At PROTECTION PLUS ®, we’re com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing the utmost pro­tec­tion for your home and busi­ness and pet pro­tec­tion, help­ing to keep unwant­ed vis­i­tors and intrud­ers out and keep­ing you and your fam­i­ly safe. How­ev­er, here at PROTECTION PLUS ®, we’re also com­mit­ted to help­ing to keep your pet pro­tect­ed and secure. And to do that, here are some ways to ensure your pets are safe and sound.

Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion tag

Whether it is a col­lar or a tag, make sure your pets wear an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion tag, allow­ing them to be iden­ti­fied and returned to you if they get lost. Also, put your home address and phone num­ber on their label, giv­ing some­one a way to con­tact you if your pet is found. Don’t let a stranger claim your fur­ry friend as their own,

Eat Right

Nev­er give your pets choco­late. Choco­late can­dies con­tain a chem­i­cal called theo­bromine which is tox­ic to dogs. It can ele­vate their heart rate and even cause a seizure. Feed­ing your pets the right food is the best way to pre­vent health prob­lems. Please don’t give them any­thing that’ll make them sick.

Get Out and Play

Your pets love to be out and about. Whether play­ing with the kids, lay­ing in the shade or tak­ing a walk, your pets must get dai­ly exer­cise. Just like humans, a dai­ly amount of activ­i­ty keeps their hearts going and healthy.


For all pet own­ers, it’s vital to get their pets vac­ci­nat­ed to keep them safe and healthy from dis­eases and those around them. If at any time they fall sick, take them to the vet imme­di­ate­ly. Also, habit­u­al­ly take your fur­ry friend to the vet on a rou­tine sched­ule. Put as much love, care and effort into keep­ing your pets safe as you do with your health.

As a pet own­er, I am lucky to bring my dogs to work dai­ly. A mid-day walk helps keep them healthy and gives me a break.

Enjoy your pets,

Allan ( Rocky & Brook­lyn) and the team at PROTECTION PLUS ®

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.