Spring is final­ly here, and with the weath­er get­ting warmer, that can only mean one thing; cot­tage sea­son has final­ly begun. It’s time to plan those week­end get­aways to the cot­tage, enjoy the weath­er and have a lot of fun this sum­mer. One thing to remem­ber this sum­mer is that your cot­tage is just like your home; a struc­ture that needs prop­er care and main­te­nance over time. So this sum­mer, let us help you keep your cot­tage safe, sound and secure.

Update and Refresh

Before head­ing up to the cot­tage for a relax­ing week­end, pre­pare it first. Check to see if the car­bon monox­ide and smoke detec­tors are all work­ing and in shape. If not, replace them imme­di­ate­ly. Also, ensure that you have an emer­gency escape plan in place just in case of an emer­gency. Last­ly, make sure to check that all appli­ances are prop­er­ly work­ing. If any fuel-burn­ing appli­ances, such as the gas stove, aren’t in work­ing con­di­tion, look to get that replaced imme­di­ate­ly.

Inform Your Secu­ri­ty Com­pa­ny

When return­ing to your cot­tage this sum­mer, let your secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny know that you are back vis­it­ing your cot­tage and will be doing so this sum­mer. This lets your secu­ri­ty provider know that the cot­tage own­ers will be resid­ing in the home and not mis­take them for intrud­ers. Fur­ther­more, it pro­vides the home­own­ers with peace of mind, know­ing that their secu­ri­ty sys­tem will be work­ing through the sum­mer to make sure they have an enjoy­able sum­mer.

Check For Dam­ages

Dam­ages can be in any form, from a crack in the foun­da­tion or the win­dow to van­dal­ism. What­ev­er the dam­age, you want to catch it right away before it ruins your extend­ed week­end plans. If any destruc­tion is found, try to see where it came from. Also, check your hydro meter and the pow­er lines for vis­i­ble dam­age. If any dam­age is present, call your hydro provider imme­di­ate­ly. How­ev­er, if any dam­age isn’t present, you may want to con­tact your hydro com­pa­ny, ask­ing for an inspec­tion just in case. You nev­er know of the dam­age caused by Moth­er Nature’s wrath.

Stock the Essen­tials

This cot­tage sea­son, make sure you have these cot­tage essen­tials stocked and ready to use at any time:

  • First aid kit
  • Flash­lights
  • Med­i­cines
  • Emer­gency food
  • Bat­ter­ies
  • Emer­gency kit
  • Fire extin­guish­er
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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.