You already know the basics of proÂtectÂing your home. You know the valÂue of a home alarm sysÂtem, and you’ve installed strong locks and doors. But someÂtimes, you want to go the extra mile with secuÂriÂty tricks to foil any potenÂtial burglar’s plans.
Check out these creÂative secuÂriÂty tricks and strateÂgies, and prodÂucts for outÂsmartÂing potenÂtial burÂglars:
- Light timers
If your lights stay off all the time when you’re away, it’s often clear that you’re not home, makÂing your home vulÂnerÂaÂble. You could leave your lights on, but it can still be spotÂted by a burÂglar as an unnatÂurÂal habit, conÂtinÂuÂing the red flag that the house may be unocÂcuÂpied. In the end, you would just end up with a highÂer elecÂtricÂiÂty bill.
Instead, use autoÂmatÂed timers to have your lights turn on and off each day to make it look like someÂbody is home.
- FakeTV
The lights aren’t the only thing that will send a sigÂnal telling burÂglars your home is occuÂpied. Devices like FakeTV mimÂic the light patÂterns of a flickÂerÂing teleÂviÂsion, but it uses far less elecÂtricÂiÂty than an actuÂal teleÂviÂsion. Just like your lights, you can set them up to turn on and off to fool burÂglars into thinkÂing that you are home.
- Your neighbour’s garbage
It may sound strange, but your neighbour’s garbage could make the difÂferÂence between a burÂglar thinkÂing that you’re home or thinkÂing that you are away.
If you’re going to be leavÂing for a long vacaÂtion, invite them to leave some of their garbage in your bins and put them on the curb when it is garbage colÂlecÂtion day. OthÂerÂwise, a thief could see no garbage being proÂduced at your house.
- OthÂer neighÂbourly assisÂtance
Trash isn’t the only helpÂful thing your neighÂbours can do for your home. ParkÂing in your driÂveÂway, mowÂing your lawn and leavÂing footÂprints through snow up to your door are all ways that neighÂbours can help each othÂer out to fool burÂglars.
- Fake interÂcom
A burÂglar tryÂing to tell if you are home might be buzzing up to your apartÂment unit. Before you leave, ask your super if they can temÂporarÂiÂly rediÂrect your interÂcom from your home phone to your cell. That way, you can talk to the perÂson at your door as if you were in your house, even if you’re on the othÂer side of the world.
The botÂtom line is that it’s imporÂtant nevÂer to make your home look like it is unocÂcuÂpied. Do what you can to keep burÂglars at bay by makÂing it seem like there is always someÂone home!
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