If you are going on vaca­tion, it’s espe­cial­ly impor­tant to take some proac­tive steps to pro­tect your home.  Here are a few things to make your home appear inhab­it­ed, and foil poten­tial bur­glars. Enlist the help of trust­ed neigh­bours, fam­i­ly and friends. Here are some things you can and should do to keep your home safer.

Vis­it your Post Office and have all your mail, fly­ers, and deliv­er­ies held until your return.  Hire a ser­vice or friend to cut your grass, and main­tain your yard.  Make friends with your neigh­bours, ask them to put one of their garbage con­tain­ers in front of your home on col­lec­tion day and park a car in your dri­ve­way peri­od­i­cal­ly.

Leave a radio on, and put a main floor TV on a timer to come on each day at dusk and go off at nor­mal bed time. If you have a garage, make sure the garage doors are locked, and win­dow blinds closed. If you have pow­ered door open­ers, shut the pow­er off to the open­ers for bet­ter secu­ri­ty.  Have your out­side lights on motion detec­tion.

While it is excit­ing to go on vaca­tion and it’s nor­mal to want to talk about it…avoid talk­ing about your vaca­tion plans with strangers or ser­vice peo­ple. Avoid post­ing on social media that your are away.  If pos­si­ble use your work address for lug­gage tags so han­dlers won’t know your home address.

If you have an alarm sys­tem, nev­er can­cel or sus­pend your phone ser­vice with­out con­sult­ing with your alarm com­pa­ny about how this might affect your ser­vice. Insure your con­tact list is up to date with cur­rent phone #’s, includ­ing the emer­gency con­tact peo­ple list­ed.   It nev­er hurts to remind peo­ple that they are on your call list for the mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion.  If you don’t have an alarm sys­tem now might be the time to con­sid­er one!

Bon voy­age!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.