It’s that time of year again, day­light sav­ings.  Time to turn the clocks an hour ahead and get ready for a very hard Mon­day.  How­ev­er, your clocks are not the only thing you need to change dur­ing day­lights sav­ings. Read our list below of oth­er things you should check or change this week­end.


This week­end, make sure to check and change the bat­ter­ies in all your elec­tron­ic devices.  When turn­ing your clocks ahead an hour, replace the old bat­tery with a fresh new one to make sure that the time will always be right.  Also, replace the bat­ter­ies in the smoke detec­tors and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors to pro­tect your fam­i­ly from fires and dead­ly odor­less gas­es.  Last­ly, remem­ber that once these bat­ter­ies are changed, you want to check that they work. Check all devices to see if they are work­ing at full capac­i­ty to pro­vide your fam­i­ly with the best pro­tec­tion.

Med­i­cine Cab­i­net

This week­end, sort through your med­i­cine cab­i­net to make sure you have the essen­tials for the upcom­ing spring. Dis­card expired med­ica­tion and cre­ate a list detail­ing which new ones need to be pur­chased.  Also, check to see if you have a first aid kit. If you do, make sure the kit is equipped with all the nec­es­sary sup­plies need­ed for an emer­gency.

Ceil­ing Fans

Reverse the direc­tion on your ceil­ing fan so that it oper­ates in a counter clock­wise direc­tion.  Fans oper­at­ing in a clock­wise direc­tion bring warmer air down to the ground, decreas­ing the demand on your heater.  Fans oper­at­ing in a counter clock­wise direc­tion do the oppo­site, bring cold­er air down, reduc­ing the demand on your air con­di­tion­er.  It’s a good trick to keep in mind for the upcom­ing sum­mer months.


This win­ter has been a cold one, demand­ing a lot from your fur­nace.  Not only could you feel the cold, but could hear it to, as your fur­nace gets to work heat­ing your home. As the cold begins to sub­side, sched­ule an appoint­ment to get your fur­nace checked out.  If any win­ter dam­age has occurred, you want to get that fixed as ear­ly as pos­si­ble. Also, check-ups like these help to ensure top per­for­mance of your fur­nace.


Most peo­ple choose to change their fil­ters dur­ing the offi­cial spring clean­ing sea­son but you can choose to change them ear­li­er.  This week­end is a great time to change your fil­ters, AC fil­ters, humid­i­fi­er fil­ters, stove top exhaust fan and air puri­fi­er fil­ters includ­ed.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.