Win­dow film secu­ri­ty is a sim­ple yet pow­er­ful lay­er of pro­tec­tion that can safe­guard you, your belong­ings and your busi­ness.

In addi­tion to mak­ing your glass win­dows and doors much hard­er to break, secu­ri­ty film can deter theft, increase ener­gy effi­cien­cy and block the sun’s harm­ful UV rays, in addi­tion to numer­ous oth­er ben­e­fits.

Here are 6 rea­sons to con­sid­er installing it at your res­i­dence or busi­ness.

1) Prevent glass from breaking

Win­dow film secu­ri­ty is an ultra-strong film that you place on glass win­dows or doors. Avail­able in var­i­ous thick­ness­es and strengths, the film can make the glass sig­nif­i­cant­ly hard­er to break, crack or shat­ter.

By strength­en­ing the glass, you low­er the risk of break­age from intru­sion, acci­dents, van­dal­ism and weath­er. This pro­tects you and your belong­ings while also pre­vent­ing the high costs of hav­ing to repair your win­dow or door.

2) Keep intruders out

Sta­tis­tics show that near­ly 70% of all bur­glar­ies involve forced entry through a win­dow or door. Often, all it takes is break­ing the glass to get inside.

Secu­ri­ty win­dow film keeps those intrud­ers out by mak­ing the glass sig­nif­i­cant­ly hard­er to pen­e­trate. The high-strength film can resist ham­mers, rocks, bricks, crow­bars and oth­er tools com­mon­ly used by crim­i­nals.

Addi­tion­al­ly, if you com­bine the film with your alarm sys­tem’s glass break detec­tors, you dou­ble the pro­tec­tion of your home or busi­ness.

3) Lower energy bills

Win­dow film does more than keep out intrud­ers. It keeps out heat dur­ing the sum­mer and cold air in the win­ter, help­ing to reduce your ener­gy bills.

Heat-reflect­ing win­dow film acts like a shield, pro­vid­ing up to 84% solar ener­gy heat rejec­tion, so your air con­di­tion­ing does­n’t need to work as hard dur­ing the sum­mer. In the win­ter, it helps to pre­vent the heat inside your home from escap­ing.

4) Reduce UV rays

Win­dow film secu­ri­ty can block up to 99% of ultra­vi­o­let light enter­ing your win­dows and doors, pro­vid­ing sun­screen-like pro­tec­tion.

But that does more than just pro­tect your skin. It pro­tects your belong­ings and busi­ness assets, pre­vent­ing sun dam­age to your inte­ri­or floors, car­pet­ing, fur­ni­ture and more.

5) Keep prying eyes away

Secu­ri­ty film can be tint­ed to give your home or busi­ness greater pri­va­cy.

For some busi­ness­es, this pri­va­cy is actu­al­ly required by law. For exam­ple, secu­ri­ty film for cannabis dis­pen­saries in Ontario helps them to com­ply with the man­date that requires that “cannabis and acces­sories are not vis­i­ble from the exte­ri­or of the premis­es.”

Tint­ed win­dows also help to deter bur­glars if they can’t see inside the busi­ness.

For homes, tint­ed secu­ri­ty film pre­vents oth­ers from see­ing inside your res­i­dence with­out at all affect­ing your abil­i­ty to see out.

Tip: Don’t need tint­ed? No prob­lem. Secu­ri­ty win­dow film is also avail­able in clear and frost­ed options.

6) Prevent flying glass and broken shards

Bro­ken win­dows and doors aren’t just cost­ly. They’re dan­ger­ous.

Secu­ri­ty film helps pre­vent bro­ken shards from injur­ing that inside, espe­cial­ly in severe weath­er where glass could be blown around the res­i­dence or busi­ness.

Get more infor­ma­tion on win­dow film secu­ri­ty

Con­tact Pro­tec­tion Plus for more infor­ma­tion on pro­tect­ing your home or busi­ness with win­dow film secu­ri­ty.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.