Here are some easy to learn, easy to use, DO IT YOURSELF HOME SECURITY TRICKS;
Beware of Dog Sign
Even if you don’t have a dog, you can preÂtend using this sign. HavÂing a dog doesn’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly make your home safer but it does make it less approachÂable by burÂglars. No burÂglar wants to have an encounter with a dog durÂing a robÂbery that they’ll think twice about enterÂing.
Light Timer
If you’re going to be out of your house for a few days, get yourÂself one of these. A timer for your lights allows you to creÂate an illuÂsion that you’re home by turnÂing your lights on and off at pre-set timÂings. This illuÂsion will keep intrudÂers out, getÂting them to think that someÂone is home.
Keep the Mail ComÂing
Don’t susÂpend your mail or newsÂpaÂper delivÂer if you’ll be out of your house for a few weeks. Instead, get famÂiÂly or a trustÂed neighÂbour to colÂlect your mail for you. You don’t want to give anyÂone the sign that you’re not home.
Change Your RouÂtine
Try not to make your daiÂly rouÂtine preÂdictable that anyÂone can quickÂly catch onto. OccaÂsionÂalÂly change it up. Try leavÂing and returnÂing home at difÂferÂent times.
Clean Up
Make sure all garÂden tools and any othÂer objects that could be used to break into your home are stored away. LeavÂing these around is like givÂing a burÂglar the key to your house. Don’t give them anyÂthing they can use to get in.
Water your Plants
If you’re gone durÂing the sumÂmer, get someÂone to water your plants. MakÂing your house look lived in from the outÂside gives the impresÂsion that someÂone is home on the inside.
Keep The Sign on the Lawn
If you have a secuÂriÂty sysÂtem, keep the sign on your lawn or in your winÂdow. It’s your best defense. You take away the sign, you take away your defense.
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