Today’s busi­ness alarm sys­tems offer greater secu­ri­ty and sup­port than ever before. A wide range of fea­tures that com­bine sur­veil­lance, mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol make it eas­i­er than ever to man­age the secu­ri­ty of your busi­ness.

No mat­ter the size of your oper­a­tions, or the type of build­ing, hav­ing a com­mer­cial alarm sys­tem is crit­i­cal for pro­tect­ing your peo­ple, assets and prop­er­ty.

If you’re inter­est­ed in mit­i­gat­ing risks to your oper­a­tion and increas­ing your facility’s over­all secu­ri­ty pro­file, here are six vital rea­sons you need a busi­ness alarm sys­tem.

1) Deterring Crimes

Crime pre­ven­tion is one of the top rea­sons why busi­ness­es, big and small, invest in reli­able alarm sys­tems. Regard­less of your indus­try, an alarm sys­tem will reduce your business’s risk of being tar­get­ed for crimes like bur­glary or inter­nal theft. Sim­ply hav­ing the alarm sys­tem in place can deter thieves from com­mit­ting cor­rup­tion in the first place.

2) Getting Help from Authorities (Right Away)

Choos­ing a busi­ness alarm sys­tem that mon­i­tors your facil­i­ty ensures that law enforce­ment and oth­er author­i­ties will be noti­fied if some­thing trig­gers a legit­i­mate alarm. While you’ll always be announced in the event of a crime being com­mit­ted, hav­ing a mon­i­tored alarm sys­tem pro­vides an added lay­er of pro­tec­tion to ensure that police, fire depart­ments, or med­ical respon­ders will be quick­ly dis­patched at any hour of the day.

3) Loss and Theft Prevention

Theft can occur in var­i­ous ways: indi­vid­u­als or groups decid­ing to rob a busi­ness, employ­ees steal­ing mer­chan­dise, third-par­ty ven­dors tak­ing assets dur­ing deliv­er­ies, etc.

Your busi­ness alarm sys­tem’s cam­eras and oth­er com­po­nents can reduce this risk and catch indi­vid­u­als com­mit­ting crimes. When peo­ple know they are being mon­i­tored, they are much less like­ly to engage in some­thing they know is wrong and ille­gal.

4) Reliable Monitoring of Your Building

Depend­ing on the size of your facil­i­ty, work­force and cus­tomer base, you could poten­tial­ly have a lot of dif­fer­ent peo­ple pass­ing through your busi­ness on a giv­en day or week. When a legit­i­mate alarm is trig­gered due to sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty, inves­ti­gate to iden­ti­fy involved indi­vid­u­als or groups.

5) Convenience & Control

By inte­grat­ing your busi­ness alarm sys­tem with live cam­eras that can be accessed remote­ly, you can keep an eye on your busi­ness even if you’re thou­sands of miles away. The addi­tion of access con­trol sys­tems also helps you to restrict unau­tho­rized entry, track who’s com­ing and going or allow access remote­ly on a case-by-case basis.

6) Peace of Mind

A secure busi­ness sys­tem pro­vides peace of mind, mak­ing it a cru­cial rea­son to imple­ment one. With 24-hour pro­tec­tion and lever­ag­ing all sys­tem tools, you can trust your busi­ness’s safe­ty and secu­ri­ty

Let’s Discuss Your Own Needs for a Business Alarm System

No two busi­ness­es are entire­ly alike. Call PROTECTION PLUS at 1–844-422‑7587 to learn more about our busi­ness secu­ri­ty sys­tems or request a com­mer­cial secu­ri­ty audit. Our experts iden­ti­fy your unique secu­ri­ty require­ments based on the con­di­tions of your busi­ness and your needs and bud­get.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.