It’s no secret that alarm mon­i­tor­ing pro­vides an essen­tial lay­er of secu­ri­ty for your busi­ness. When your alarm is trig­gered, our pro­fes­sion­al dis­patch­ers will review the alarm and, when applic­a­ble, rapid­ly dis­patch Pre­mi­um Guard Response and the appro­pri­ate author­i­ties.

But not all alarm inci­dents are so “black and white.” As many busi­ness own­ers and prop­er­ty man­agers know, some­times your alarm can be trig­gered for unclear rea­sons, and you may be left won­der­ing, “What hap­pened?” – espe­cial­ly if you don’t have video ver­i­fi­ca­tion. In such cas­es, police will depri­or­i­tize the response (or they may not respond at all). Mean­while, your prop­er­ty could be expe­ri­enc­ing a break-in or bur­glary – and you won’t know the out­come until it’s too late.

This is where Pre­mi­um Guard Response pro­vides an indis­pens­able addi­tion­al lay­er of response. With guard ser­vice from Pre­mi­um Guard Response, our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion will also dis­patch the near­est pro­fes­sion­al licensed secu­ri­ty guard from our expan­sive net­work. The guard will prompt­ly per­form an on-site inspec­tion and com­plete an online report so you can be sure your prop­er­ty is secure.

Here are six rea­sons why Pre­mi­um Guard Response is essen­tial for your busi­ness.

1) Police response is not guaranteed

Don’t assume that police will respond to every alarm inci­dent. More juris­dic­tions require alarms ver­i­fied by video or oth­er sources before send­ing an offi­cer. With Pre­mi­um Guard Response, one of our licensed secu­ri­ty guards will be prompt­ly dis­patched to your busi­ness – regard­less of whether police are on their way. With­out Pre­mi­um Guard Response, your busi­ness could be at risk if police do not respond.

2) Fast, “one-click” dispatch

Our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion uses “one-click” dis­patch to imme­di­ate­ly send a licensed secu­ri­ty guard. Our exten­sive net­work of licensed guards lets us prompt­ly dis­patch the near­est pro­fes­sion­al to your prop­er­ty. Our alarm respons­es are dra­mat­i­cal­ly faster than the indus­try stan­dard for guard ser­vices.

3) Detailed site inspections

Upon arrival, the licensed secu­ri­ty guard will inspect the premis­es to iden­ti­fy any signs of a break-in or oth­er dis­tur­bance. They will detail their find­ings with dig­i­tal and pho­to­graph­ic reports so you can see what hap­pened.

4) Transparent and accountable alarm response

Be wary of using oth­er guard ser­vices noto­ri­ous for slow, inef­fec­tive response. Even when their guards even­tu­al­ly respond, a lack of mean­ing­ful reports will leave you won­der­ing if a guard was ever at your prop­er­ty. With Pre­mi­um Guard Response, you receive detailed reports that give you action­able infor­ma­tion about your prop­er­ty. Plus, guards’ vehi­cles fea­ture on-board map­ping and track­ing, ensur­ing all alarm respons­es are ver­i­fi­able and account­able.

5) Premium Guard Response supplements police response – it doesn’t replace it

Remem­ber that police will still be dis­patched as usu­al for all ver­i­fied alarms and pan­ic sit­u­a­tions. Pre­mi­um Guard Response sup­ple­ments this response by hav­ing an inde­pen­dent, licensed guard inspect your prop­er­ty after an alarm inci­dent, regard­less of how quick­ly police respond.

6) A guard service that provides true peace of mind

With­out any guard ser­vice, your prop­er­ty could be at risk. A break-in could hap­pen, and you won’t even know about it if the police choose not to respond. With Pre­mi­um Guard Response, you’ll have peace of mind know­ing that a licensed pro­fes­sion­al is com­ing to inspect your prop­er­ty when your alarm is trig­gered.

Learn more about Premium Guard Response.

Con­tact us today for more infor­ma­tion on Pre­mi­um Guard Response from PROTECTION PLUS.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.