March Break is in full swing. School is out for a week and plans have been made to enjoy this week to the absolute fullest. To get the most out of your March Break, here are some home safeÂty tips to make sure you enjoy a great week withÂout havÂing to worÂry.
1. Arm your Alarm
If you’re planÂning to take a vacaÂtion or will be out of your home for a few days, make sure to arm your home alarm sysÂtem before leavÂing. The March Break is a time a year where burÂglars know that peoÂple will be out of their home, makÂing them perÂfect tarÂgets for break-ins. PreÂvent them from comÂing in by armÂing your first line of defense.
2. Secure all Access Points
To preÂvent a resÂiÂdenÂtial break in from occurÂring, make sure to secure and lock down all access points to your home. Your doors and winÂdows are all access points for burÂglars into your home, includÂing your baseÂment doors and winÂdows. To make sure no one or nothÂing enters withÂout your perÂmisÂsion, make sure all doors and winÂdows are in good shape and are strong enough to withÂstand the greatÂest of forces. Seal are cracks and leaks and make sure all the locks are fasÂtened tightÂly.
3. You’re home.…but not realÂly
If you’ll be out of town durÂing the March Break, try to make it look like you’re home too. Use timed lights inside to make it look like someÂone is home and use motion senÂsor lights outÂside to keep your propÂerÂty well lit. Also, get a neighÂbour or famÂiÂly memÂber to pick up your mail and keep a car parked on the driÂveÂway.
4. Keep plans to yourÂself
If you’ve made excitÂing plans for the break, you’ll probÂaÂbly feel like sharÂing them with famÂiÂly, friends and neighÂbours. HowÂevÂer, that may not be the safest thing to do. Try to keep your plans for the break to yourÂself, only telling imporÂtant famÂiÂly memÂbers. Also, durÂing your break, try not to reveal to much about it on social media. CrimÂiÂnals are always on the prowl for unatÂtendÂed homes and revealÂing online that you’re away on vacaÂtion could put your home at risk. As much as you want to share with peoÂple your trip, try to do it after you’ve returned. PostÂing your vacaÂtion activÂiÂties puts your home at a greater risk of being burÂglarÂized.
Have a great March Break!!
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