When the Inter­net and dig­i­tal con­nec­tiv­i­ty first came out, they were lim­it­ed to desk­top com­put­ers. You had your one-home con­nec­tion, and that was it. Then lap­tops and lat­er smart­phones put the Inter­net in our hands wher­ev­er we went. Dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy was get­ting small­er and more mobile every year. Smart Home automa­tion has arrived.

For the last few years, dig­i­tal and Inter­net tech­nol­o­gy has been expand­ing into a new fron­tier. Or, rather, an old fron­tier: Back into the home! Only this time, it’s not just your per­son­al home com­put­er.

More and more house­hold devices and ser­vices are being upgrad­ed to take advan­tage of smart tech­nolo­gies and inter­net access.

    • Mobile apps that help secure your home

One of the biggest trends we’re look­ing for­ward to in 2015 is a high­er amount of home secu­ri­ty. and smart home automa­tion. Many com­pa­nies now have mobile mon­i­tor­ing avail­able where you can wire­less­ly con­nect with your home’s secu­ri­ty sys­tem to watch a real-time feed of your home. That way, whether you’re across the street or across the coun­try, you’ll have peace of mind that your home is secure.

    • Clear­er home secu­ri­ty videos

Many home mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems don’t include video sur­veil­lance and those that do often pro­duce low-qual­i­ty videos. Thanks to recent tech­no­log­i­cal advances, home mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems are becom­ing more pro­gres­sive, offer­ing clear­er videos of your home.

    • Voice com­mand

Smart­phones have had voice con­trol soft­ware like Siri and Google Now for a few years now. So it should be no sur­prise that home mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems will like­ly be able to under­stand voice com­mands in the upcom­ing year.

    • Blue­tooth con­trol

Blue­tooth-enabled smart home mon­i­tor­ing con­trol means that installing new secu­ri­ty con­fig­u­ra­tions will be a breeze. Instead of hav­ing to tear out the dry­wall to install a hard­wired sys­tem, you’ll be able to stick a Blue­tooth sys­tem any­where you want sim­ply.

    • Low-pow­er devices that can con­nect to Wi-Fi®

Low-pow­er devices like smoke detec­tors used not to have enough ener­gy to take advan­tage of Wi-Fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty. With new low-pow­er Wi-Fi, this will no longer be the case. Although fires aren’t as big of a con­cern in unoc­cu­pied homes as thieves are, this will still give you peace of mind that your belong­ings are safe and sound. This tech­nol­o­gy is also promis­ing for bat­tery-pow­ered wire­less secu­ri­ty cam­eras.

    • Smart pow­er out­lets

From detect­ing unused devices and shut­ting them off to only pow­er­ing on when an actu­al plug is insert­ed (as opposed to a child’s fin­ger or a uten­sil), there are sev­er­al ways that smart out­lets can improve the effi­cien­cy and safe­ty of your home’s pow­er con­sump­tion, as well as the safe­ty of the fam­i­ly mem­bers in the house.

While advanced tech­nol­o­gy seems allur­ing to most peo­ple, the best pro­tec­tion for your home and your fam­i­ly is to equip your house with a trust­ed secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny. Places like PROTECTION PLUS ® will allow you to keep your home safe and sound, even with­out all the bells and whis­tles that 2015 may bring.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.