Keep­ing you and your home safe requires pri­va­cy. But is pri­va­cy even pos­si­ble in today’s social media world? Although it’s become eas­i­er than ever to stay in touch with fam­i­ly and friends, the risk to your secu­ri­ty is greater than ever.

Social media updates can some­times inform would-be bur­glars and put you and your fam­i­ly at risk. You might be expos­ing too much of your­self with the abil­i­ty to tag, check in, and post per­son­al pho­tographs across the web.

Under­stand­ing how to keep your social media pri­vate will ensure that you pro­tect your prop­er­ty from unwant­ed vis­i­tors. You’ll be able to stay con­nect­ed with those you love and keep valu­able infor­ma­tion away from pry­ing eyes.

Let­ting Oth­ers Track You

The sad truth is that pri­va­cy is lim­it­ed in the online world. There are count­less ways that hack­ers and crim­i­nals can access per­son­al infor­ma­tion.

But it’s not just the infor­ma­tion you share with oth­ers. Many social media plat­forms gath­er data relat­ed to your loca­tion that can make it easy to track your activ­i­ties in the real world.

There are apps that are designed to share your loca­tion with oth­ers through “check-ins” and oth­er noti­fi­ca­tions. The intent is to allow you to con­nect with oth­ers near­by who share sim­i­lar inter­ests. The unin­tend­ed con­se­quence is that it broad­casts when you’re away from your home.

Deac­ti­vate any GPS or geo­t­rack­ing set­tings in your apps when you post to avoid giv­ing out infor­ma­tion on your loca­tion.

There’s Nobody Home

Shar­ing pho­tos and updates while on vaca­tion lets oth­ers know where you are… and where you aren’t. Even worse, announc­ing how long you’ll be on vaca­tion gives poten­tial bur­glars a spe­cif­ic win­dow for them to attack.

The best way to avoid this prob­lem is to share your pho­tos and vaca­tion infor­ma­tion after you return home. You might have to delay the grat­i­fi­ca­tion of shar­ing with oth­ers, but you’ll be pro­tect­ing your home in the long run.

Shar­ing Your Chil­dren’s Infor­ma­tion

One of social medi­a’s most com­mon safe­ty risks involves infor­ma­tion about your chil­dren. Many proud par­ents post pho­tos of their kids online. In some cas­es, they use these pic­tures as their own pro­file pho­tos, fur­ther dis­play­ing their kids to the pub­lic.

When these pho­tos include your children’s names, it is easy to rec­og­nize them in pub­lic. Know­ing their names gives indi­vid­u­als the abil­i­ty to approach them as a friend of the fam­i­ly.

This doesn’t mean you can’t share any per­son­al events with friends and fam­i­ly. But it does mean that you should pay atten­tion to the pri­va­cy set­tings you have in place while doing so. Although this may not be a full guar­an­tee, it can at least give you an added lev­el of pro­tec­tion.

Under­stand­ing the safe­ty risks of social media lets you pro­tect your­self and your fam­i­ly from any poten­tial secu­ri­ty threat. This includes con­fis­ca­tion of sen­si­tive data as well as intru­sion into your home.

Being safe when using social media should be a prac­tice that you share with your entire fam­i­ly. You’ll be able to stay con­nect­ed with your loved ones while keep­ing fam­i­ly mem­bers and your home free from harm.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.