One of the biggest probÂlems with conÂvenÂtionÂal alarm sysÂtems is the risk of false alarms. There are sevÂerÂal comÂmon causÂes of false alarms, dependÂing on the sysÂtem. Often, they’re due to motion senÂsors detectÂing moveÂment from comÂpleteÂly ordiÂnary sources, such as a pet in the home or even dust. Or, the false alarms can be caused by faulty door or winÂdow conÂtacts, which cause the alarm to go off even if no door or winÂdow has been opened.
FinalÂly, even homeÂownÂers can trip their alarms by failÂing to enter secuÂriÂty codes corÂrectÂly or forÂgetÂting to inform famÂiÂly memÂbers and guests about the notice when they enter the home.
False alarms are more than just a nuiÂsance. In ToronÂto and othÂer cities, false alarms are so ramÂpant that police are forced to priÂorÂiÂtize alarms that are verÂiÂfied as legitÂiÂmate. That means sysÂtems withÂout verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion don’t get PriÂorÂiÂty Response, resultÂing in a slowÂer response. And if it turns out that your alarm was an acciÂdent, you could be fined too.
ForÂtuÂnateÂly, you can take some easy steps to reduce false alarms and ensure you get the fastest response posÂsiÂble.
Consider video alarm verification.
An ALARM‑i video verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion sysÂtem offers an extra layÂer of proÂtecÂtion to ensure that actuÂal disÂturÂbances cause alarm sigÂnals. When your alarm goes off (whether by a motion detecÂtor, door conÂtact, etc.), the sysÂtem sends video clips of the event to our monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion. This allows our monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion operÂaÂtors to indeÂpenÂdentÂly evalÂuÂate the video before disÂpatchÂing police.
As the homeÂownÂer, you, too, receive video clips of the event so that you can direct the monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion whether to disÂpatch authorÂiÂties or not.
Make sure your alarm is monitored.
Even if you do not use video verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion, a proÂfesÂsionÂal monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion should still monÂiÂtor your secuÂriÂty sysÂtem.
A monÂiÂtored alarm sysÂtem ensures you’ll get the help you need when your alarm is trigÂgered – which is espeÂcialÂly critÂiÂcal if you’re away from home or unable to call for help. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, the monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion can reduce the risk of false alarms by attemptÂing to conÂtact the homeÂownÂer before disÂpatchÂing authorÂiÂties.
Assess your security system settings & installation.
If your alarm conÂstantÂly goes off for no reaÂson, you’ll want to assess the cause.
Is the door conÂtact adeÂquateÂly installed? Ensure the comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion makes a good conÂnecÂtion when the door is closed. OthÂerÂwise, the false alarms will only conÂtinÂue.
Are your motion senÂsors pickÂing up ordiÂnary moveÂment inside your home? Some sysÂtems allow you to conÂfigÂure difÂferÂent motion threshÂolds so that things like dust don’t set off the alarm. Some sysÂtems also have intelÂliÂgent, pet-friendÂly motion detecÂtion, which can difÂferÂenÂtiÂate the sign of a burÂglar from your dog.
Train those with access to the system.
If someÂone else will be using the secuÂriÂty sysÂtem, whether a famÂiÂly memÂber, babysitÂter, guest or othÂers, they must be adeÂquateÂly trained on how to use it. A lack of trainÂing will sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly increase the risk of the guest makÂing an error. This results in a false alarm.
Take a closer look at ALARM‑i.
Learn more about proÂtectÂing your home or busiÂness with an ALARM‑i video alarm verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion sysÂtem. For more inforÂmaÂtion, call 1–844-416‑7587 or conÂtact us online.
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