Break-ins and thefts: they’re the whole rea­son you pur­chase an alarm sys­tem for your busi­ness in the first place. No busi­ness own­er wants this to hap­pen, of course, but you want to be pre­pared to deal with it in the event that a break-in does occur.

Since not all secu­ri­ty sys­tems work the same, you want to be sure you get the pro­tec­tion (and response) your busi­ness deserves.

In this post, we look at how ALARM‑i works in the event of a break-in at your busi­ness.

Your Alarm is Triggered

An ALARM‑i busi­ness secu­ri­ty sys­tem can detect break-ins in a num­ber of ways:

  • Motion detec­tors
  • Door & win­dow con­tacts
  • Motion-sen­si­tive cam­eras

In this exam­ple, let’s imag­ine the intrud­er has bro­ken through a rear receiv­ing door in the mid­dle of the night. The door con­tact would detect this break-in and trig­ger the alarm.

Cameras are Rolling

A key advan­tage of ALARM‑i is that cam­eras are already cap­tur­ing video pri­or to the alarm event tak­ing place. This will enable you and the mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion to get a full view of the break-in (as we explain fur­ther below). As soon as your secu­ri­ty sys­tem is trig­gered, video clips from the event are sent off­site to the cloud, so they can be accessed from any­where.

You’re Notified Automatically

With­in moments after your alarm is trig­gered, you will receive a text or email let­ting you know that there has been a secu­ri­ty event at your busi­ness. You’ll be able to instant­ly view video from the event, includ­ing pre-alarm clips and real-time video of your busi­ness. These clips are avail­able on both your mobile phone and your com­put­er. From there, you can deter­mine whether or not you need the mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion to dis­patch the author­i­ties to your busi­ness. If you deter­mine that it’s nec­es­sary, our dis­patch­ers will respond imme­di­ate­ly.

The ALARM‑i Monitoring Station Has Your Back

In addi­tion to noti­fy­ing you, ALARM‑i will simul­ta­ne­ous­ly alert our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion. An oper­a­tor will be able to view the same video clips of the alarm event that took place at your busi­ness. They will be able to view all of the rel­e­vant clips from any of the cam­eras you may have on site, and they will act upon the infor­ma­tion they receive. After con­firm­ing that the alarm event was due to a break-in, your busi­ness is con­tact­ed, and they will also request a Pri­or­i­ty Police Dis­patch.

Privacy Protection

As a reminder, your business’s alarm sys­tem comes with a Pri­va­cy Guar­an­tee, which states that our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion will only receive the video clips when an alarm is acti­vat­ed. In fact, they have no way of view­ing your business’s video feed until they are noti­fied of an alarm-trig­ger­ing event.

Why It Matters for You

There are a few impor­tant advan­tages to the ALARM‑i Visu­al Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion process:

  • Quick­er Response from Author­i­ties: Togeth­er, Visu­al Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion and Pri­or­i­ty Police Dis­patch ensure that author­i­ties are respond­ing fast and effec­tive­ly. On aver­age, Pri­or­i­ty Police Dis­patch is 85% faster and results in a 50% arrest rate, accord­ing to Part­ner­ship for Pri­or­i­ty Ver­i­fied Alarm Response.
  • Legit­i­mate Cause for Con­cern: Noth­ing feels worse than pan­ick­ing over a false alarm, or pay­ing false alarm fines on top of the pan­ic that’s been unnec­es­sar­i­ly pro­voked. ALARM‑i reduces the risk of false alarms by allow­ing you and the mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter to ver­i­fy the event visu­al­ly.
  • Theft Reduc­tion: As you might sus­pect, there’s a small win­dow between a break-in and a suc­cess­ful theft. Hav­ing a respon­sive alarm sys­tem clos­es this gap and reduces the chance of a crim­i­nal get­ting away with your business’s prop­er­ty.
  • Insur­ance: Instead of chas­ing end­less amounts of paper­work or debat­ing with your insur­ance provider about what occurred at your busi­ness, the video clips you receive pro­vide indis­putable proof of the break-in and any dam­age it might’ve caused.
  • Legal Sup­port: Often, our alarm system’s video clips can help iden­ti­fy per­pe­tra­tors, aid in the appre­hen­sion of those indi­vid­u­als and can even be used as evi­dence when pros­e­cut­ing them.
  • Recov­ery of Stolen Items: When per­pe­tra­tors are iden­ti­fied quick­ly, there’s a greater chance that your busi­ness can recov­er what­ev­er goods or oth­er valu­ables might’ve been tak­en dur­ing the break-in.

Learn more — contact us today

For more details on how ALARM‑i Visu­al Alarm Ver­i­fi­ca­tion can pro­tect your busi­ness, con­tact us to request a no-oblig­a­tion secu­ri­ty sys­tem con­sul­ta­tion.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.