Our fam­i­lies are cor­ner­stones of our lives and their pro­tec­tion is of the utmost impor­tance. This espe­cial­ly rings true in regards to our chil­dren. While we do what we can to ensure their safe­ty at all times, there is more we can do to keep them safe. It is nev­er too ear­ly to start a dis­cus­sion with our chil­dren to teach them about safe­ty and secu­ri­ty. The fol­low­ing are some great safe­ty tips that our chil­dren need to know regard­ing keep­ing them safe at home and out in the world:

  1. There is safe­ty in num­bers- Teach your chil­dren from a young age that there is safe­ty in num­bers. Imple­ment­ing a bud­dy sys­tem so that your child is nev­er unac­com­pa­nied can increase their lev­el of safe­ty.
  2. Con­sid­er a loca­tion device- While we may teach our child about safe­ty in num­bers, inci­dents can still occur. There is always a chance that your child may wan­der off when you are out and about so you may want to con­sid­er a loca­tion device. These devices have GPS that can allow you to locate your child should they go miss­ing.
  3. Dis­cuss pass­words- With tech­nol­o­gy rapid­ly advanc­ing, our kids are grow­ing up in a cyber age. This means that they will have access to var­i­ous accounts through the use of a pass­word. It is impor­tant to remind your chil­dren that they need to cre­ate strong pass­words that are dif­fi­cult to crack and they should pro­tect these pass­words.
  4. Speak­ing of pass­words…- Your fam­i­ly should cre­ate and use a secret pass­word or code in the event of an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion. If a sit­u­a­tion should arise where your child feels uncom­fort­able, they should be able to use this secret code with you.
  5. Teach them about strangers- When the time comes to leave your child at home alone, it is impor­tant to teach them about strangers. Make sure that they know to keep the doors and win­dows locked at all times when they are at home alone and to nev­er open the door to strangers. Cre­ate a safe house in the neigh­bor­hood that they can go to if there is a seri­ous prob­lem.
  6. Make sure they know how to work your alarm sys­tem- If your child is at home alone or even with a sit­ter, make sure that they are aware of how to work your home alarm sys­tem. Teach them the code to dis­able it or how to trig­ger it in the case of an emer­gency.
  7. Trust your gut- Encour­age your child to trust in their gut feel­ings. If they feel uncom­fort­able or sense dan­ger, teach them to acknowl­edge these feel­ings and make the nec­es­sary moves to be safe.
  8. Call 911- Define emer­gency sit­u­a­tions to your child and tell them to call 911 if they feel their sit­u­a­tions war­rant it. Con­sid­er doing a role-play so your child feels com­fort­able call­ing 911 should they need to.

When advis­ing your chil­dren of the pre­ced­ing safe­ty tips, it is impor­tant how exact­ly your approach the top­ic of safe­ty. Be sure that you aren’t giv­ing them any stress or anx­i­ety about “stranger dan­ger” but rather are edu­cat­ing them about safe­ty. Reas­sure them that for the most part, peo­ple are good, but they just need to be aware of how to stay safe.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.