Our homes are our safe havens in which we keep our fam­i­lies, belong­ings, mem­o­ries, and valu­ables. With this in mind, it is of the utmost impor­tance to pro­tect our homes from break-ins or bur­glar­ies. The win­ter months can put our homes at risk for these inci­dents due to the short­er, dark­er days of the sea­son or hol­i­day trav­el. To ensure the secu­ri­ty of your home, pay atten­tion to the fol­low­ing 8 win­ter home secu­ri­ty tips to keep in mind this year:

  1. Have vis­i­ble secu­ri­ty mea­sures- Install an alarm sys­tem and con­sid­er a secu­ri­ty cam­era sys­tem such as CCTV.
  2. Lock up- It may sound sim­ple enough but sur­pris­ing­ly, some peo­ple for­get to lock up when they leave the house. Make sure to check that all of your win­dows and doors are locked every time that you leave your home.
  3. Speak­ing of locks, invest in a good one- Make sure that your doors are pro­tect­ed with a sol­id, dead­bolt type lock. You want to make sure that you have a lock that is pick-resis­tant to a crim­i­nal and dif­fi­cult to repli­cate.
  4. Give the illu­sion that you are home- Use timed lights that you can pro­gram to auto­mat­i­cal­ly turn on and off. This can give the illu­sion that some­one is home if you are trav­el­ing or are just out for the night. Also, be sure that you keep your dri­ve­way and/or walk­way clear. This makes it look like you are at home so even if you aren’t, hire some­one to do this chore for you.
  5. Inspect your out­door secu­ri­ty mea­sures- Check-up on your motion sen­sors or out­door light­ing to ensure prop­er func­tion­ing.
  6. Have bright­ly lit entrance­ways- Any access points that a crim­i­nal may have to your home should be well lit as this could aid in dis­cour­ag­ing a break-in.
  7. Secure any out­door belong­ings- Items that you may typ­i­cal­ly keep out­side should be kept locked up or out of view. Some items may include your sum­mer patio fur­ni­ture, sports equip­ment, or lawn and gar­den­ing equip­ment.
  8. Inspect your win­dows- If your win­dows are old­er, they may track mois­ture and freeze in the win­ter which makes them not func­tion or close prop­er­ly. This can give a crim­i­nal an easy access point. Con­sid­er replac­ing old­er win­dows this win­ter. You might want to con­sid­er remov­able secu­ri­ty win­dow bars for your base­ment win­dows and even secu­ri­ty win­dow film for your patio doors and oth­er vul­ner­a­ble glassed areas.

Safe­ty and secu­ri­ty are impor­tant for any sea­son but espe­cial­ly for the win­ter months. By fol­low­ing the above tips for win­ter home secu­ri­ty, you can rest assured this sea­son and pro­tect your home and fam­i­ly.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.