Home burÂglarÂies are sadÂly one of the most comÂmon crimes sufÂfered, but it doesn’t have to be this way! You can take lots of easy steps to minÂiÂmize the chances of your home being tarÂgetÂed by would-be thieves.
- Invest in a home alarm sysÂtem
This is one of the most imporÂtant and effecÂtive things you can do to proÂtect your home. The secuÂriÂty against burÂglary is more than worth the iniÂtial cost of instalÂlaÂtion. Make sure you have enough senÂsors to covÂer all potenÂtial points of entry. Home alarm sysÂtems are availÂable with a wide array of options and feaÂtures, so you are sure to find one that fits your needs and budÂget.
- Strong doors and locks
SimÂply makÂing it physÂiÂcalÂly difÂfiÂcult to break into your house is also imporÂtant. Strong deadÂbolt locks and solÂid core doors make it hardÂer for burÂglars to kick their way in.
- SecuÂriÂty film on winÂdows
WinÂdows will always be easÂiÂer to break than doors. ForÂtuÂnateÂly, secuÂriÂty films can make it hardÂer to shatÂter winÂdows.
- Call forÂwardÂing
A phone ringÂing withÂout being answered is anothÂer tell-tale sign that nobody is home. See if you can have your home phone forÂward calls to your mobile when you are away.
- Halt mail
A big pile of uncolÂlectÂed mail is a clear sign that you are on vacaÂtion and that the home is empÂty. If you are going to be away for sevÂerÂal days, minÂiÂmize the chance of burÂglary by askÂing your mail carÂriÂer to halt delivÂery until you return.
- Ask for help from a neighÂbour
GetÂting to know your neighÂbours is realÂly useÂful. A tight-knit comÂmuÂniÂty makes it hardÂer for a burÂglar to move around anonyÂmousÂly. Ask neighÂbours to keep an eye on your house while you’re away. If they notice that someÂone is on your propÂerÂty while you’re still supÂposed to be away, they can alert the local police and have them come invesÂtiÂgate.
- Keep valuÂables out of sight
A brand new home theÂatre sysÂtem visÂiÂble in your winÂdow from the sideÂwalk can tempt a burÂglar into choosÂing your home as their next tarÂget. Try to ensure highÂly valuÂable or desirÂable belongÂings are not easÂiÂly visÂiÂble from the outÂside.
- Did we menÂtion investÂing in a home alarm sysÂtem?
Although we may have a litÂtle bias on this one, nothÂing turns off potenÂtial burÂglars faster than a strong home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem. Whether they see the PROTECTION PLUS ® stickÂer in your winÂdow or hear the alarm actiÂvate upon tryÂing to enter your home, robÂbers will be scared off immeÂdiÂateÂly upon learnÂing that your home is proÂtectÂed!
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