Home bur­glar­ies are sad­ly one of the most com­mon crimes suf­fered, but it doesn’t have to be this way! You can take lots of easy steps to min­i­mize the chances of your home being tar­get­ed by would-be thieves.

    • Invest in a home alarm sys­tem

This is one of the most impor­tant and effec­tive things you can do to pro­tect your home. The secu­ri­ty against bur­glary is more than worth the ini­tial cost of instal­la­tion. Make sure you have enough sen­sors to cov­er all poten­tial points of entry. Home alarm sys­tems are avail­able with a wide array of options and fea­tures, so you are sure to find one that fits your needs and bud­get.

    • Strong doors and locks

Sim­ply mak­ing it phys­i­cal­ly dif­fi­cult to break into your house is also impor­tant. Strong dead­bolt locks and sol­id core doors make it hard­er for bur­glars to kick their way in.

    • Secu­ri­ty film on win­dows

Win­dows will always be eas­i­er to break than doors. For­tu­nate­ly, secu­ri­ty films can make it hard­er to shat­ter win­dows.

    • Call for­ward­ing

A phone ring­ing with­out being answered is anoth­er tell-tale sign that nobody is home. See if you can have your home phone for­ward calls to your mobile when you are away.

    • Halt mail

A big pile of uncol­lect­ed mail is a clear sign that you are on vaca­tion and that the home is emp­ty. If you are going to be away for sev­er­al days, min­i­mize the chance of bur­glary by ask­ing your mail car­ri­er to halt deliv­ery until you return.

    • Ask for help from a neigh­bour

Get­ting to know your neigh­bours is real­ly use­ful. A tight-knit com­mu­ni­ty makes it hard­er for a bur­glar to move around anony­mous­ly. Ask neigh­bours to keep an eye on your house while you’re away. If they notice that some­one is on your prop­er­ty while you’re still sup­posed to be away, they can alert the local police and have them come inves­ti­gate.

    • Keep valu­ables out of sight

A brand new home the­atre sys­tem vis­i­ble in your win­dow from the side­walk can tempt a bur­glar into choos­ing your home as their next tar­get. Try to ensure high­ly valu­able or desir­able belong­ings are not eas­i­ly vis­i­ble from the out­side.

Although we may have a lit­tle bias on this one, noth­ing turns off poten­tial bur­glars faster than a strong home secu­ri­ty sys­tem. Whether they see the PROTECTION PLUS ® stick­er in your win­dow or hear the alarm acti­vate upon try­ing to enter your home, rob­bers will be scared off imme­di­ate­ly upon learn­ing that your home is pro­tect­ed!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.