Ever won­dered what thieves look for when they case a neigh­bour­hood for an easy tar­get? Most like­ly it will be an emp­ty house with weak and unpro­tect­ed entry points that are out of gen­er­al sight. Make your house the one that thieves quick­ly pass over by employ­ing the fol­low­ing strate­gies:

Make It Look Like Some­one Is Home

This is one of the most impor­tant tricks for keep­ing bur­glars away. Thieves intent on a rob­bery don’t want any com­pli­ca­tions – they just want to grab the stuff and run. Hav­ing to deal with home­own­ers is a huge risk and deter­rent for them. So, fake a pres­ence in the house. Park a car in the dri­ve­way and keep the lights on inside and out­side of the house.

Invest in a timer that will turn the lights on as dusk approach­es and off in the morn­ing. And use the timer to turn your tele­vi­sion on and off as well. Lights on and tele­vi­sion or radio noise make it look like there are peo­ple in the house who can call the police or block the rob­bery in some oth­er way. If you are leav­ing for an extend­ed vaca­tion, have some­one pick up your news­pa­pers and mail. Noth­ing shouts loud­er that the house is vacant than a pile of dai­ly news­pa­pers on the porch and an over­flow­ing mail­box.

Fore­warn and Deter With A Sur­veil­lance Sys­tem

Invest­ing in a home sur­veil­lance sys­tem not only hin­ders a break-in by trig­ger­ing an alarm and fright­en­ing the bur­glars away, but the secu­ri­ty sys­tem sub­scriber yard signs and win­dow stick­ers are an effec­tive way to change thieves’ minds about even attempt­ing to tar­get a pro­tect­ed house in the first place.

Place the signs in the most vis­i­ble areas of your front lawn, as well as on the sides and the back of your house. Know­ing that the house is pro­tect­ed by a home secu­ri­ty sys­tem will make the thieves turn around and look for an eas­i­er tar­get. Dou­ble up that warn­ing pow­er with anoth­er trust­ed post­ing, BEWARE OF DOGS, and you’ll like­ly fend off even the most des­per­ate and expe­ri­enced thief.

Don’t Tempt The Thief

Close up shades and drapes to keep your house­hold items out of view. You don’t want to tempt the thief with your expen­sive items vis­i­ble from the street. As they say, bur­glary is a crime of oppor­tu­ni­ty, and spot­ting expen­sive elec­tron­ics in your liv­ing room could just prompt a thief to act.

And if you went on a shop­ping spree (this being the hol­i­day sea­son and all), make sure to keep the pack­ag­ing of your pur­chas­es bro­ken down into small bun­dles when thrown to the curb so labelling is not vis­i­ble. A car­ton stamped with Acer Fer­rari 1100 lap­top in front of your house could be quite tan­ta­liz­ing to a thief.

And although you might be tempt­ed to brag to your friends about your upcom­ing fab­u­lous vaca­tion, nev­er announce your com­ings and goings on social media. Many bur­glars use Twit­ter, Face­book and oth­er social media plat­forms to tar­get prop­er­ties. Wait until you’ve returned from your trip to claim your brag­ging rights with pic­tures and posts.

Make House Entry Points Vis­i­ble and Pro­tect­ed

Large trees, bush­es and shrubs do improve your property’s curb appeal, but unfor­tu­nate­ly, they also make your house attrac­tive to thieves by offer­ing them cov­er and cam­ou­flage. Trim any high and over­grown foliage so that your home’s doors, win­dows and porch­es are eas­i­ly vis­i­ble to passers­by.

Con­sid­er invest­ing in sol­id wood or Steel-wrapped wood core doors and dou­ble-glazed win­dows. Old hol­low-core doors can be eas­i­ly kicked in, and glass is very vul­ner­a­ble to a break-in. Dou­ble-glazed win­dows are more resis­tant to impact, and in addi­tion, they will keep your house qui­eter and bet­ter insu­lat­ed.

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Mike Wedmann
Mike Wedmann is an experienced Security Industry Professional with over 25 years experience as a Security Integrator and Project Manager. Mike has been with Protection Plus Inc. for over 20 years. Mike has lived in the greater Toronto area for over 25 years with his wife, 2 kids and a dog named Bart. He has an educational background in Communications and writing. Mike is a published author that writes about his experiences on various topics, including his experience as a parent. Primarily Mike writes about Security Industry products and Security Solutions that benefit consumers.