such behav­iour, as rough­ly two-thirds of all break-ins are through doors and win­dows.

For this rea­son, both police forces and secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als strong­ly sug­gest that home­own­ers pay close atten­tion to the secu­ri­ty of their win­dows and take rig­or­ous mea­sures to keep crim­i­nals out.

In addi­tion to ensur­ing that your win­dows are always locked, espe­cial­ly when you are not home, replac­ing rot­ted win­dow frames or those with inse­cure glaz­ing is crit­i­cal so they are hard­er to break through.

What are window security bars?

While the mea­sures men­tioned above are a good start­ing point for enhanc­ing secu­ri­ty, if you tru­ly want to keep poten­tial bur­glars from access­ing your home through the win­dows, you may want to con­sid­er installing win­dow secu­ri­ty bars.

Win­dow secu­ri­ty bars (also called “bur­glar bars” or “win­dow grilles”) are a secu­ri­ty mea­sure in which stur­dy met­al bars are installed on either the inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or of your home win­dows, mak­ing it near­ly impos­si­ble for some­one to get through them.

If you have secu­ri­ty bars installed inside your win­dow, they could be fixed, depend­ing on the par­tic­u­lar bars you decide on. This type of secu­ri­ty bar is gen­er­al­ly thought to be most effec­tive because it is incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult for intrud­ers to dis­able inter­nal­ly mount­ed bars.

Exter­nal secu­ri­ty bars are mount­ed out­side your win­dows and are usu­al­ly per­ma­nent­ly fixed. While these bars will deter crim­i­nals from attempt­ing to break through, it is pos­si­ble that those with pow­er tools could poten­tial­ly remove them to access your home. How­ev­er, doing so would like­ly be very incon­ve­nient and draw much atten­tion.

How are window security bars installed?

The instal­la­tion require­ments for win­dow secu­ri­ty bars can vary from prod­uct to prod­uct; how­ev­er, a few main strate­gies are wide­ly uti­lized. When it comes to exter­nal­ly mount­ed win­dow bars, options are more lim­it­ed. These bars typ­i­cal­ly have to be screwed into place with screws that are left exposed.

How­ev­er, there are more options avail­able for installing inter­nal secu­ri­ty bars, which is anoth­er rea­son that many secu­ri­ty experts pre­fer this option. Inter­nal win­dow secu­ri­ty bars can be mount­ed with face-fix­ing or reveal-fix­ing attach­ments, mak­ing them hard­er for bur­glars to remove.

The face-fix­ing option involves secure­ly attach­ing the bars to the win­dow frame or the sur­round­ing wall so that the fix­ings can­not be seen or accessed out­side. With the reveal-fix­ing method, the bars are attached in the win­dow aper­ture with mount­ings secured to both the win­dowsill at the bot­tom and the lin­tel at the top.

Why are window security bars such an effective security measure?

If you are con­cerned about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a break-in, increas­ing the secu­ri­ty of your home win­dows is a neces­si­ty, and installing secu­ri­ty bars is a fan­tas­tic way to do that. In addi­tion to being high­ly cus­tomiz­able so that you can find a style that match­es the aes­thet­ic of your home, these bars pro­vide high­ly effec­tive pro­tec­tion against unwant­ed intru­sions.

The fol­low­ing are some of the most sig­nif­i­cant rea­sons why secu­ri­ty bars are such a pow­er­ful secu­ri­ty mea­sure:

1. A reliable barrier

Win­dow secu­ri­ty bars present a strong phys­i­cal bar­ri­er that intrud­ers must over­come to enter a home. These bars are often made of steel, cast iron, or stur­dy poly­car­bon­ates, mak­ing cut­ting through them dif­fi­cult. Doing so would require pow­er tools, take sig­nif­i­cant time, and make a lot of noise.

2. A Strong deterrent

When crim­i­nals see secu­ri­ty bars on your win­dows, they will most like­ly be imme­di­ate­ly deterred from attempt­ing to break into your house. Often, bur­glars look for easy tar­gets. Since that is impos­si­ble for hous­es with win­dow secu­ri­ty bars, break­ing into them is not even worth the attempt.

In addi­tion, when bur­glars notice win­dow secu­ri­ty bars, it sends a mes­sage that you take your home’s secu­ri­ty seri­ous­ly. There­fore, they will like­ly con­clude that this is not the only secu­ri­ty mea­sure you have in place, thus mak­ing your home an even less attrac­tive tar­get.

3. An early warning system

It is easy to con­nect win­dow secu­ri­ty bars to an elec­tron­ic alarm sys­tem as an added lay­er of pro­tec­tion. Then, if any­one tries to break in, the alarm is imme­di­ate­ly trig­gered. You and the appro­pri­ate author­i­ties will be noti­fied.

If the intrud­ers are aware that their break-in attempt has been detect­ed and police are on their way, they will like­ly give up quick­ly and make a run for it before they even get to your actu­al win­dows.

How Protection Plus Can Secure Your Windows and the Rest of Your Home

If you want to upgrade your home­’s secu­ri­ty and take things to the next lev­el for the sake of your pro­tec­tion and that of your fam­i­ly, installing win­dow secu­ri­ty bars is def­i­nite­ly the right call. Pro­tec­tion Plus can ensure you get high-qual­i­ty bars that are well-suit­ed to your par­tic­u­lar secu­ri­ty needs.

We offer a vari­ety of win­dow secu­ri­ty bars for pur­chase, so no mat­ter what style, size, or type you are look­ing for, we are con­fi­dent that we can find a suit­able match.

Our stur­dy win­dow secu­ri­ty bars are just one of the many home secu­ri­ty mea­sures we offer. We car­ry a wide stock of the lat­est and great­est secu­ri­ty devices and sys­tems to boost the secu­ri­ty of any home.

At Pro­tec­tion Plus, we have been tak­ing home secu­ri­ty seri­ous­ly for over 30 years, and we con­stant­ly strive to pro­vide the most com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty solu­tions pos­si­ble to guar­an­tee the safe­ty and pro­tec­tion of our val­ued cus­tomers.

Of course, each home has its unique secu­ri­ty require­ments. If you are uncer­tain of the best approach to secur­ing your home, a qual­i­fied pro­fes­sion­al from our team of experts would be hap­py to per­form a home secu­ri­ty audit to assess its vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and cre­ate an in-depth plan to opti­mize its secu­ri­ty.

For more infor­ma­tion about our win­dow secu­ri­ty bars or to learn more about the val­ue of inte­grat­ing var­i­ous secu­ri­ty mea­sures in your home, call Pro­tec­tion Plus Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions at 1–844-365‑7587 or con­tact us here.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.