1. Ramp Up your Door Safe­ty!
      • Add a peep­hole
        Don’t just open your door to any­more; check them out first. A sim­ple fix that costs $10 at a hard­ware store and well-placed drill hole will add to your home’s safe­ty.
      • Don’t rely on chain locks
        Chain locks may be ade­quate to have as an extra lev­el of secu­ri­ty, but please don’t rely on them alone. With min­i­mal force, an intrud­er can break them eas­i­ly.
      • Lock the screen door
        It sounds sim­ple enough and will add a few sec­onds for you to slam shut your inner door when threat­ened.
      • Rekey your locks
        Do you know who has your keys? Neigh­bours? Friends? Rel­a­tives? Ten­ants? Your son’s last three girl­friends? Exact­ly! Tie to rekey your locks or even change them to High Secu­ri­ty, key-con­trolled lock­ing sys­tems. Low-cost or pre­mi­um-priced, take care of your locks for added home secu­ri­ty. Or you can always install a smart key­less lock. That way, no need to car­ry home keys around. Clean­ers, dog walk­ers, vis­i­tors? Now you can assign and delete access key codes as need­ed.
    2. FAKE IT Until… they get annoyed and leave your house alone
      • Auto­mat­ed Light­ing
        Bur­glars HATE a BUSY place. Give your home that lived-in look with auto­mat­ed light­ing. Buy some smart light sock­ets, add a bulb and set up the timers. Ran­dom light­ing pat­terns will light up your home and make it look like you are around. com­pa­nies allow you to cre­ate cus­tom sched­ules or actions like “turn on lights if motion is detect­ed” or “turn off lights when I’m not at home.”
      • Noise, Noise, NOISE Intrud­ers a look­ing for the most com­fort­able sit­u­a­tion. Noise means peo­ple. Peo­ple mean prob­lems. Are you leav­ing the house? Leave your radio on and have your T.V on a timer.
      • Make fake “trea­sure”
        Bur­glars want a quick entry, grab the good stuff and a faster exit. Make it easy for them. Leave a decoy shoe open shoe box near your inside entrance and in your dress­er. Fill them with use­less keys, pet­ty cash, and cos­tume jew­ellery. A bur­glar in a hur­ry will think they hit the jack­pot and take off with the box.
      • Woof, Woof
        Whether you have a dog or not, leave any emp­ty dog bowl out­side your back door. A few dog toys would also help—nothing like Rover to keep the bur­glars away.
    3. Light up your Life
      • Illu­mi­nate your street num­ber and your out­side
        Next time you are out at night, take a walk around your street; you’d be sur­prised how many hous­es do not have their street address num­bers vis­i­ble. If you can­not make it out, nei­ther can the author­i­ties when need­ed. Keep your porch light on to make the num­bers eas­i­er to see. Final­ly, add motion-sen­si­tive light­ing to your dri­ve­way and your back­yard. Some even come with cloud video record­ing capa­bil­i­ties. It will help you feel safe at night and scare away any intrud­ers.
      • Shut your blinds at night
        Dark out­side? At night your light-up home is vis­i­ble to all from out­side. Close your blinds and keep intrud­ing eyes out­side.
    4. BONUS Tips
      • Take Inven­to­ry of your Home Valu­ables
        Take a video of all your valu­ables and pro­vide detailed descrip­tions as you record. Include ser­i­al num­bers or any spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion. Please keep a copy on your com­put­er and back it up to the cloud. For extra pro­tec­tion, down­load a stick and place it in your safe­ty deposit box—an excel­lent tip for insur­ance pur­pos­es.
      • Have a Home Evac­u­a­tion Plan
        Does your fam­i­ly know what to do in case of fire? Cre­ate and prac­tice a home evac­u­a­tion plan and prac­tice it quar­ter­ly with your fam­i­ly. Do a dry run every few months. Your kids should know how to get out of your home and where to assem­ble out­side. This is a life­saver.
      • Have a Fire Lad­der
        If you have a mul­ti-sto­ry home, a fire lad­der is a must. Fires spread rapid­ly, and many times access points are blocked off. A col­lapsi­ble, com­pact fire lad­der can make all the dif­fer­ence in pro­vid­ing a safe out­come.


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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.