A com­mon mis­con­cep­tion about home secu­ri­ty sys­tems is that they aren’t ide­al in homes with pets. Some peo­ple mis­tak­en­ly assume that their dogs or cats will acci­den­tal­ly trig­ger the alarm. But this is not true – for sev­er­al rea­sons.

Home secu­ri­ty sys­tems work in any home, whether you have a sin­gle pet or a house­ful of ani­mals. These sys­tems pro­vide an invalu­able lay­er of pro­tec­tion, keep­ing your fam­i­ly safe from var­i­ous secu­ri­ty dan­gers, such as bur­glary, home intru­sion, fire and oth­er threats. In addi­tion to ensur­ing a swift response to emer­gen­cies, these sys­tems also help to deter crim­i­nals from tar­get­ing your home. So there’s no rea­son you should bypass this pro­tec­tion just because you live with pets.

The mis­con­cep­tion about pets usu­al­ly stems from mis­un­der­stand­ing how home secu­ri­ty sys­tems work and the tech­nolo­gies avail­able today.

Here’s what you need to know.

1) Motion detection is not a required feature.

pet-friendly motion detectorRight off the bat, it’s essen­tial to under­stand that your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem does not need motion detec­tion. It’s option­al. The foun­da­tion of your alarm sys­tem will like­ly be door and win­dow con­tacts, which will acti­vate the alarm if they’re opened while the sys­tem is armed. The con­nec­tions can go on every door and win­dow, if you pre­fer, to pro­tect every entry point. So hav­ing pets inside the home is irrel­e­vant. The door and win­dow con­tacts detect entry, not move inside the house.

Should you add motion detec­tion?

We do rec­om­mend it for fam­i­lies who want to have max­i­mum peace of mind that they’ll be alert­ed to any activ­i­ty in areas where there shouldn’t be. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant if the fam­i­ly trav­els fre­quent­ly or the home is often vacant. Addi­tion­al­ly, if there are many valu­ables inside the house or high­ly secure areas where there should rarely be move­ment, those would be good rea­sons to con­sid­er motion detec­tors.

But even with motion detec­tion, you still don’t have to wor­ry about pets. Here’s why…

2) You can bypass zones where your pets are.

pet-friendlyIf you want the added pro­tec­tion of motion detec­tion, you still have con­trol over the areas where move­ment is detect­ed.

Your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem can be con­fig­ured into “zones,” allow­ing you to enable motion detec­tion only in the rooms or spaces where it’s need­ed. For exam­ple, you can bypass these zones if your pets pri­mar­i­ly roam your liv­ing room or a base­ment area. This will turn off the motion detec­tion in these areas while pro­tect­ing the oth­er rooms.

How­ev­er, bypass­ing zones isn’t your only option regard­ing motion detec­tion …

3) Pet-friendly devices are available

pet-friendly security camerasToday’s motion detec­tion devices and secu­ri­ty cam­eras are more intel­li­gent than ever. You can install pet-friend­ly sen­sors that can dis­tin­guish between sus­pi­cious activ­i­ty and the move­ment of your pets.

This allows you to main­tain the high­est lev­el of secu­ri­ty through­out any area of your home with­out wor­ry­ing about your pets trig­ger­ing the alarm.

Learn more about our pet-friendly alarm systems.

Con­tact us at PROTECTION PLUS to request a no-oblig­a­tion secu­ri­ty sys­tem con­sul­ta­tion today.

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Mike Wedmann
Mike Wedmann is an experienced Security Industry Professional with over 25 years experience as a Security Integrator and Project Manager. Mike has been with Protection Plus Inc. for over 20 years. Mike has lived in the greater Toronto area for over 25 years with his wife, 2 kids and a dog named Bart. He has an educational background in Communications and writing. Mike is a published author that writes about his experiences on various topics, including his experience as a parent. Primarily Mike writes about Security Industry products and Security Solutions that benefit consumers.