It’s no secret that a home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem helps to keep you and your loved ones safe. But aside from the most obviÂous benÂeÂfit of keepÂing bad guys at bay, many homeÂownÂers do not realÂize how an alarm sysÂtem proÂvides proÂtecÂtion.
If you’re conÂsidÂerÂing a secuÂriÂty sysÂtem for your home, here are sevÂen key reaÂsons why you need it.
1) Help will be on the way
With a monÂiÂtored home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem, you can get help when needÂed, regardÂless of whether you can respond.
When your alarm sysÂtem is trigÂgered, it notiÂfies a 24-hour monÂiÂtorÂing cenÂter. DisÂpatchÂers at the cenÂter will attempt to conÂtact you while alertÂing the approÂpriÂate authorÂiÂties when applicÂaÂble. So if an intrudÂer has entered the back door in the midÂdle of the night, you’ll get help even if you’re still sound asleep.
2) Alarm systems are powerful deterrents
One of the most imporÂtant reaÂsons to get a home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem is that it preÂvents crimÂiÂnals from tarÂgetÂing your home in the first place.
In one study, 90% of conÂvictÂed burÂglars conÂfessed they purÂposeÂly avoidÂed homes with an alarm sysÂtem. Thus, simÂply installing the sysÂtem can reduce the risk of your home being a tarÂget.
3) Alarms scare off burglars
When burÂglars are unaware of the home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem, most will usuÂalÂly be scared off by the audiÂble sound of the alarm.
For examÂple, the alarm will go off if a winÂdow conÂtact senÂsor detects the winÂdow has opened while the sysÂtem is armed. This is often enough to make the intrudÂer think twice about enterÂing.
4) Even when you’re away
Even at work or on vacaÂtion thouÂsands of miles away, your home remains proÂtectÂed by a monÂiÂtored secuÂriÂty sysÂtem. So you can have peace of mind that police will be disÂpatched in an emerÂgency, no matÂter where you are.
5) Protection from more than just burglary
Today’s home secuÂriÂty sysÂtems can proÂtect you from far more than just intrudÂers. Your alarm sysÂtem can be inteÂgratÂed with smoke alarms, carÂbon monoxÂide (CO) detecÂtors, flood senÂsors, temÂperÂaÂture monÂiÂtors and othÂer safeÂty devices.
ImagÂine, for examÂple, that a danÂgerÂous CO leak occurs in the midÂdle of the night. Your alarm will help notiÂfy you and the monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion, so that help will be on the way to respond.
6) Real-time visibility & control of your home from anywhere
Home secuÂriÂty sysÂtems can be equipped with live camÂeras and remote-access sysÂtems to give you even more conÂtrol of your home when you’re not there.
ImagÂine being able to check in on the babysitÂter or let guests inside your home while you’re at work. This is posÂsiÂble with today’s alarm sysÂtems, givÂing you more conÂveÂnience and secuÂriÂty.
7) Peace of mind
For many homeÂownÂers, a secuÂriÂty sysÂtem’s greatÂest everyÂday benÂeÂfit is its peace of mind. With 24-hour proÂtecÂtion, you can rest easy knowÂing that you, your famÂiÂly and your posÂsesÂsions are safe, whether at home or away.
Discover more reasons to consider a home security system
The list above is only the beginÂning. Call PROTECTION PLUS at 1–855-365‑7587 to disÂcovÂer how a home secuÂriÂty sysÂtem can benÂeÂfit you and your home.
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