September 3, 2015
SafeÂty is imporÂtant when you are home, but what hapÂpens when you’re not? If your child is old enough to stay home alone you should help them underÂstand how imporÂtant folÂlowÂing safeÂty proÂceÂdures are. TeachÂing your chilÂdren how to be safe when they’re alone at home is easy. Here’s a comÂpreÂhenÂsive list of safeÂty exerÂcisÂes to teach your kids how to stay safe when they’re alone at home.
- Make sure your child knows their own perÂsonÂal inforÂmaÂtion like phone numÂber, address, full name, and allerÂgies. If someÂthing should occur and your child is allerÂgic to a cerÂtain medÂicaÂtion, the paraÂmedics will need to know
- Show your child how to dial 911 and talk to the emerÂgency operÂaÂtor. This may seem like a no-brainÂer but many peoÂple, espeÂcialÂly when they’re in danÂger, freeze up and become comÂpleteÂly incoÂherÂent when the emerÂgency operÂaÂtor picks up. Explain to your child what to say after they’ve dialed 911 and how its okay if they’re scared and that the emerÂgency operÂaÂtor is going to send help.
- Post a list of easy to read emerÂgency numÂbers someÂwhere that your child can see them. Most peoÂple stick these numÂbers on the fridge or near the front door. On this list, include your child’s allerÂgy inforÂmaÂtion as well.
- Show your child where the first aid kit is and how to use it. Keep the kit fulÂly stocked and replenÂish items after they’ve been used.
- Do not instill fear when teachÂing your child about home safeÂty. Telling your kids that a burÂglar can strike at any moment when they’re home alone is only going to scare them. Tell your young ones that havÂing emerÂgency numÂbers handy are just preÂcauÂtions. If you leave your child home alone and they’re conÂvinced the house is going to get robbed, you are going to come home to a very unsetÂtled and scared kid.
- PreÂpare for a powÂer outÂage by leavÂing flashÂlights and extra batÂterÂies in an easy to get to place. Show your child how to use the flashÂlight and load the batÂterÂies in case of a powÂer failÂure.
- Keep weapons locked up. If you own a gun or knife colÂlecÂtion – even if these items are just for show – you need to keep them locked up when your chilÂdren are left unsuÂperÂvised. FurÂtherÂmore, if there is a break in, the assailant can use these items on your chilÂdren.
- PracÂtice evacÂuÂaÂtion routes in case of fire. To realÂly keep your home fire-free when your child is alone, set a no-stove/no-cookÂing rule.
- ParÂents, don’t forÂget to leave your cell phone on at all times and make sure it is at least parÂtialÂly charged. Your child needs to be able to reach you when they’re alone and if your phone dies or is off, how can they get in touch?
There is no law that states at what age chilÂdren can be left alone so please use your disÂcreÂtion. If your child has a probÂlem rememÂberÂing their full name and phone numÂber or likes to break the no-cookÂing rule, they shouldn’t be left alone.
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