Although to some casÂes this may seem extreme, installing winÂdow secuÂriÂty bars in your business’s winÂdows can sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly reduce your risk of a break-in. BurÂglars always look for the path of least resisÂtance, and this often times lies in vulÂnerÂaÂble winÂdows. When left unguardÂed (even if locked), they make parÂticÂuÂlarÂly easy access points.
Since the majorÂiÂty of intruÂsions hapÂpen durÂing dayÂlight hours; a quick throw of a brick is someÂtimes all it takes to give a burÂglar enough time to get in and out. But, as you can imagÂine, a set of secuÂriÂty bars makes doing so a lot tougher. When posiÂtioned corÂrectÂly, there is no chance of an intrudÂer getÂting inside your office or storeÂfront. WinÂdow bars offer excelÂlent proÂtecÂtion in off the path locaÂtions where your busiÂness may be locatÂed.
ProÂtect Your Home With the PowÂer of SecuÂriÂty Bars
In addiÂtion to keepÂing burÂglars out of stores, an addiÂtionÂal benÂeÂfit for parÂents is that secuÂriÂty bars can keep young chilÂdren from acciÂdenÂtalÂly falling out winÂdows, espeÂcialÂly if their bedÂroom is locatÂed on the ground floor.
While many homeÂownÂers fear that conÂvenÂtionÂal secuÂriÂty bars would cause a fire hazÂard and preÂvent easy escape, modÂern bars easÂiÂly get around these probÂlems.
Pre-equipped with quick-release mechÂaÂnisms, the bars can be installed and disÂmanÂtled from the inside with ease, while still retainÂing the duraÂbilÂiÂty and secuÂriÂty levÂel to preÂvent break-ins.
BaseÂment winÂdows are also key access points for break-ins. Quick release inteÂriÂor winÂdow bars are benÂeÂfiÂcial in this well.
Are SecuÂriÂty Bars Right For You?
To deterÂmine whether your home or busiÂness may be a good canÂdiÂdate for secuÂriÂty bars, it can be helpÂful to answer a few, imporÂtant quesÂtions. The first conÂcerns the rate of burÂglary in your area. If it is curÂrentÂly high or on the rise, it is in your best interÂest to install them.
Keep in mind that extra home secuÂriÂty meaÂsures are recÂomÂmendÂed even in areas where crime rates are low. BurÂglars often tarÂget affluÂent neighÂbourÂhoods because of the potenÂtial they offer for payÂload, which is why the quesÂtion of locaÂtion is more relÂeÂvant than what may be expectÂed.
Are the winÂdows in your ground levÂel or baseÂment visÂiÂbly exposed, or are they conÂcealed by bushÂes? Do you have a neighÂbourÂhood watch proÂgram, and do your local authorÂiÂties respond quickÂly when called? These are all things to take into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion when decidÂing whether to install winÂdow secuÂriÂty bars but are far from the only facÂtors.
If you’re indeÂciÂsive on whether or not your home or office would benÂeÂfit from secuÂriÂty bars, conÂtact PROTECTION PLUS ®. Our team of expeÂriÂenced secuÂriÂty proÂfesÂsionÂals will assess your locaÂtion, help you decide what your home or office needs to remain safe.
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