Safe­ty and secu­ri­ty are top pri­or­i­ties in our schools. As stu­dents head back to class this fall, admin­is­tra­tors and edu­ca­tors are faced with the evolv­ing chal­lenge of pro­vid­ing secure access to autho­rized per­son­nel and guests, while keep­ing unau­tho­rized peo­ple out of the build­ing.

Main­tain­ing secu­ri­ty has nev­er been sim­pler with today’s access con­trol sys­tems for schools, main­tain­ing secu­ri­ty has nev­er been sim­pler. In this blog post, we look at 6 ways these sys­tems can increase safe­ty across the entire school dis­trict.

1) Simple, secure access for teachers and staff

track who’s in the schoolThere’s no longer a need to con­stant­ly redis­trib­ute keys or spend resources on com­pli­cat­ed key man­age­ment. Today’s access con­trol sys­tems for schools allow your teach­ers and staff to enter the build­ing with elec­tron­ic key fobs, key cards/badges or even their smart­phones. With some sys­tems, you don’t even have to remove your phone from your pock­et. This makes entry a lot smoother, more effi­cient and more secure.

2) Track who’s in the school

Access con­trol sys­tems make it easy to mon­i­tor who is enter­ing the build­ing and when. This is espe­cial­ly valu­able for sit­u­a­tions in which you need to know who was in the school dur­ing an inci­dent such as theft, whether it hap­pens dur­ing the school day or after hours. In emer­gency lock­down sit­u­a­tions, it also helps to make sure all per­son­nel are account­ed for.

3) Safe access for parents and guests

safe access for parents and guests

Dur­ing the school day, most schools are locked to pre­vent access from the out­side. This is also true for many preschools and day­care cen­ters, which remain locked at all times for even greater secu­ri­ty. So how do par­ents enter to drop off or pick up their kids? With access con­trol sys­tems in place, par­ents can enter the same way as oth­er autho­rized per­son­nel: with key­less fobs, cards or by enter­ing their per­son­al code on the key­pad.

4) 2‑way communication

Two way communicationAccess con­trol sys­tems can also be inte­grat­ed with inter­com sys­tems and video cam­eras to allow for easy 2‑way com­mu­ni­ca­tion between guests and per­son­nel inside the school. This is use­ful for deliv­er­ies or oth­er sit­u­a­tions in which par­ents or guests do not have a key fob or code.

5) Track attendance

If desired, your entire stu­dent body can have key cards to ensure that no unau­tho­rized per­sons are enter­ing the school. In addi­tion to the enhanced secu­ri­ty, this also pro­vides a sim­pler means of track­ing atten­dance and hav­ing record of who was in the build­ing at any giv­en time.

6) Multi-room / building management

multi-room management

Access con­trol isn’t lim­it­ed to a sin­gle exte­ri­or door. These sys­tems can be used to con­trol access through the entire build­ing or even the entire dis­trict. For exam­ple, sci­ence teach­ers may need spe­cial access to rooms where chem­i­cals are stored. Approved per­son­nel can use the same key fob, card or device to access these rooms as they use to enter the school. The same goes for admin­is­tra­tors who need to trav­el to dif­fer­ent schools dur­ing the day. Man­ag­ing access is sim­ple, allow­ing per­son­nel to be grant­ed approval for dif­fer­ent build­ings or rooms with just a few clicks.

Learn more about access control systems for schools

Find out how your school can ben­e­fit from an access con­trol sys­tem from PROTECTION PLUS. Con­tact us today for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.