You’ve invest­ed a sig­nif­i­cant amount of time and resources into your com­pa­ny, so it’s impor­tant to ensure your busi­ness has a lead­ing-class secu­ri­ty sys­tem in place around-the-clock to pro­tect your busi­ness assets. Most busi­ness own­ers don’t have a very com­pre­hen­sive expe­ri­ence select­ing from the lead­ing office secu­ri­ty sys­tems options and so with­in this post, we will pro­vide five tips for select­ing an office secu­ri­ty sys­tem that is just right for you.

  1. Choose a Sys­tem with Smart­phone Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty. It is impor­tant that the sys­tem you choose pro­vides you with direct infor­ma­tion via your smart­phone. The lead­ing office secu­ri­ty sys­tems now present busi­ness own­ers with a real-time stream via their smart­phones, as well as send­ing alerts when secu­ri­ty events occur. This can help ensure that you remain in con­trol of your busi­ness’ secu­ri­ty even when away from the office.
  2. Ensure the Sys­tem Mon­i­tors All Entrance Areas. The sys­tem you choose should have the capac­i­ty to mon­i­tor all areas of the prop­er­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly entrance­ways. This will help ensure that a poten­tial secu­ri­ty breach is spot­ted before an event occurs. Mon­i­tor­ing entrances will also allow you to deter­mine whether lock-up pro­ce­dures are being fol­lowed accord­ing to com­pa­ny guide­lines.
  3. Con­sid­er Access Con­trol Care­ful­ly. With­in your office build­ing, you like­ly have sen­si­tive equip­ment in areas that must be pro­tect­ed. The secu­ri­ty sys­tem you choose should allow you to con­trol who has access to these areas. Access con­trol sys­tems can include card-scan­ning tech­nol­o­gy and video cam­eras to high­light activ­i­ty tak­ing place with­in iso­lat­ed areas of the office build­ing.
  4. Dis­cuss Main­te­nance Costs with Providers. Before agree­ing to the instal­la­tion of your sys­tem, dis­cuss all poten­tial sys­tems main­te­nance and repair costs with your provider. Some com­pa­nies charge a month­ly fee for man­ag­ing your sys­tem and for ensur­ing that emer­gency pro­fes­sion­als are avail­able should an event occur. Find out about all costs upfront to ensure you are not over­spend­ing on your secu­ri­ty bud­get.
  5. Make Sure the Sys­tem is Scal­able. Your secu­ri­ty sys­tem should be designed to be built upon over time. You might begin with cam­eras over entrance points, and then add options such as mobile alerts and night vision tech­nol­o­gy at a lat­er date. Ensure the sys­tem you choose can be upgrad­ed as your busi­ness needs change in the future.

Our trust­ed secu­ri­ty experts can help you choose the right sys­tem for your busi­ness and secu­ri­ty needs. To learn more about the lat­est options, call us today.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.